Fairy Winner

Chapter 1899: Looking for, Xiantian

"It's going to be a journey together, I will call you a little trick from now on?"

Zhou Shu stared at the Lucky Beast and asked in a low voice, the Lucky Beast nodded slightly, seemingly no objection.

"Okay, take a break first."

Zhou Shu smiled and accepted the small move into the Universe Bag. The Lucky Beast traveled through the world, and it was not a problem to live in the Universe Bag.

He had to put it away, Zhao Yige's eyes full of resentment, he couldn't bear it, and there were a pair of jealous eyes behind him, shining, condensed on the small move, and never left.

Lucky beasts are indeed lovable, and no one doesn't want it.

Hua Lin shook his head slightly, not without envy, "Brother Zhou has gained as soon as he comes, it is worth the decades we have been inside."

"Hehe, you each enlighten the Dao and advance your cultivation, do you still care about him?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and said slowly, "Two brothers, Qingque and I are going to find something, don't let it go, see you in Lingyucheng."

Zhao Yige and Hua Lin nodded together, "Well, we will also leave soon, and drink at that time."

Several people separated quickly and went separately.

Zhou Shu explored the divine sense and searched around on the fourth heaven. This is a place where sacred beasts may appear, and perhaps there is hope to find good spiritual things. And the fifth to the eighth heavens are either resting or resting places. It is impossible to find out when the aliens gather.

Zhou Shu's divine consciousness is comparable to great power, and the blue bird is not bad. Using the soul road, she can use the power of the monster beasts to temporarily control them to help search.

I only searched for dozens of days and found nothing.

Almost turned the fourth heaven over and found countless spiritual materials, but none of them were what they were looking for.

"Let's go, don't look for it."

Zhou Shu shook his head and flew towards the next heaven.

Qingque followed closely, and said warmly, "Don't be disappointed, we will definitely find it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Of course, there is no chaos here, it is impossible to find it there."

"Yes, I will look for it with you."

Qingque put down some heart, and said with a sense of feeling, "The Guixu Secret Realm is really good. It is worthy of being one of the best secret realms. It has a lot of aura and is full of strange beasts. I stayed here for ten years. For a hundred years outside, if you are lucky, it is not surprising to improve your cultivation base in a short time."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, but it sounds a bit strange. These days I have discovered that there are many spiritual objects that I have seen last time, but they were only thousands of years ago, and this time they have been thousands of years... …It has only been a few decades, and the changes have been so great, and not everything has changed. Only some spiritual things have changed, and most of the alien beasts are still normal."

Qingque stagnated, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Yes, I feel very strange, but if you think about it carefully, if this is not the case, then after many explorations in the Guixu Secret Realm, there will not be a few things left, and only new resources will continue to be produced. In order to maintain the situation of returning to the market for a long time, I don't understand what is causing this. Can I selectively increase the maturity speed?"

Qingque thought for a while and shook his head, "I can't think of it...Don't worry, you can always think of it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I think so too, but I shouldn't be in the Xuanhuang world at that time."

He faintly felt that this should be related to the law of time, but it was too weird, and he could not understand it now.

The two went all the way, the fifth day, and passed quickly.

There are still a lot of alien races in it, and they seem to be reborn. The alien races that were killed before seem to have reappeared. There is not much difference. There is a feeling that it is unclear whether it is illusion or reality, but Zhou Shu will not delve into this aspect. , Things you can't understand, just save it for later.


"This is the door to all the wonders you said, and I will also feel it."

Walking to the door, Qingque sat down quietly, with a pious heart.

After only sitting for a while, he stood up and shook his head, unable to conceal the disappointment, "I have passed those shackles and broken them. There is nothing more profound about the soul road."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Elder Baixiao is not good at Soul Dao, and the world of immortal cultivation is almost the same now. To go further, you can only rely on yourself."

For the monks who have already enlightened the Tao, the "gate of all wonders" here does not have much value, but for those who have not enlightened, it is a great opportunity.

"Then let's go and see the demons."

Disappointment flashed by, and Qingque walked towards the next floor.

Zhou Shu stared at her and said warmly, "Let's take a break. This is a good place to recover. You haven't taken a break these days."

"When I find it, some have time to rest."

Qingque shook his head and walked firmly into the door. Zhou Shu stopped slightly and immediately followed.

The dark green earth and dark red sky are filled with blood and stench everywhere. This salty sky is like hell.

Qingque was startled, "Is that so?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, if the demons occupy the Xuanhuang Realm, then the Xuanhuang Realm will become like this."

Other alien races also slaughtered humans, but for the Xuanhuang Realm, at most they would destroy the spiritual veins, while the Demon Race would turn the Xuanhuang Realm into a complete hell, and humans and other races could no longer survive on it.

"Then only kill!"

With a whistle~www.ltnovel.com~ the blue bird turned into a blue bird and swept into the nearest demons.

Go all the way, fight all the way.

In front, there is a large pool of blood, thousands of them.

Three of them are particularly huge, and surrounded by many small ones, the stars hold the moon.

The depth of the blood pool is unknown, the blood can't help floating and sinking, the countless alien races appear from time to time, like rotten floating corpses, like rolling maggots, the sound of waves surging, the sound of grinding teeth sucking blood, the sound of twisting and entanglement, endless in the ear, this pair The scene is a bit scarier than the worst nightmare that can be done.

The blue bird stood still, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

She perceives that the powerful aura is hidden in these blood pools, that is no worse than herself.

Finally I'm going to meet my opponent.

"Where is the mouse!"

In the huge pool of blood, a fountain of blood surged, and the ugly and tall figure slowly appeared.

The three blood pools, the three Demon Races in the crystal phase, stood up almost at the same time.

The three people have different appearances, a single-eyed giant, a double-horned bull head, and a three-eyed horse face. The same is the stern and disdainful gaze, the ferocious laughter, and the endless magical energy.

As the three demons stood up, the surrounding blood pool seemed to boil, all boiled, and countless demons crawled out of it.

"The magic crystals are dark, and they are all demons who are close to the soul-pouring stage.

"Shu, let me come alone."

"Be careful."

Zhou Shu, who was behind, just nodded, with a hint of worry in his heart. These three demons were stronger than the first time they saw him.

Qingque whispered, gritted her silver teeth secretly, and rushed straight up.

In an instant, it was submerged by the boundless sea of ​​blood and disappeared.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~) 8)

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