Fairy Winner

Chapter 1906: Analysis, more

Xuanyuan Jianshi unfolded, and soon the wind rested quietly.

Dozens of refining corpses were nowhere to be seen, and the body was completely turned into dust, disappearing in the wind.

The old man is no exception.

He didn't use that weird power anymore, maybe not.

And the cultivation base of Jiuzhongtian, in front of Xuanyuanjian's law of life and death, only blocked a few more times.

Different from other corpse refiners, when he completely died out, a thick gray mist overflowed. The evil spirits on his body were much more than others, and they did not dissipate instantly, but drifted quickly. Go, towards the center of the city.

"Don't catch up and take a look?"

The Demon Refining Pot was a little excited, "I guess the answer is there, maybe..."

"No hurry, you can always find it."

Zhou Shu shook his head, put away the Xuanyuan sword, and quietly hid into his sword realm.

The realm is already a truly powerful means. Although it cannot be moved, people who do not understand the laws of space are unlikely to find Zhou Shu and the realm. Resting in it will not be disturbed by the corpse refiners. Unfortunately, The consumption was too large, but it was all provided by the Demon Refining Pot, so Zhou Shu didn't need to worry.

Seeing Zhou Shu fall down, Qingque and Caiying immediately greeted them.

"Ah, are you hurt?"

At a glance, they saw the wound on Zhou Shu's body, and the two women screamed together.

Caiying rushed forward, with some crying voices, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you have not been injured in a long time, how can this be, is that the **** old man! I am going to beat him!" She couldn't help shining light, resentful, and wanted to fly out.

Qingque returned to her calm, without saying a word, her eyes were full of concern.

Zhou Shu caught Caiying, knocked her on the head, smiled and said, "With a little pill, you will soon recover, it takes less than a quarter of an hour."

"One quarter of an hour……"

Qingque's mind was shocked. She and Zhou Shu were training in Huamisi Lake. She knew how strong Zhou Shu's physique was. No one in the world of immortality can match him. It would take him a quarter of an hour to recover from his wounds. With pill, this is already incredible.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, you won't get hurt again."

Caiying said anxiously, "Really?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Of course, next time I will be more careful. This time it is just an accident. I will take a rest."

Those corpse refining are really not easy to provoke, and Zhou Shu consumes a lot of money, but if it is not for better experience and gaining the lost exercises, it can be easily taken down. As for the weird power, after touching it once, it is very It's hard to be recruited anymore, if you don't block it, can't hide.

Sitting quietly on the sea, while recovering, while talking about the outside situation, while expelling the power.

There was no foreign enemy, and in his own realm, he concentrated on driving out, a little bit of squeezing, and finally forced the three strange forces out of his body.

Without the interference of strange forces, under the action of the pill, the wound quickly recovered at a visible speed, the broken tendons and veins automatically reconnected, and the flesh and blood began to regenerate. It didn't take long for it to recover as before without any scars.

The weird force was like hair, and he couldn't help twisting, at a loss.

"Are these guys hurting you? Let's see if my palace kills them!"

Caiying stared at them, screaming in anger, and the Azure Nightmare Sword flew up and was about to cut it over.

"Don't mess around, Caiying."

Zhou Shu hurriedly blocked it with a solemn expression, "These forces are of very high rank, and I can't refine them. If I let them get out of control, I am afraid that my realm will be broken by them."


Caiying stagnated, and put down the sword in a serene manner.

Qingque stared at them, seemingly thoughtful, "Shu, do you think it is Xianli? I don't think anyone has Dao power higher than you, and it doesn't seem to have any evil aura."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It may be, but you can't tell from the breath. You can't perceive the real breath of power higher than yourself."

"Hmm..." Qingque nodded lightly, "What should I do, just leave it like this?"

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Look for a while, come together, be careful."

Of course, it was not just watching. They used various powers to obliterate and consume it, and the results were similar. At most, they could only move a few times to change the direction, but the strange power itself did not decrease.

Qingque's expression gradually sank, "It won't be consumed for so long, indicating that our power has no effect on it, and it shouldn't belong to this world."

Caiying echoed in a low voice, "Yes, yeah, Xuanhuang Realm shouldn't have this kind of power at all, it's terrible."

"Indeed, now I can be sure that it won't be a force from the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhou Shu was quite solemn, "Whether it is Dao power or divine power, as long as it is in the Profound Yellow Realm, I can consume a little, but it does not consume at all. The rank is so high and the source is not in the Profound Yellow Realm. It may really be. Xianli."

Regarding this strange power, the general laws in the Xuanhuang Realm do not apply, which can only show that this power does not belong to the Xuanhuang Realm.

Caiying tilted her head and whispered, "How come there is fairy power? Is Xianli the power of immortals?"

"You can always find the answer here. Go out first."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, disappeared the realm, and the three of them appeared in the secret realm again~www.ltnovel.com~ The three strands of power left the realm, and immediately disappeared. Even Zhou Shu didn’t notice it. It was How did it disappear.

It is really weird, beyond the scope.

The three of them just came out, and after a while, there was another figure in the city about to move, and it could be seen that they were corpses controlled by evil spirits.

Those killed before are only a small part, there are more to follow.

Thanks to the blessing of the evil souls, their perceptions are even more acute than they were before they were alive.

With this perception, every monk who enters the eighth level of Guixu will be constantly attacked, even if he has a high level of cultivation, he will not be able to withstand it. In the end, he will become the same kind of corpse refiners and ruin the next one who comes in. Monk.

Of course, Zhou Shu had also spotted them early. According to his detection, there were at least a thousand corpses in this city, all of which were transformed by cultivators who had crossed the Tribulation Realm with the seventh level or more, including a small amount of demon and brutal cultivators.

For tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many high-ranking cultivators have entered the Guixu market, and now they have all turned into corpses and become servants of evil souls.

If you don't solve them all, I am afraid it is impossible to learn the secrets of the eighth heaven.

Looking at the corpse refiners who were approaching, Qingque unconsciously lowered her head and sighed, "I knew this was the case, I won't come in and drag you back."

"do not think too much."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "You have no choice but to meet a natural enemy, don't care, you go in, I will be back soon."

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand shone cold again, and he was full of fighting spirit.

These corpse refiners wanted to swallow them, and Zhou Shu also wanted to get enough things, experience, magic tricks, magic weapons, everything from the corpse refiners.

He is confident that he will grow to another height after experiencing these battles.

This experience is unique, and no one can have a second time. 8)

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