Fairy Winner

Chapter 1908: Regret, fallen dragon

It took more than a month in a flash.

Zhou Shu has been sitting there forever without ever moving.

Every day Caiying talks to Qingque about Taoism and cultivation, it is also considered comfortable. It seems that Xiangru does not exist, but Xiangru also has no sense of existence. The stone statue stands like Zhou Shu, staring at it. Looking at the city, it seems thoughtful, but only occasionally adjusts the interest rate.

On this day, Xiangru slowly turned around, arched his hands, "Congratulations, Brother Zhou."

In the process of turning back, Zhou Shu just opened his eyes and smiled slightly, "Thank you."

The same seems to be thoughtful, "Divine light is looming, and it seems that I have gained a lot."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, with a trace of regret in his eyes, "I have a little bit, but I missed the opportunity and I will talk about it next time."

Not as wishful, he did not enter the desired state of enlightenment, and Shu Zhidao did not make much breakthrough.

It wasn't that there was no breakthrough. He had obtained many lost tactics and was compatible with many Dao. Shu Zhi Dao was much stronger than before, but it was still a step behind him.

In this Xuanhuang world, Shu Zhili may be the most complicated power. This is determined by Zhou Shu’s own talent for calculation and deduction. No matter what kind of magic tricks or powers they encounter—as long as they are within the cognitive range— Shu Zhili can find the advantages and disadvantages, attack the shortcomings, avoid the shortcomings, and then simulate and create, and the way is still applied to the other, the blue is better than the blue, until the opponent is defeated, this is Shu Zhili can go without any disadvantage s reason.

This is good, but because of this, Shu Zhili is too complicated and difficult to be transparent.

Turning complexity into simplicity is the goal Zhou Shu has always wanted to achieve, so that more people can learn Shu Zhidao. It is no longer limited to the threshold, and simplicity does not mean that it is not strong. Flick, the Wanjun Piyi, the effect will only be better.

He has been working hard and has made great progress. He began to accept his disciples to teach. He thought that this experience could break through the final shackles and make Shu Zhidao approachable, but unfortunately, after the accumulation, the qualitative change did not occur, and it was still a little bit worse.

There won’t be many opportunities like this. If you miss this time, you have to wait for the next time. I don’t know how long it will take.

"You are too harsh on yourself."

Xiangru unconsciously shook his head and sighed lightly, "If the cultivators are as strict in self-discipline as you, it is not surprising that the Xuanhuang Realm falls into your hands."

"Isn't that the case?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said seriously, "In order to survive, everyone in this world is the same, not just the cultivator."

"I don't know, but our Dijiang Clan is definitely not like this, haha."

Xiangru smiled, very helpless, turned around slowly, looked into the distance and said, "Brother Zhou, if you let me out, I am afraid it is not just for me to guard it? First, you don’t need it at all. Second, I I don’t see any threats coming to you."

Zhou Shu slowly got up and walked to him, "Then what do you think it is?"

Xiangru paused, and said solemnly, "It's for this city."

Zhou Shu stared at him, and said, "Brother Xiangru, please tell me."

He seemed to think, "How do you determine that this city is related to our Dijiang clan?"

"I'm not sure, just a little bit."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "In the past Xuanhuang Realm, your Dijiang Clan had great divine power and were revered as gods. It was one of the few divine beasts that could compete with the Dragon Clan at that time. There were many admirers, and there were not many immortals in the time. The Emperor of Humanity has not yet appeared, so countless humans have come to your side to seek your protection. For this reason, people have built several huge cities. Please settle in and enshrine you, and hope that you will protect you. they."

He pointed to the distant city and said slowly, "Those cities are magnificent and magnificent. They are all miracles created by mankind. Unfortunately, they all died out in the war. They are only recorded in ancient books. I don't know much, but I have a feeling that this city should be one of them, or it was caused by imitation of later generations."

"I have to say, Brother Zhou, you feel very right."

Xiangru nodded and said in a deep voice, "Yes, this city is one of the four cities of Dijiang, the Fallen Dragon City."

"Falling Dragon City?"

An exclamation came from behind, "It is rumored that the dragon tribe had suffered a big defeat in Beiluzhou. Under human resistance, the seven dragon tribes died overnight. Among them, the Dijiang tribe helped the mankind a lot. One of the worst defeats the dragons have experienced, and after that big defeat, the reputation of the Dijiang tribe really spread all over the country, and it was admired by humans. People built a city where the dragons died, called Fallen. Dragon City."

This rumor is recorded in many ancient books, and it can be regarded as one of the few glories of humankind in ancient times.

Zhou Shu also stagnated. He thought that this was an ancient city of humans, but he didn't expect it to be such a famous Fallen Dragon City. What's more, he didn't expect that Fallen Dragon City didn't die, but was moved to a secret realm.

Zhou Shu is far from it.

He can refine Dongtian, and he can also refine some small secret realms, but such a huge project can't be done yet.

You can only think about it when you reach the Mahayana state.

"The girl still remembers these."

Xiangru turned around, smiled and saluted, only with a little helplessness in the smile~www.ltnovel.com~ That was a long time ago. "

In the past, the Dijiang tribe was respected by humans as gods. It was not unreasonable. It did some things for mankind. However, with the rise of immortal cultivators, many divine beasts such as the Dijiang tribe and the dragon tribe are still immersed in the glory of the past. Fighting, fighting with each other, making enemies on all sides, and finally failed to achieve a good result, humans became the masters of the Xuanhuang world.

"It turns out to be Fallen Dragon City."

Zhou Shu understood, "No wonder the formation here is very different."

Xiangru faintly said, "At that time, you had very few immortal cultivators, and there were not even a few kinds of Dao. What formations could be deployed? Not only the formations, but the defenses and even the buildings inside were basically arranged by our Dijiang clan. , You humans are just doing something, relying on these, you humans can..."

At this point, he paused and sighed slightly, "It doesn't matter if you mention it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Say it, I won't care, these are facts, and humans at that time were very weak."

Xiangru shook his head, "It's useless to say more, it's meaningless."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, seemingly thoughtful, "Xiangru, are you familiar with this city?"

"Not very familiar, after all, time is too long."

Xiangru slowly said, "However, most of the formations and some hidden mechanisms are still remembered. If necessary, I can help you explore them, but I cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents."

"This is enough."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and nodded, "Come with us, like brother."

After cleaning the corpse, it was natural to explore the city.

Countless cultivators have lost their lives here and become corpses. Zhou Shu will not repeat the same mistakes. He wants to find the treasures here, discover where the evil souls are, bury them, and return them to the secret realm as they are. 8)

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