Fairy Winner

Chapter 1910: Purple Tower, reappear

"Here, I found it!"

Caiying yelled, her face full of joy.

Qingque hurried closer, glanced down, and stretched out his thumb, "I can find it this way, I admire you."

"Call me Lord Palace Master."

Caiying smiled and said, "How can I say that this palace has followed him for many years, and I still have some confidence in the magic array, hehe, you can find it no matter how deep it is hidden."

When they got here, the two women both sensed the unusual aura of origin. Obviously, there is probably a superb spiritual thing here.

Qingque searched for several times and didn't find it, but was found by Caiying. Who could have imagined that there are several phantom formations hidden on the seemingly smooth road, one by one, with excellent cover-ups, and there are monks outside who are not careful. The several layers of organs arranged-they can't find it, and they don't want others to find it.

After breaking the formation, a purple spiritual creature was completely revealed.

Flowers and grasses, clumps of grass and leaves blooming like petals, one layer on top of the other, the color goes from light to dark, the center stretches out two pagoda-like stamens, straight up, the stamens are like beautiful jade, with purple bands. Red, crystal clear, exuding an attractive fragrance.

It looks perfect, not like a spiritual thing, but more like a delicate artwork.

But it is obviously a spiritual thing, in which the vast original aura is suffocating, and it is even more dense than sitting in the eighth-order spiritual vein.

Qingque's eyes lit up, "Purple Tower!"

Caiying was stunned, "What is the Purple Tower?"

Staring at the spiritual creature, Qingque couldn't hide her excitement, "The best of the eighth rank, the superb spiritual creature, the world of immortality has not appeared for more than 10,000 years."

"Can you make up for Shou Yuan?"

Caiying was also excited, she remembered their purpose for this trip.

The green bird stagnated, and shook his head unconsciously, "No, the Purple Pagoda improves the aptitude and strength of the soul. It can raise the cultivator's soul aptitude to a level close to that of a natural soul, and can accommodate more soul and psyche, comparable to a hundred The body of the soul, but without the shortcomings of the body of a hundred souls, can be said to be hard to find in the world. It is a treasure that no one wants to get, but it cannot improve the lifespan."

"It's a pity."

Caiying shook her head, and quickly put a smile on her face, "Follow him, it would be nice to have good things. Qing, you can put it away first, and when you see Zhou Shu and show him, it will surprise him, hehe."

"He might not find this kind of treasure either."

Qingque smiled slightly, and took out the Purple Pagoda carefully. He kept looking carefully, and said, "This purple pagoda is at least fifty thousand years old, and it is older than the city lord. If you take it out, it will even be able to In exchange, Kunlun will come to grab it, but unfortunately, it has been sealed here all the time, and no spiritual wisdom can be born."

She has a good taste here, but Caiying left early and went to the other side.

After recovering, he hurriedly shouted, "Caiying, wait for me, don't run around."

Caiying chuckled, "I didn't run around. We've all explored here. It's time to change direction. Where should I go? My palace listens to you."

Qingque put away the purple tower and thought for a while, "Let's go over there, there should be fewer traps."

After a lot of hard work, I don't know how many agencies have been through, and both of them are a little tired.

"My palace is tired..."

Caiying took a breath, "It's so hard, huhu, I didn't think before, it turns out that I am so tired from exploring and exploring."

Qingque smiled slightly, "It has always been like this. How can it be that you are not tired? So many traps must be cleared, and the formation must be cracked. It is strange that it is not tired. I didn't think it was because he was doing these things. ?"

"Yes, I don't seem to be doing anything."

Caiying tilted her head and thought for a while, a little embarrassed.

"Take a rest," Qingque said warmly, "By the way, do you need an elemental stone or a spirit stone?"

"No, I'll be fine when I return to the sword in my palace for a while, Qing, remember to wait in my palace," Caiying shook her head and was about to return to the sword of the blue nightmare, but when the green light flashed, she froze again, and her figure again Emerged.

Qingque doubted, "What's the matter?"

Caiying's eyes flashed, "My palace has sensed that breath again, it must be something useful to my palace, it seems to be there!"

"Then let's go take a look, but be careful, you are behind me."

Qingque nodded and immediately raised her spirits. Caiying said that something attracted her before, which caused the four to separate. Fortunately, she kept up with her. Now she has to do it again, but it's a big trouble.

"Hehe, Qing you are so kind."

Caiying smiled happily, as a child caught the corner of the blue bird, quietly following behind.

Feeling being relied on, Qingque also had a trace of satisfaction, and he carefully looked around and became extra cautious.

After turning around a few institutions, it suddenly became clear that what appeared in front of the two women was a palace.

"It's still the one?"

Caiying stagnated, the palace was the one that separated the four, there was no difference.

It is square and square, with golden light, not big but gorgeous and exquisite, and the lines on it are extremely special. It should belong to Fallen Dragon City alone and has not been seen anywhere else.

Strangely, the direction of the palace door was the same as before, facing the two of them. She was puzzled and looked around for a while, "Strange, this is not where we have been before?"

Qingque was rather solemn, "Absolutely not, but this palace is the original one, there is nothing wrong with it."

Things are a little weird. After going round and round, people are no longer where they are~www.ltnovel.com~ but the palace has appeared again.

It's as if it can move, and it came to them on purpose.

Caiying blinked her eyes, seemingly thoughtful, with a little hesitation. Of course she wanted to go, but she didn't want to take another risk and drag the blue bird, even if the aura inside was very attractive to her, and she didn't want to affect other people.

"Hopefully, this time, it won't happen the last time."

As if seeing her thoughts, Qingque smiled and said warmly, "Caiying, since it's here, let's go in and take a look."

Caiying whispered, "Qing, aren't you afraid that something will happen again?"

Qingque shook her head and said seriously, "I'm afraid that I won't get anything. You are so sure that there is something useful to you. How can you miss it?"

"Green, or hello!"

Caiying yelled happily, jumping and jumping, "If it were him, he would definitely have to say me again, hehe."

"Come on, be careful."

Qingque smiled, with rare gentleness, and walked towards the palace with Caiying.

The two were close to each other, holding hands, and taking a step would take dozens of breaths, cautiously lest they encounter any traps.

However, this time is really different.

There was no longer any formation mechanism to hinder him, and he walked smoothly to the palace.

Standing at the door, Caiying pointed to the inside of the palace and shouted with excitement, "Qing, do you feel that breath?"

Qingque sensed it carefully for a while, and shook his head, "No, there is a lot of aura inside, but I don't feel anything special, maybe it's hidden deep?"

Inside the city, there is a lot of restriction on divine consciousness, but if you can't perceive it at such a close distance, it should be a spiritual object of little value. Of course, it's just for the immortal cultivator and different for others.

"It doesn't matter, let's break the battle."

Caiying couldn't wait, a sword of light flew out and went towards the palace. 8)

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