Fairy Winner

Chapter 1912: Wait, **** iron

"So, the evil soul is below?"

Looking at the pool water, Xiangru's face was solemn, and she could not think of such a crisis hidden in the calm water.

"should be."

Zhou Shu nodded, seemingly thoughtful, "I'm still wondering why I can't perceive any traces of evil spirits all the way, because they are all here."

After entering the eighth heaven, the monks came here, contaminated with the pool water, or the vitality around them, unknowingly affected by the evil souls, and gradually transformed into corpse refiners. If it weren't for Zhou Shu's carefulness, I'm afraid it is similar. It will be so.

But it's no wonder that there are evil souls hidden in this pool, but they can't be seen from the outside, and they can't be detected by Zhou Shu's spiritual sense.

Xiangru asked suspiciously, "Why didn't the evil soul come out?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "This is what I was thinking about, and I don't understand."

Why does the evil soul hide in the pool water, since it has become an evil soul, and there is no one in this secret realm, wouldn't it be better to come out? It's easier to swallow a monk. There is no need to use traps at all. It is even possible to use the power of a monk to escape from the secret realm and go to the Profound Yellow Realm to mess up all beings. Why hide in the pool and slowly affect the monk and devour the soul? It is not in line with the identity of Evil Soul to give up everything.

Looking at the pond, he slowly said, "If you want to find the answer, you have to go down and have a look."

Xiangru stagnated, "You really want to go down, but below..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "We must go down."

Now that he bears the name of the emperor of humanity, he should be regarded as contributing to mankind. Is there any reason to be immortal in the face of evil spirits? He had already killed an evil soul, and he was not without experience, even though the evil soul here was much stronger.

"Yes, it's coming, how can you not find out? All right."

Xiangru turned to Fallen Dragon Pond, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, with the spirit of giving up his life to accompany a gentleman.

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously and nodded, "Don't worry, wait for them to come."

I waited for more than 20 days.

"Brother Zhou, don't you really need to look for it?"

Xiangru had a trace of doubt, "It's been too long, they won't be trapped, right?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly with a calm face, "It's okay, just use this time to think about things."

Xiangru nodded and didn't ask much.

Said indifferently, but he has been paying attention to Qingque and Caiying, and will use the eighth sense to detect it every once in a while.

The two women were indeed trapped, very tired, and even suffered several injuries, but they were not life-threatening. However, he believed that they could get out of trouble with their own strength instead of relying on him, and the gains would be even greater. More valuable.

Many more days passed.

In the distance, one person with one sword was slowly walking over.

His appearance was haggard, but his steps were firm, and his face was even more excited and joyful.

Zhou Shu looked at them from a distance with a satisfied smile.

"You are here."


Qingque nodded lightly, and then sat down on the ground, seeming to have lost all strength, but the smile on the corner of her mouth remained undiminished.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "What good has happened?"

"Great thing!"

With a flash of green light, Caiying jumped out of the sword and shouted, "My palace..."

He paused without saying a word, the green light on his body also flickered, like a candle that would be extinguished at any time, and the lamp died out.

Zhou Shu had already arranged it, and two white mists flew out of his sleeves, completely enclosing them.

The strong vitality that does not need to be transformed allows them to quickly recover.

"Qing, show him quickly, our harvest!"

Just after recovering a bit, Caiying screamed impatiently, Qingque smiled and nodded, took out a few things from the bag and placed them in front of Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu's gaze fell on an item and was immediately attracted.

It was a square metal block. At first glance, it was a very ordinary mineral material, but the color was a little special, with mixed blue and black.

But if you look closely, you will find the difference. The blue and black are all changing, constantly changing positions, just like the undercurrent and undercurrent of the seabed, the blue is the moving ocean current, and the black is the undercurrent vortex.

Zhou Shu was surprised, "This is..."

"Heaven Sea God Iron!"

Before I could say it, Caiying had already shouted out loud, with a lot of pride, "It was Qing who told this palace, don't you know?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Actually I know."

"You know, don't you know how to find it sooner?"

Caiying's face changed suddenly, and she said angrily, "Don't you know what it is for this palace? Humph, you don't care about me at all!"

Zhou Shu didn’t get angry either, and continued, “This is the sea **** iron, it’s an important material for the Azure Nightmare Sword to be upgraded to the eighth level, but it’s not that I don’t look for it, but I can’t find it now, and refine the Azure Nightmare Sword. Like Minghai Iron, Minghai God Iron is not a mineral in the Xuanhai Realm. It is a hundred times more treasured than Minghai Iron. I think there must be none in the Xuanhuang Realm... You can find that it is really a great fortune, too God willing."

Qingque said warmly, "It was found by Caiying. She has always felt its breath, so we can find it."

"It's us!"

Caiying quickly corrected, "Without you, this palace is still in that palace."

"The Blue Nightmare Sword is originally made of Minghai Iron, so it can sense where the Minghai God Iron is. In fact, it has no breath itself, at least we immortal cultivators can't perceive it." Zhou Shu smiled and looked at the Minghai God Iron. "It’s great to have it now. I thought that the Blue Nightmare Sword can only be upgraded after being promoted~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn’t expect to be able to do it now, Caiying, you Going further."

"Call me Lord Palace Master."

Caiying turned her head, still as if she didn't want to care about Zhou Shu.

This underworld **** iron is the biggest gain they got from that palace. For this, they have done everything they can do, not to mention the hard work.

Heterogeneous iron outside of the sky, without the distinction of ranks, can see through aura vitality, and is very compatible with the cultivators of the Xuanhuang world. It has to be said that it is a real treasure, and it is even crowned with a god-given god. .

Its value is no less than that of Kaitian Stone.

The magic weapons made with Minghai Iron are at least Tier 6 or 7, and the highest quality is extremely likely, while Minghai God Iron may even hit the ninth level.

The ninth-order magic weapon is the ultimate magic weapon, the best magic weapon that a cultivator can refine, one point higher than the magic weapon of the heavens, and it is called a fairy product.

Qingque played round the field, "Upgrading Flying Sword, still need a lot of materials, what is it, let me see if I have it?"

"No need to."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I've already prepared everything else, now I'm on my body, as well as a different firearm furnace. Once the matter here is resolved, I can directly refine and upgrade, and... It's also easier to deal with, it's a chance."

"It's a chance, but also the result of your hard work."

Qingque smiled and nodded, looking at Caiying, "Look, he still cares about you, except for this, the others are already ready."


There was a voice of grievance, but Caiying, who turned around, was already smiling and happy.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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