Fairy Winner

Chapter 1943: 5 color air mass

"Zhou, I can't see you in my palace!"

Caiying shouted loudly, a little worried.

"Don't shout, I am here."

An air mass slowly emerged, still beside Caiying.

Caiying looked curious, "How did you do it?"

"It's not complicated, this boundless mist is just a good cover, you just..."

Zhou Shu slowly explained. After a while, Caiying nodded, as if she had realized something, "Is it that way, is it really possible?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "You'll know if you try."

I don't know how long it took, Caiying's body gradually disappeared, and I couldn't see it at all, and I couldn't perceive it. It was completely integrated with the surrounding fog.

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, admiringly, "You do better than me."

"Hey, of course, this palace is the best!"

With Zhou Shu's approval, Caiying shouted with excitement.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Don't bark, you will be discovered by others, and the communication method should also be changed, using body language."

Caiying was stunned, "Oh, what body language?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "We are always hidden, just close together. When you need to do something, use touch handshake or other ways to tell each other, for example, if I touch your hand, I want you to outflank the opponent. , To touch your head is to make you run, wait."


Caiying quickly agreed, very curious, "I can still talk like this."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Let's go, now we can rest assured."

After making better preparations, the two set out on the hunt again.

I have to say that the process went smoothly.

Hide, use your own advantages, find suitable opponents, continue to swallow and strengthen yourself, without encountering a single defeat.

I don't know how long it took. Both of them have grown a lot. Their bodies are about five times the size of when they first arrived. Of course, they are also covered with light spots. When they don't need to hide, they are colorful and look very beautiful.

From the endless battle, Zhou Shu also explored more laws in the secret realm.

There are five colors of light spots, white, blue, blue, red, and purple. The air masses with white light spots are the weakest, and the air masses with purple light spots are the strongest, which should not be underestimated.

In addition, there are five colored spots of light. Zhou Shu only saw it once, the one that was hidden and gave him the greatest deterrence. Other than that, he had never encountered it again. Obviously, such a strong one. Rarely.

The color of the light spot is not static. He saw with his own eyes that after an air mass swallowed the opponent, the light spot on his body changed from blue to red. Just like the cultivation and promotion, the air mass has also evolved and become stronger. Up.

However, the light points obtained by the looting will not change. The light points on Zhou Shu and Caiying have been robbed, and they have always maintained their original colors. This should be the reason why they are not natives of this world. It can use the opponent to become stronger, but without the light spot, it can't evolve into a higher-order existence, and can only capture those light spots and bring it with them.

From this point of view, the light spot roughly represents the origin of this world.

"If you want to find a spiritual object that can help Yangmei recover, you must defeat the air mass with the five-color light spots."

The answer is obvious. The air masses with the five-color light spots have the richest and best origins, and they are most likely to be what they are looking for.

"Zhou, Zhou, there is a purple one over there."

Caiying pulled Zhou Shu's arm with a hint of excitement.

Now their strength is very difficult to deal with a purple light spot, but there is also a certainty of success.

"Let's talk about it later."

Zhou Shu squeezed his hand to respond, not in a hurry, but to beware of the hidden powerful enemies.

Waiting is meaningful. After a while, in the darkness, a five-color light suddenly lit up.

The bright brilliance covered almost everything. Under the brilliance, it was a huge body, more than a hundred times that of Zhou Shu now, and the sense of oppression it brought was unparalleled. Even if they were far away, Zhou Shu and Caiying couldn't help it. The stagnation.

With a big mouth, he directly swallowed the air mass with purple light spots.

The purple light group struggled desperately, but it didn't have much effect. After barely fighting for a while, it was covered by the five-color light group and gradually disappeared.

"Fortunately, we didn't make a move."

Caiying held Zhou Shu's hand and jumped, still nervous, "Zhou, is it the same one before?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It's not like, if it is, it has evolved too fast."

There is a big difference in size. If it is said that this is its growth during this period of time, it is really incredible. If it grows like this, it will not take long before the light spots in this world will be swallowed up by it.

Even in a chaotic world without order, such a thing is unlikely to happen.

It should be an air mass with five-color light spots, not only one, but many more.

"Hey, why didn't he hide himself anymore?"

Caiying pointed to the five-color air cluster, wondering.

Zhou Shu was also a little puzzled, "I don't know, it looks strange."

The air mass exudes brilliance, in the dark night, like a beacon, you can see it from far away.

Caiying thought for a while, "Is he already strong enough and there is no opponent in it? Think about it, too. If the house becomes like this, you can walk sideways inside and do whatever you want~www .ltnovel.com~No matter how much you come, it’s all for my palace."

Zhou Shu seemed to be pondering, but did not respond.

It's not like that the air mass is wandering around, chaotic, as if unable to adapt to this situation, but also seems to feel some danger, and the behavior is flustered.

Zhou Shu and Caiying followed not far behind, also wanting to know why.

After a long time, the air mass stopped moving randomly, as if making some decision, moving in one direction at a very fast speed.

"Where is he going?"

Caiying subconsciously clenched Zhou Shu tightly.

Zhou Shu did not answer, but just continued to follow. He was very curious about this situation.

At this time, the air mass of the five-color light spots has reached the peak of evolution, and can no longer hide himself. Then, what will he do to continue to improve?

Immortal cultivators have cultivated to a certain level, and when they can no longer make progress in the Xuanhuang world, they must survive the final catastrophe, enter the sky, become immortals, and begin another stage of ascension, and the air mass in the chaotic world, will there be also Similar process.

I don't know how long the air mass is still flying.

There are a lot of variegated air masses on the road, but they are ignored, and should be no longer needed.

"Where are you going?"

Caiying is a bit tired, but Zhou Shu is still full of energy, because he knows that for him, this is very important.

First of all, it is related to his purpose in the chaos secret realm, whether the air mass of the five-color light spots is his ultimate goal, and it is also related to his understanding of Xiuxian and Shuzhi Dao. He has observed the promotion process of other realms earlier and opened up My own vision is of great help to Shu Zhidao.

Such an experience is definitely not something you can have in the Xuanhuang world.

Zhou Shu will not miss any opportunity to learn and increase cognition, no matter what environment he is in, what kind of danger it may have.

Hearing the road, Xi can die.

He has always done this.

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