Fairy Winner

Chapter 1949: not worried

Set his mind, the Demon Refining Pot said slowly, "It's very similar to the one I thought of, but I need to confirm it."

"Can't take it out."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "You can't get in, then take it to the demon refining world to see it."


The Demon Refining Pot was slightly startled.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Yes, just be careful."

The demon refining pot slowly nodded, sending the light spot into the demon refining world.

Outside, he has no perception, but in the demon refining world, he can do whatever he wants, even if he swallows this light, no one can stop it.

"Sure enough."

After a few breaths, the demon refining pot sent the light spot out, calmly and excited, "Zhou Shu, this is Jade Emperor Grass."

"Jade Emperor Grass?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, no impression in his memory.

The Demon Refining Pot said slowly, "One Jade Emperor Grass is equivalent to more than one hundred Queen Mother Peaches, so do you understand?"

Zhou Shu's eyes lit up, he didn't know what the jade emperor grass was, but he knew the queen peach, it was a rare spiritual creature that extended life for thousands of years.

The demon refining pot continued, "Jade Emperor Grass is also called longevity grass. There is a saying in the ancient times that'you will get longevity'. No matter the fairy or the spirit beast, after taking it, you can prolong the life of one hundred and eight thousand. In the year, there is no second kind of spiritual creature in the Xuanhuang Realm that can compare with it, even in the fairy realm, it is rare."

Caiying said immediately, "Then this, can you save Yangmei?"

The Demon Refining Pot seriously said, "It must be possible, no matter how much lifespan is missing, how much life origin is lost, it can be used to make up for it."

Zhou Shu picked up the light spot and calmly stared at the nine-petal jade emperor grass inside, but thoughts surged in his heart.

The hard work finally paid off, the chaos secret realm is not in vain, and the hanging heart can finally be put down. With this jade emperor grass, the bayberry can be restored to its original state. No, it should be the lifespan that is unparalleled in the Profound Yellow Realm.


Caiying cheered for joy.

Zhou Shu carefully put away the light spot, looked at the demon refining pot and said, "Thank you."

Lian Yao Ke looked humble, "It should be done."

Zhou Shu smiled, pointing to the remaining light spots, "Look at the rest, too."

"it is good."

The Demon Refining Pot picked up the light spots and visited them one by one. At first they were still shocked, but when they looked at it, they gradually became numb.

Each one is a unique treasure in the Xuanhuang world. It is hard to imagine that you can get so many at one time, but it is not surprising if you see more.

Dust falling spirit tree.

The ninth-order spiritual tree grows spontaneously with the sky and the earth. It has no flowers, fruits and roots, no more than three feet tall, and its branches and leaves are as luxuriant as an umbrella cover.

It has the effect of enhancing the vital energy of the original source, and can turn any level of spiritual veins into "ninth-level spiritual veins."

——Of course not a fundamental change.

Planting a dust-falling spirit tree on the side of the spiritual vein will make the spiritual energy on the side of the spiritual vein pure and immaculate, not stained with dust, and extremely close to the origin of the world. If the cultivator practices on the edge, there will be a species in the ninth-order spiritual vein. The feeling of practicing on the side, but if the spirit vein level is too low, the feeling will only last for a breath or even lower.

If it is planted on the edge of the seventh or eighth order spiritual veins, the duration will be much longer, which is also of great benefit to the cultivator.

This long extinct spirit tree will definitely be of great help to the Heyin School.

Water marrow.

It was a drop of milky white liquid, which seemed ordinary, and could not even feel the spiritual energy in it, but it was the source of the Ninth-Order Spirit Spring.

A drop of water marrow, as long as it is placed around a suitable spiritual vein, it will generate a spiritual spring, up to the ninth level.

Of course, the time required is also very long, perhaps ten thousand years or more.

If it is taken directly, it can transform itself into a water spirit body.

The water spirit body is an unimaginable special physique. The body can change into various forms of water at will. Whether it is fog, ice or water, it can move freely in any place with water and control the surrounding water sources. Simply put, It is the legendary water god, and there is almost no negative effect, and it will not affect the normal cultivation of immortals.

This is a hundred and thousand times stronger than the talents such as "water affinity" obtained when the immortal cultivator builds the foundation.

However, Zhou Shu didn't plan to use it, it was unnecessary, and it was wasted its function.

He will keep the essence of the water in the Heyin Sect. Even if he leaves in the future, he can leave the best spiritual spring for the Heyin Sect. As a foundation for the future, even if there is no ninth order, there is an eighth-order spiritual spring. I can also train countless outstanding disciples.

"I really admire you."

When the Demon Refining Pot learned of the decision, he could only admire.

I changed anyone else, except Kunlun, I am afraid that they would not make such a choice, but Zhou Shu never considered it.

"And this earth marrow, I will give it to you."

After hearing Zhou Shu's words like this, the Demon Refining Pot was not only admired, but also inexpressible gratitude.

Earth marrow is similar to water marrow.

It is the extreme of soil travel, from which endless soil full of spiritual energy and vitality can be born.

The cultivator will also get the earth spirit body after taking it.

And for the demon refining pot that is expanding the demon refining world, there may be no more suitable treasure. With this soil marrow, the demon refining pot can easily create a large area of ​​spiritual soil in the demon refining world, and cultivate More creatures will strengthen the world of refining demon.

Zhou Shu looked calm, "The most suitable for you, of course it is yours."

Of course he has carefully considered it, and it is not unreasonable to leave it to the Holland Pie, but there are many problems.

If both the earth and water are left behind, can the Heyin School bear it?

This blessing may be too big, not to mention the competition that comes from it, even if the Heyin faction itself, I am afraid it will cause endless troubles, it is better to keep only one, from the end, for the cultivator, Greed is not a good thing, it violates too many natural rules.

And if you hand it over to the Demon Refining Pot, the Demon Refining Pot can benefit, why can't you benefit?

The demon refining pot is always in his own hands. The power of the refining pot is more beneficial to Zhou Shu. In the future, it will be of great use in the heavens and the immortal world, why not do it.

"It's a pity that there is no fire."

It is a pity that Zhou Shu wants fire more than Tushui.

Firemarrow is not like others. If you don't take it, you need to cultivate to see its effect. It can be used directly.

The marrow of fire, which is equivalent to the ninth-order different fire, can burn through even the wind, whether it is used to refine magic weapons or to deal with the enemy, it has a great effect ~www.ltnovel.com~ and more importantly, according to The demon pot said that according to the rumors, the marrow of fire is closely related to the power of the sun. If you get the marrow of fire, Zhou Shu will be able to better understand the power of the sun and get the real power of the sun. It's not just simulation.

With the power of the sun, you can also practice the Huoman Bible, and even get the approval of the artifact universe.

It can only be said that it is a pity.

However, there are also some meanings of lack of greed, Zhou Shu quickly faded away. If you can't get it, then don't think about it.

Speaking of the five elements are all special products of the Xuanhuang world, and the marrow of the five elements is also the product of the beginning of heaven and earth, it is not surprising to get it in the secret realm.

(Ps: Thank you for the support of Void Survival, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~ The weather is too hot, pay attention to your body~)


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