Fairy Winner

Chapter 1968: Sword Master

"I won."

The real person Tianxuan said slowly, only the words were not proud, but there was a bit of bitterness.

Zhang Qin immediately saluted, "Then I really want to congratulate the real person, for the complete inheritance of the swordsman, the heavenly swordsman will shine."

"Shout out?"

The real person smiled faintly, "Hehe, it's impossible, if it was tens of thousands of years ago, it would be possible, but now, the use of inheritance is not big."

Zhang Qin questioned, "Why is that?"

The real person didn't answer, but looked at Zhou Shu, and seemed to wait for Zhou Shu to answer again.

He always used this method to test Zhou Shu, but he didn't know what thoughts he had.

Zhou Shu knew his intentions and thought for a while, "After so many years, Jianlu and Tianjianmen have fought more than 10,000 times. In these competitions, you know the kendo of both sides very well. Even if you didn’t see the inheritance with your own eyes, it’s almost the same. Get the sword intent of the sword in the inheritance, in fact, now, you no longer need the part of the other party's inheritance, you already have what you should have, you are all the actual heirs of the sword saint, and what you lack is just a status."

"Good point."

The real person nodded with satisfaction, "In the beginning it was for inheritance, but the later battle was more like a habit that became natural. It is not a bad thing for both parties. Instead, it can confirm each other's kendo, mutual progress, Tianjianmen and Jianlu , I also hope that this state will continue. As for the reputation of the Juggernaut successor, after so many years, it may not be important."

"That's it."

Zhang Qin seems to have realized, "Indeed, nothing can understand each other better than fighting against each other, but why does the real person end up again?"

The real person stared at him and said slowly, "Because of you."

"because I?"

Zhang Qin stayed, "What does this have to do with juniors?"

The real man said calmly, "Zhang Qin, did you follow Guiguzi's order to investigate the Liyuan Mansion?"

Zhang Qin stopped slightly, but only nodded, "Yes."

The real person slowly said, "That's why you came to the Heavenly Sword Gate. You suspect that the Heavenly Sword Gate is related to Liyuan Mansion."

Zhang Qin's face was slightly condensed, and he said frankly, "Since the real person knows, the juniors only have to say clearly, I found a clue that has something to do with the Heavenly Sword Gate."

"Thousand Magical Sword Art, right?"

The real person nodded, "You have been looking for someone who knows Thousand Illusion Sword Art in the Heaven Sword Gate."

Zhang Qin was surprised and nodded, "Yes, how does a real person know?"

The real man said indifferently, "You can read human minds, and others can read your minds. Didn’t Guiguzi tell you? Mind reading skills must not be abused. If your opponent is stronger than you, mind reading will fail, and if your opponent is stronger than you Too much, not only will the mind-reading technique fail, but the opponent will understand your heart, and even affect you and control you in turn."

Hearing this, Zhang Qin was already in a cold sweat.

He understands what the problem is. He has used mind-reading technique on real person Tianxuan, of course, he must not know when using it, it is facing real person Tianxuan.

If he had known it earlier, he would definitely not dare to use it. As the real man said, mind reading does have a counter-effect, but he would never have thought that the real Tianxuan would hide among the disciples and elders who were completely inferior to him.

"Xie Zhen is magnanimous."

He saluted very sincerely.

He knew very well that if the real person did something to him at that time, the consequences would be disastrous, and the real person Tianxuan definitely had a reason to do it.

The real person Tianxuan waved his hand, and said slowly, "The Thousand Illusion Sword Art is the sword art of the part of the inheritance that Tai Shi Shang took away, that is, the unique knowledge of Jianlu. In the process of constant fighting, the Heavenly Sword Gate has also gained For this kind of sword art from Jianlu, Tianjianmen can learn it, but it will never teach it to others, and the swordsmanship that Jianlu gets from Tianjianmen will not be taught to outsiders. The established rules between Jianlu and Tianjianmen haven't changed for tens of thousands of years, and no sword repairs have violated them."

He glanced at Zhang Qin and said in a deep voice, "The person you are looking for is from Jianlu, not the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Zhang Qin nodded softly, "The junior understands, I'm sorry to disturb the Heavenly Sword Gate before, the junior will go to Jianlu to look for it.

"No need to go."

The real person slowly said, "Last month, the sword master of Jianlu came here and sits at your position."

As the real person looked at this side, Zhang Qin was shocked and couldn't help standing up.

The real man looked away, his expression was calm, and he seemed to be muttering to himself, "The old man has fought him many times, he is both an opponent and a good friend, so he asked him if the Thousand Illusion Sword Art was passed on from him, Jianlu What does it have to do with the Great Pillar Kingdom of Liyuan Mansion? If the people in Jianlu are involved in the problem, then solve this problem as soon as possible. Anyone who has a relationship with Liyuan Mansion will not have a good result, even if the sword There has always been a gap between Lu and the Heavenly Sword Gate, and the old man does not want Jian Lu to have trouble because of this."

Zhang Qin nodded unconsciously, and looked at the real human Dao in admiration, "The real human said it is."

The real man continued, "He glanced at the old man and said slowly, how did you know? Seeing that his expression was wrong, the old man became a little wary. Fortunately, he couldn't start the Tao."


Zhang Qin's expression changed suddenly, "Could it be that the sword master of Jianlu is..."

"The old man doesn't know if it is. He didn't answer me with words, but with a sword."

The real man sighed slightly and looked into the distance, expressing regret, "You follow me."

The real person walked forward slowly, and the two followed behind him, bypassing a mountain ridge, and a shocking scene appeared before his eyes.

The rocks are full of brand-new scratches. Obviously, there has been a fierce battle. There are sword repairs on both sides, and there are remnants of sword intent everywhere. The sword intent is so powerful that it feels like death when touched. If it wasn't for Yingshan to be strong enough, even the Immortal Realm Jie Lei would be able to withstand it, and I was afraid it would have been crushed into dregs long ago.

The real person looked at Zhou Shu, "Human Sovereign, you should be able to tell the difference in sword intent here."


Zhou Shu glanced at him and slowly said, "Yes, there are many types of sword intent, but there are roughly two types, one is bright and magnificent, and the other is sinister and weird. I have never seen such a sword intent, completely compatible with evil spirits. Blending into one body is no different from evil souls. This kind of sword intent should only be possessed by evil cultivation."

"Sword Master of Jianlu, is the Palace Master of Liyuan Mansion?"

Zhang Qin's face was pale, and he couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of him, and Tianxuan was testifying, how could he not believe it.

"The old man is not sure ~www.ltnovel.com~ but he has a deep connection with Liyuan Mansion."

Master Tianxuan could not help sighing, and said slowly, "During the death fight, the old man asked him more than once if he was coerced or his mind was affected. As long as he tells the old man the truth, the old man will do his best to help him. The solution is that they are all descendants of the Sword Saint, how can he get him into such a situation... But he didn't say anything, just attacked the old man desperately."

Zhang Qin sighed with emotion, "For Xie Xiu, it is useless for real people to say anything."

The real person's expression gradually condensed, "This battle seems to be endless. We have fought countless times, but this is the first time in a life-and-death battle like this. It's just... the old man is somewhat invincible, but for some reason, he suddenly reveals A huge flaw..."



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