Fairy Winner

Chapter 1971: Damn damn

Start rushing.

The sword intent is very strong and solid, far surpassing the realm of Yi Nian Heaven and Earth, and there is a kind of evil aura that is similar to evil souls, which gives people a great pressure, but for Zhou Shu now, it is just like that.

What sword intent is there to resist Xuanyuan Sword?

It's just that it's underground, and it's a little tricky.

In about half an hour, the two of them went deep into the ground for dozens of miles. At this time, the sword intent around them was significantly weakened and almost did not pose a threat, but the evil aura became more intense.

Zhang Qin looked solemn, "Is it coming soon?"

Zhou Shu nodded, and Xuanyuan Sword in his hand made an arc of light. The land in front of him and behind him suddenly collapsed, revealing a deep passage.

Even in the ground, the passage seemed too dark, as if it was completely shrouded in thick fog and airtight, but at the end there were two dark red lights, which flashed from time to time, like a pair of eyes. Summon them.

The evil breath came out through the channel.

Both of them knew that most of the answers they wanted were in them.

"Brother Zhou, you have nothing to do with Liyuan Mansion..."

Secretly made a decision, but Zhang Qingang wanted to say something, Zhou Shu had already walked in.

"Be careful."

Zhang Qin didn't say much, and quickly followed.

The passage is not long, but the two walked for a long time.

It’s not about any mechanism or powerful force in the passage, but the atmosphere. It’s really gloomy and weird. It gives people a feeling of extreme depression and even feels like they’re no longer in the world. His mind is inevitably affected, even Zhou Shu has to Raise the spirit of twelve points and treat it wholeheartedly.

At the end, there is a hall with a prescription round one hundred feet.

The hall is hexagonal in shape, with dozens of white bone columns, and on both sides of the passageway, there are two strange-looking towers.

The tower is about ten feet high and five feet in radius. It is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. There are 13 floors in total. The tower is made of a bead less than a cent.

"These are all soul beads?"

Zhang Qin's figure was shocked and couldn't help taking a step back, "So much!"

Zhou Shu's heart sank slightly, and said slowly, "It's a soul orb, there are indeed too many."

Soul orbs, equivalent to the spirit stones of Xie Xiu, are condensed after Xie Xiu killed human beings and absorbed the soul. Each soul orb represents one or more lives. At least hundreds of millions of them are used on the tower. Soul orbs, and in this six-sided hall, there are two towers on each side, that is to say, there are at least several billion soul orbs.

"Damn, damn!"

Zhang Qin looked at the Soul Orb with almost bleeding on his face. He didn't get angry easily. He had never been angry in Guigu Mountain, but he had been angry many times here.


Who can not be angry?

Billions or even more lives are stacked here. They were once alive human beings, but they were killed by evil cultivators, drew their souls away, and then made them into soul beads. The sins in them are beyond contemplation. They are heinous and untold .

Moreover, what you see is only a part, and the evil cultivators use more.

For five thousand years, Liyuan Mansion has existed in the Xuanhuang Realm for five thousand years.

The moment Zhou Shu saw this, the killing intent in Zhou Shu's eyes was deeper than that of Zhang Qin. He had the idea of ​​completely destroying everything, but he quickly calmed down, "This should be the lair of Liyuan Mansion."

Zhang Qin's anger was hard to dissipate, clenching his fists, "Absolutely, except Palace Master Li Yuan, no one else can have so many soul orbs!"

Zhou Shu glanced at it and walked slowly towards the middle.

Right in the middle, there is a tall black altar, shrouded in smoke, it is not clear to see, only two red lights flicker from time to time.

After taking a step, he paused, staring at his feet, silent for a long while.

The ground is flat black jade, with a thick layer of black smoke hanging on the jade. As soon as you stepped into it, the black smoke engulfed and covered your feet. At this time, the whole body seemed to be heavily yoke on its back. Difficult to move forward.

Zhang Qinxian also noticed it, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Zhou, what formation is this?"

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "It's not a formation, it's a grievance that cannot be eliminated."

The soul orbs condensed by evil cultivators are not the soul fluid of the demon refining pot. Of course they are not "perfect."

But Zhou Shu had never seen it before. The resentment could be so strong that the thoughts that were supposed to be incorporeal turned into a stagnant swamp. Anyone who walks on it will be entangled in countless souls and cannot move.

Zhang Qin's heart was shocked, and he shouted to the ground, "We are in the wrong, and we are in debt. You are not looking for us."


Zhou Shu said slowly, "They are not conscious. To get rid of it, you must either make them scared or completely overdo it."

Only people who have no human nature and ignore life can make grievances and grievances scared. Zhou Shu can only be completely overpowered.

A puff of white smoke flew quietly from the sleeves and fell on the black smoke.

"What a heavy grievance!"

The demon refining pot couldn't help shaking, and after seeing the soul orbs around it, it was even more startled, "So many soul orbs, I haven't seen it in so long since I've been alive, it's probably five or six billion. This is where?"

"I'll talk later."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Can you refine it?"

"Of course there is no problem with soul orbs, but the number is really large," the Demon Refining Pot sighed again and promised, "These grievances are also okay~www.ltnovel.com~ It may take a lot of time if it is in the early years, but Now, it's a matter of a while."


As if thinking of something, Zhou Shu said again, "After refining, it will be scattered in the demon refining world, so you don't need to give it to me."

The Demon Refining Pot was a little confused, "This is a lot, you really don't want it?"

"Going to a New Territory can be regarded as over-saving. There will be no resentment anymore, and a new life may be born."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "As for these evil cultivation things, I don't want to use them, and I don't need to use them, but you have to pay attention, if there is important information in it, leave it to me."

The Demon Refining Pot said seriously, "Don't worry, if they are still conscious, I can definitely ask."

Zhang Qin couldn’t hear the conversation here. He could only see that more and more white smoke flowed out of Zhou Shu’s sleeves, gradually covering the entire ground, while the black smoke all over the ground gradually became the white smoke. Disappeared, and soon, no more resentment.

He looked at Zhou Shu suspiciously, not knowing what to say.

Compared with these gathered grievances, Zhou Shu's method of making them disappear makes him feel unbelievable. The grievances accumulated for thousands of years can be solved so easily.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Don't worry, I just superseded them."

Zhang Qin nodded repeatedly, "I know, how can I do it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and walked quickly to the middle, "Brother Zhang, take a look at this altar, it must be very important to put it here, maybe you can find something."


Zhang Qin stopped asking more, and then smiled.

This kind of concealment should not have been asked, but he suddenly understood a question, why Su Yi had to follow Zhou Shu, because following Zhou Shu, there are indeed many unspeakable benefits.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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