Fairy Winner

Chapter 1992: fair

Lin Qingjue stood up, showing some hesitation, "What the Sect Master said..."

"Lin Qingjue, what on earth do you think, still questioning?"

Li Chenyi suddenly started and yelled in a deep voice. Other monks also pointed and pointed, saying that Lin Qing was absolutely wrong, "Could it be that the lord will lie to you, whether this matter is successful or not, it will not be good for him. Only our cultivators are good, and even the world and the world have acquiesced. Do you want to oppose it?"

Lin Qingjue's expression changed slightly and frowned, "Sect Master, the juniors didn't mean that, the juniors didn't mean to question."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "What does Brother Lin think?"

"Tongtian Pagoda is blessed by heaven and earth. The younger generation has no doubt. If it weren't for this, the Tongtian Pagoda would not be successfully completed, and the fairy world..."

Lin Qingjue slowly said, "The Sect Master also makes sense. The Tongtian Pagoda is just a way to bypass the heavens and rise to the immortal. If there are not many people, and the pattern of the immortal world and the mysterious yellow world is not changed, the immortal world will probably not try to stop it. After all, the Xuanhuang Realm is the Mother Realm of the Immortal Realm, and no one has been promoted to the immortal for so many years, so there should be some preferential treatment."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "So, Brother Lin also agrees with Tongtian Tower?"

Lin Qingjue nodded, "Sect Master's move is for the benefit of the Xuanhuang world cultivators, and Kunlun has no reason to stop it."

"Scare me, I'm fine now, I'm all okay."

Song Songsong breathed a sigh of relief, and a lot of joy appeared on his face, "Sect Master, where is the Tongtian Tower on Penglai Island, can you show us?"

"Yeah, I want to watch it too."

For a time, many echoed.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's okay if you want to see it, but you don't have to rush for a while. How do you think the Penglai Island issue should be ended?"

Song Songsong repeatedly said, "This matter is extremely easy. Now that the furniture of the seven major sects and three major worlds is there, nothing is a problem, and it can be easily settled. What do you think?"

The rest nodded, "Exactly."

Yu Yixian said slowly, "Sect Master has made a decision, so that's it, I will definitely follow it."

Yu Ren nodded again, "Yes, whatever the lord said."

Zhou Shu said with a stern expression, "I must say frankly about the Penglai Island. What I said to you today, you must spread, so that every cultivator will know that Penglai Island is because of the construction of the Tongtian Pagoda and it is for the Xuanhuang World The immortal cultivators have the chance to rise to immortality before they will be attacked by the demons. Those immortal cultivators on the island also died because of this. In order to protect the Tongtian Pagoda, Penglai Island paid an unimaginable price."

"From today on, the rumors against Penglai Island and the Heyin School must be completely eliminated. I don't want to hear another word. This requires your joint efforts."

"Penglai Island and the Heyin School really gave everything for the Xuanhuang World, and no one can tolerate slander."

This is what he must insist on.

Only in this way can the city lord's reputation be preserved, as is himself, otherwise, no matter how much it covers, it will not be able to cover the world's leisurely mouth.

He didn't want to repeat what happened to the Emperor.

"This... we can definitely cover up the rumors, and the reputation of the city lord and suzerain will not be a problem."

Song Songsong smiled and said, "But the Sect Master, Tongtian Tower, we know it, why bother? Those cultivators do not know the truth, it is meaningless and will cause a lot of trouble. After all, it is the Tower of Tongtian."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Elder Song is worried that the number of people in the Tongtian Tower is not enough?"

Song Songsong's expression tightened, "The younger generation has no such thoughts."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's hard to say whether the Heavenly Sword Gate can have a place. What is the rush of Elder Song? Do you think everyone here can follow the Tongtian Tower to the immortal world?"

"Sect Master, aren't you?"

Song Songsong's figure trembled and his mind became unstable. Looking at Zhou Shu, he almost begged, "We, can't we use Tongtian Tower?"

Others are similar, looking at Zhou Shu, very nervous.

Zhou Shu continued, "You have to know that the Tongtian Tower was built for everyone in the Xuanhuang Realm, not for the great sect and the great family. In the past two thousand years, there has been no promotion to immortality, not only the great sect family, but also Other sects, and other races, they all have sufficient reasons to use the Tower."

"It should be so."

Yu Yixian nodded, "Sect Master thinks very much that if Tongtian Tower is only for a few people, it does not conform to the original intention of building Tongtian Tower. I think the reason why Xuanhuangjie Tiandi protects Tongtian Tower is to let everyone All have the opportunity to rise to the cents."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The layman said quite right, the Tongtian Pagoda is open and anyone has a chance."

The previous ventilation was still very effective, and the layman sang with him and solved many problems.

Song Songsong sighed unconsciously, "The Sect Master meant that the spot needs to be contested. What are the conditions?"

"No matter what the conditions, we can give it."

Miao Ruolan looked at Zhou Shu with extremely firm eyes, "Shu Shan urgently needs someone to be promoted to immortality, and I hope the lord will understand."

Zhou Shu gently nodded and said warmly, "Don't worry, Elder, I promised Elder Zhen that someone in Shushan will be promoted to immortality, and there is no need for Shushan to do anything."

Miao Ruolan bowed and bowed, full of gratitude.

"This...it's not fair."

Song Songsong looked at Miao Ruolan, suddenly unbalanced, "Sect Master, you..."

"Are you favoring one than the other?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I didn't. It's fair. You can get what you give. Before the alien invasion, Elder Zhen would rather die and touch the Nine Heavens Tribulation to eradicate the barbarians who were subjugated by the savage gods and gods. Without him, I am afraid that Nanzhanzhou has been invaded by a foreign race a long time ago. Elder Zhen gave up being promoted to immortality and went to death generously, so he was given the opportunity for younger generations to be promoted."

As he said, he turned to Miao Didao, "Similarly, Ci Hang Sect must have the opportunity. Before the aliens invaded, Miao Di Xian went to Beiluzhou to settle down in Yinshan Mountain, and he did not hesitate to kill him. The envoy of the witch has eliminated great troubles for the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is reasonable for Ci Hang to get a quota."

Looking at Song Songsong, Zhou Shu shook his head, his expression gradually sinking, "As for your Heavenly Sword, you only expanded your territory before the alien invasion, but after the alien invasion, they all shrank in the sect, turning a blind eye to the aliens raging in Dongshengzhou. , Tell me, why do you Heavenly Sword Sect get the chance to rise to an immortal?"

Song Songsong was a little nervous, his face pale, "The real person of Tianxuan is not there, no one is in charge, and the strength of our Tianjianmen is not enough..."

"It doesn't make sense to say this~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu calmly said, "Even mortals will fight to the last drop of blood for alien races, but you, as one of the six major sects, only care about your own foundation and step by step. Not going out of the Daqin Mountains is really disappointing. "

Song Songsong's face was completely pale, he was speechless.

Seems to understand something, the eldest grandson said slowly, "Sect Master, do you mean that if you want to get a place in the Tongtian Tower, you must kill more foreign races?"

Zhou Shu didn't nod or shook his head, "As long as you work for the Xuanhuang Realm, no matter if you are a cultivator or another race, you will have a chance to get a place in the Tongtian Tower. What is needed most now, I think everyone understands."

Everyone nodded their heads together. What is needed most now is to deal with the alien race.


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