Fairy Winner

Chapter 1994: guard


Song Songsong saluted, and the younger generation will prepare now and leave first.

Other monks also intend to leave. The goal is already there, of course, it is good to start implementation as soon as possible.

Zhou Shu smiled, Elder Song, don't you want to see Tongtian Tower?

Song Songsong's face tightened, and he quickly said, thinking.

Zhou Shu nodded, raised the golden Wushuang Ling, and placed it in front of him.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, and they didn't move.

Soon, a golden light flashed from Wushuang Ling, and in the light, a magnificent building appeared in front of everyone.

It is the phantom of the Tongtian Pagoda, through the interconnection between the city lord Zhou Shu and Wushuangling, the true appearance of the Tongtian Pagoda is fully revealed.

Everyone stared at the phantom, looking a little dumbfounded.

Song Songsong was a little surprised, is this the Tongtian Tower?

Li Chenyi seems to be thinking, I don’t know, but this is indeed a teleportation array, which is a bit similar to the teleportation arrays kept in Emei, but it is much more magnificent and more complicated. I don’t understand it at all, but this A teleportation array of hundreds of meters is enough to reach the sky.

Kunlun built the Tongtian Pagoda, a bridge between heaven and earth. The tower has nine floors, a height of 2,735 feet and a column of 9,999.

Changsun Youji nodded. Except that the Tongtian Pagoda built by the Sect Master was much smaller, it was no different from the Kunlun records.

In the eyes of Old Ji, it was the tower of Tongtian! In order to build this tower than our Ji family, the resources and energy that the suzerain has paid are countless, the old man has nothing to say except admiration.

Yu Yixian pointed to the phantom, curiously asked, Sect Master, is that you next to the tower?

Beside the Tongtian Pagoda, there stood a figure exactly like Zhou Shu, exuding a dignified aura, even if it was only a shadow of tens of millions of miles, it could be clearly felt here.

Zhou Shu nodded, it was my clone of heaven and earth.

The avatar of heaven and earth collects the essence of heaven and earth origin, and cannot be done without Mahayana.

Yu Yixian slightly jaw, this clone is placed here, that Penglai Island can be considered foolproof, even he can hardly destroy it.

Everyone knew that he was the Dao of Heaven and nodded one after another.

Lin Qingjue shook his head slightly, I couldn't see it.

Everyone glared at the past, only Zhou Shu smiled slightly. Brother Lin was right. The clone was to defend against the alien, but he who really guarded the Tongtian Tower paused, watching Lin Qing absolutely silent.

Yu people are quite puzzled.

It's the sword.

Lin Qingjue pointed to the top of the Tongtian Tower. If he guessed right, this is the artifact that was born a few days ago, right?

Everyone shook when they heard the sound and looked at the Tongtian Pagoda together. It was only then that there was a very small red line standing on the spire of the tower, vaguely like a sword.


Song Songsong's heart was shocked, as if thinking of something, could it be the artifact that appeared in the North Sea of ​​Mind some time ago?

Li Chenyi seemed to realize something, and Emei felt it too, but he was late and saw nothing but a huge sinkhole.

That day the pit was really big

Yu Yixian nodded unconsciously, the old man had never seen such a big pit, and it would have been impossible for him to create such a sight if the artifact had not appeared in this world.

That artifact is a sword? Did the Sovereign get it again? What is your name?

Miao Ruolan looked at Zhou Shu, in addition to shock, she was even more happy, congratulations to the lord, she received two artifacts one after another, which is definitely the destiny of heaven.

Song Songsong looked at Zhou Shu, with envy and greed in his eyes, and the Xuanhuang Realm added a new artifact. This is also a great happy event. Why didn't the lord say earlier, I'll wait and observe, when can I see it?

I didn't get that artifact.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly. It was obtained by Li Aojian from my lotus school. The artifact is predestined with him but not with me.




Everyone was shocked, and after the shock, there was more envy and hatred.

For Zhou Shu, they have completely accepted their fate. No matter how incredible things Zhou Shu did, they would all be regarded as destiny. There would be no waves in their hearts. They would just obey, but they learned that another person from the Heyin Sect had obtained the artifact. , The mood is completely different.

The appearance of a strong man in the small sect can be said to be an accident, but if one after another appears, it means that the sect itself is also the destiny.

The Holland School will inevitably become stronger, and their status will inevitably shake.

Even if Zhou Shu was gone and left the Xuanhuang Realm, the Heyin Sect was still very strong and would never be worse than them.

Staring at the sword in the Tongtian Tower, everyone was silent.

Zhou Shu looked at them, naturally understood their thoughts, with a slight smile, quite satisfied.

He calmly said, this sword is called Ling Tianjian.

Everyone was taken aback, huh? This name is very domineering.

It has the same thing as Tuntian Gourd. Could it be that this artifact also has a grudge against him?

The sky swallowing gourd was transformed by the horn of Ancestral Dragon, and it is said that that horn was cut off by him.

I don’t know the source of the artifact.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, but after the divine tool recognized the master, he took the initiative to fly to the Tongtian Tower to perform the guardianship.

At first, even Zhou Shu didn't know why.

Li Aojian said that Ling Tianjian was willing to follow him and flew away. He said that he would come to him again after the matter was finished. He didn't know what he meant and only let it go, so when Li Aojian returned to the Dutch School, he did not carry the artifact.

Then Zhou Shu got the news from the city lord.

The city lord said that a sword appeared to him inexplicably. After he saw it, he knew it was an unknown artifact. At that time, he thought it was the way of heaven to destroy the Tongtian Pagoda. He was very anxious, so he started his hand immediately, but where did he think, The sword drew out the word Shouta out of thin air, and then stayed on top of the Tongtian Tower.

The city lord did not speak no matter how to ask, he could only be vigilant day and night, and at the same time went to Zhou Shu.

After the two met, they realized that the sword that appeared in the Tongtian Tower was Li Aojian's new artifact.

After the two had a conversation, the city lord learned about Zhou Shu's process of crossing the catastrophe, and gradually understood it and felt relieved.

It seems that Xuanhuangjie Tiandi has acquiesced to the existence of Tongtian Pagoda, and even let the artifact guard the tower.

——The newly-appearing artifact of the Xuanhuang Realm will inevitably carry the will of the Xuanhuang Realm itself, and will fulfill the mission of the guardian of the Xuanhuang Realm. The Lingtian Sword appears in the Tongtian Pagoda and can only be instructed by the world of the Xuanhuang Realm.

This was the second indirect exchange between Zhou Shu and the Xuanhuang World, and the first time the Xuanhuang World helped him through the catastrophe.

The two exchanges were consecutive students, and it was difficult to distinguish one after another, and the meaning was obvious.

The new artifact ~www.ltnovel.com~ immediately guard the tower

Could it be that the reason for the emergence of the artifact is the Tongtian Tower?

It seemed that Xuanhuang World Heaven and Earth really wanted to confront him.

No one has been promoted to immortality for so long, and even Xuanhuang Realm can't help it. This time we have a big backstage.

Although Zhou Shu only said a few words, everyone understood the profound meaning contained therein, and unconsciously relaxed, showing joy.

Now, it can be said that there is no doubt at all.

(:Thank you Junjie Hao Xia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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