Fairy Winner

Chapter 1996: Penglai

The first great power in 20,000 years, the celebration held for this is an unprecedented grand occasion, so grand, no need to mention it.

And Zhou Shu's words last year at the celebration made the whole Lingyu City boil.

With the proliferation of those present, it didn't take long, four continents and four seas, and the entire Xuanhuang world was boiling.

As long as you kill enough alien races, you will have the opportunity to ascend to the heavenly pagoda. It sounds like a very absurd lie, but from the mouth of Da Neng, there are six major sects and strong guarantees from the great family. , Everyone, it's not right, all races should be convinced.

The Xuanhuang Realm was completely lively.

All sects and races all acted and formed countless demon teams to sharpen their swords to foreign races.

Everyone's eyes flashed with excitement, looking at the alien races that he had been extremely afraid of, it seemed as if he had seen the best treasure, no fear.

They used to fight against alien races to protect themselves, or to protect the Xuanhuang Realm, but now they are to achieve their ultimate goal of becoming immortal.

For such a goal, everyone can be desperate.

The aliens might also wonder, why they came to invade the Xuanhuang Realm, but how did they become prey to the door? Everyone is not afraid of death to come and kill us. What is the situation, shouldn't we hide in the sect and wait for us?

Because of Zhou Shu's words, an unprecedented chaos between heaven and earth is unfolding.

Whether it's good or bad, no one can decide, and no one cares, what else can you think about being able to rise to the immortal?

Even Zhou Shu didn't think about the consequences.

At this time, Zhou Shu left the Heyin faction early, went to Penglai Island, and exchanged places with his world clone.

Now Penglai Island is the top priority and cannot tolerate the slightest difference.


Zhou Shu pointed to the Xuanlin Jade Teleportation Formation, "Bring it, can you use it?"

Lin Zhu stared at the teleportation array, seemingly thoughtful, "It's really a mysterious scale jade! Qianji Island specifically mentioned that it could not be used to make the formation center, it is stable and comfortable, and will not be used. The people in the teleportation formation are harmed, and the original Tongtian Pagoda little girl can’t guarantee...but if you want to redo it now, I’m afraid it will take more time. Moreover, these mysterious scale jade seem not enough."

"There is one more."

Zhou Shu put up another one, "Is that enough?"

"Where did you get it?"

Lin Zhu was stagnant, unconsciously showing a lot of excitement, "Two should be enough, it just takes time, it may take a few more years, it would be a success in a few months, now the tower is only the last Several runes."

"No hurry, we still have fifteen years."

Zhou Shu smiled, "If you can change, you can change. It's best to be stable. You can't fail this time."

Lin Zhu nodded slightly, and looked at Zhou Shu with a bit of resentment, "Yes, who let you recruit so many people? Are you really planning to bring so many people to promote together? Many of them are not from our lotus school. , Will there be problems in the future?"

"Don't think too far, talk about things later, and..."

Zhou Shu seemed to have thought of something, and his expression gradually became calm.

Lin Zhu asked, "And what?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "I don't know, maybe I can't use this Tongtian Pagoda, and I may not go to the fairyland with you."


Lin Zhu was shocked and said anxiously, "Senior, don't talk nonsense, if you don't go, that little girl will not go!"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It's just talking, don't think too much, then watch it again, anyway, there must be no accident in the Tongtian Tower."

He has never planned to use the Tongtian Tower to ascend to immortals. The Tongtian Tower was built for them, so it would be good to send them all to the immortal world.

"Senior, just rest assured."

Lin Zhu nodded earnestly, "For more than a hundred years, the little girl promised that there will be no mistakes and no accidents. Seniors are here now, well, there is that weird sword..." She turned around and glanced at her. Somewhat confused.

"Why is it weird?"

Zhou Shu also glanced at Ling Tianjian, but didn't notice anything.

He had studied this artifact for a long time before, but he could not enter it or communicate with it.

This is not surprising. The artifact found its first owner, so naturally it would not pay attention to other people, and it would be impossible to communicate with the will of the Xuanhuang Realm through it.

Lin Zhu thought carefully for a while, hesitatingly said, "Now that it is there, the little girl won't be tired at all. She doesn't use the soul fluid for days and nights without rest, and... it seems to be deliberately guiding her. Like a woman, I rarely stagnate when doing things, and it's easier than before. Some troublesome runes, naturally, come out, there is a kind of... a kind of..."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Is there God's will in the dark?"


Lin Zhu clapped his hands and said, "It's almost like this, it helps a lot anyway."

Zhou Shu said slightly, "It's definitely not a bad thing, you don't have to think about it, Zhu."

The nascent artifact, the self-will is not stable enough, and more depends on the will of the Xuanhuang Realm. It seems that the Xuanhuang Realm has done something with it.

The Teleportation Array Tongtian Tower, etc., were originally born in the Xuanhuang Realm. It is not surprising that the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm knew the truth. Then, under the guise of Lin Zhu's hand, to improve or enhance the Tongtian Tower, it is not a bad thing.

As for whether it was a good thing, Zhou Shu couldn't understand it.

A dark shadow emerged from the two of them, and it was the city lord who swayed.

Lin Zhu looked at it and said distressedly, "You are a little haggard again, Xiao Mu."


The city lord nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ very helplessly, "I can only collect a portion of the essence every day. It seems that it will take a few years to complete. I blame Zhou Shu. If I come early, I can get ready earlier."

He was about to leave the Xuanhuang Realm. As the City Lord of the Founding Wood, he naturally wanted to extract the essence from his body and fill it into his new body.

This is what this little baby looks like.

Similar to transfer repair.

This is not easy to do, but as much as you can learn, it is related to the future of the immortal world. As for what you can't learn, you can stay in the Xuanhuang world, or you may give birth to a new spirit again, or a new foundation. wood.

This has a great impact on yourself. Every day, every time you absorb some essence, the power of the founding wood will weaken a little bit, until Penglai Island completely loses the power of guarding. Without Zhou Shu, the city lord could not do this. .

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Don't worry, what you do is that I will stay here for this period of time until you completely change, until the Tongtian Tower is completed."

The city lord snorted, "Nonsense, if you change at this time, I will let someone kill you."

"Little Wood is not afraid, I will protect you."

Lin Zhu approached, squeezed his face, smiling.

"Go, go."

The city lord waved his hand and was about to say a few words, but he suddenly stopped when he saw the Lingtian Sword on the Tongtian Tower.

He showed a bit of dignity, looked at Zhou Shu, and said, "Zhou Shu, do you know? This sword is a bit wrong with me."

Zhou Shu was stagnant, and quickly understood, "You are part of the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm, and it is considered a divine tool. Now you want to leave the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm, the origin of the Profound Yellow Realm may be unhappy, but don’t worry, I promise you I can leave.") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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