Fairy Winner

Chapter 2006: Battle

A few days later.

Sun Juan bowed his hands and bowed his salute, showing respect, "I have learned a lot from hearing the Dao for several days, thank you Sovereign."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I'm afraid you didn't listen much."

He could see all the scenes of Sun Juan listening to him. He was in a daze from time to time and was in a daze. He didn't even look at Zhou Shu, but looked at the birds and beasts around him. Thank you. Obviously, his mind was not on Zhou Shu's preaching.

Zhou Shu wouldn't mind, and not everyone listened to what he said.

Although, there is still a little bit of dissatisfaction.

Sun Juan stagnated, and his expression became more humble. "What the Sect Master said is that the lower cultivation level is insufficient, and he cannot understand the true meaning of the Sect Master's words. It is really shameful."

"It's not that I can't understand, but I don't want to understand. What you ask is contrary to what I said, and I don't want to listen too much if I change it.

Zhou Shu smiled and slowly said, "It's just that, I'm afraid I can't satisfy you anymore. I'm not good at the heart and the way you pursue. You are much better than me in this respect. I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it. what."

"it's not true."

Sun Juan shook his head, "Although the Sect Master didn’t talk about Xin Dao and Military Dao, when he talked about other Dao, there was more or less a shadow of Xin Dao Military Dao. I could clearly feel it, even if it was just a few words. The realm is also much higher than that of the lower one. As long as you get a little bit of it, you can benefit infinitely. Love, unfortunately, is stupid and unable to capture the true meaning of it. Therefore, it often shows sluggishness and makes the suzerain dissatisfied. In fact, it is not the suzerain’s words. not good."

Zhou Shu felt a slight shock in his heart, and his eyes gradually changed.

In any Tao he said, there are traces of the Tao of Shu. This is not surprising. The Tao of Shu has come from all kinds of Tao, but there are very few monks who can feel the Tao of Shu, unless they have learned Shu. People of the Tao of Zhi, and Sun Juan has not been in contact with Shu Zhi Tao, but he can perceive Shu Zhi Tao and discover the part of the Tao of the Heart and the Tao of War. This understanding can no longer be described as horrible. It is simply unique.

Zhou Shu slightly moved his jaw slightly, and said with emotion, "Senior Guigu, I have accepted a good apprentice."

Sun Juan shook his head quickly, "The Sect Master is absurdly praised. Compared with the Sect Master, he is too far behind the Sect Master. Master has always said that Xia Xia should learn from the Sect Master. Unfortunately, Xia Xia is still dull and disappointed the Master and Sect Master."

"Your chance is probably not here."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "By the way, what happened to the mortals placed in Guigu Mountain?"

"Living and working in peace and contentment, the lord can come and see at any time."

Sun Juan said thoughtfully, "However, the number of people now has increased by 30%."

Zhou Shu looked stagnant, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I missed my calculations. The mortal people always have to pass faster. There will be more than one generation every ten years. At that time, I said to stay for a hundred years. A hundred years later, those tens of millions of people will become more than 100 million, and you will suffer from Guigu Mountain."

Sun Juan smiled and said, "Don't worry, more can be accommodated, and these people are also very useful."


Zhou Shu pondered slightly, "Has what you have to do, is it done? Use mortals to resist foreign races?"

Sun Juan did not nod or shook his head. He only held up a jade plate with both hands and placed it in front of Zhou Shu, "Sect Master, this is a battle left before I came. It is recorded in this photo album. Sect Master can take a look. ."

The photo disk, the high-level application of the photo frame, can record images for a period of time and present them vividly in front of others.

Compared with the photo-taking picture, the photo-taking disc is very demanding and has requirements for both the producer and the user. It may not be possible for the spiritual consciousness to reach the tribulation state.

Of course, Zhou Shu and Sun Juan must be fine.

Zhou Shu opened the photo disk, and the scene of the two armies facing each other suddenly appeared in front of him.

On one side is the Raksha tribe, with about a thousand people, led by a Raksha general, and on the other side is a human, about hundreds of thousands. On the human side, except for the two golden core monks in the lead, the others are not cultivators. Those are ordinary mortals, but their physiques are stronger.

Sun Juan said slowly, "These two monks have spiritual roots in those people."

Zhou Shu was quite calm, "Don't tell me, this team of mortals killed a thousand Rakshasa by adding two golden cores, and there is also a Rakshasa general in the Rakshasa army who is equivalent to the **** of transformation? "

Sun Juan smiled, did not speak, the scene had already moved.

The mortal armies are unusually neat, each holding a sword in his hand, and his face is as firm as steel.

As the trumpets and drums rang, they all moved, shouting loudly, and marching forward.

More than 100,000 people shouted together, in unison, there was no mistake, as if a person was talking, the momentum was shaking, and the formation was not chaotic at all, like a moving Great Wall.

With such a formation, the Raksha tribe on the opposite side couldn't help but startled.

They had never seen such a well-disciplined army formation, but they were only taken aback. Those were all mortals, not to mention.

The Rakshasa rushed towards the mortals, scrambling to each other, there was no formation at all, maybe it was unnecessary.

The mortal army suddenly stopped.

When it came to an end, the army of more than 100,000 people stopped when they said it stopped, and no one made a mistake.


With a loud shout, it seemed like a thunderbolt, and the fields shook.

In the sky above the soldiers formation, an invisible light black mist began to spread out over every mortal's head.

Those mists gathered ~www.ltnovel.com~ and gradually became thicker, and they couldn't help tossing and rolling, like a dragon hanging above the army.

Zhou Shu looked surprised. The mist from the photo album could not be distinguished from the content, nor was it the power of Dao, but I could feel that the murderous aura in it was extremely strong. Hard to own.

The two Golden Core Cultivators in the lead saw the dragon, their eyes were hot, as if flames burst out.

Without any hesitation, the two jumped up, turned into two golden fireballs, and rushed straight towards the dragon.

The dragon, which had no eyes, immediately had eyes, golden eyes, brilliant and brilliant, like two suns.


There was another sharp roar.

The dragon flew up suddenly and rushed towards the Raksha army not far away.

Rakshasa will be at the forefront, with a look of disdain, leaping high, the five-foot-long stick in his hand smashed in the air, covered his face, and smashed the dragon.

The dragon doesn't dodge or avoids, just hit it!

Raksha shook his body wildly, revealing an expression of extreme horror, and after only a few breaths, he fell down and lost his breath.

There seemed to be no damage, but his mind was completely shattered.

The dragon also had only a tail, but that tail, which turned into a pale black mist, filled the Rakshasa army.

Rakshasa one by one seemed lost, with blank eyes, and panic.

Of course, mortals would not miss the opportunity, and immediately conceal the past and rush into the Raksha Army like a tide.

On one side, the formation was not chaotic, and the fighting spirit was endless. On the other side, the general was dead and chaotic. Even though the individual combat powers were hugely different, mortals gradually gained the upper hand with one hundred to one.

Not long after, nearly a thousand rakshas died, while the casualties of the mortal army were less than half.

Relative to the strength of both sides, this result is already an incredible victory.

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