Fairy Winner

Chapter 2014: 2 swords

In front of Tongtian Tower.

Li Aojian stood there, like a javelin, staring at Ling Tianjian on the Tongtian Tower, seemingly thoughtful.

Zhou Shu walked a few steps closer and smiled, "Lao Li, looking at you, don't you plan to use Tongtian Tower?"

"No need to."

Li Aojian said indifferently, "Like you, I will go to the immortal world by myself, and I don't plan to follow the immortal envoy to the immortal realm. These heavens and all realms are all-encompassing, and the immortal realm is not my goal."

He turned around and looked at Zhou Shu, with a confident smile, "One day, we will meet again."

"I believe it, waiting for you."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and said with a smile, "Actually, I still want you to go to the Tongtian Pagoda together and take care of other people."

"You need to take care of you when you are going to be promoted to an immortal, so what kind of immortal cultivation?"

Li Aojian shook his head, with a hint of disdain from the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Zhou, you think too much, and everyone has their own way. They make a choice, and they have to bear the consequences. Whether it is good or bad, it has nothing to do with you, or else Go, don’t be wordy if you want to go."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Maybe."

Li Aojian looked at Zhou Shu, his expression gradually calming, "Don’t worry, Lao Zhu is going to go there. He is about the same as me. With the addition of elder Zhao Yueru, our Dutch school will never be bullied, but we just say A hundred people will not be bullied, and it is different in the fairy world, then you can't control it."

"That is personal fate."

Zhou Shu smiled and pointed to Tongtian Tower, "How about that sword?"

"It's not obedient without your sword, but I didn't expect it either."

Li Aojian shook his head, "You know what I cultivate is the sword body, no matter how good the sword is, it won't do much for me, unless I can melt the sword into the body."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "The artifact is the source of heaven and earth, but it's not a problem to integrate into the body, it's more convenient than the swords made by the treasures of heaven and earth."

Li Aojian smiled, "Haha, this guy is a divine weapon, he has his own will, and it also represents the world. I'm afraid I won't let me do this."


Zhou Shu followed and laughed, "But it is also very useful. Ling Tianjian chose you, so it should be suitable for you."

"Yes, I can understand a lot of sword principles from it, even though I have only been in contact for a few days, I have made great progress."

Li Aojian nodded slightly, "I'll talk about it after I wait for the Tongtian Tower. Let it be self-willed now, and let it compensate me at that time. Wait, don't want to have a good life. It took more than ten years to get it."

As he was talking, the top of the tower flashed, dozens of sword lights fell straight down.

The sword light staggered back and forth thousands of times, each time it brushed between the bodies of the two of them, and they didn't touch them, but they were separated by a strand of hair.

In Jianguang, Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Ha, it can hear us."

"Are you afraid of you!"

Li Aojian snorted coldly, transformed into a sword body, and competed with those sword lights. The sword lights flickered and the sword shadow swaggered, so it was so lively.

It took a while to stop.

Li Aojian returned to his original shape and looked at him coldly, but the sword light did not disappear, but changed the target, transformed into a big sword, pointed at Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and waved his hand, "I want to come too? No need, right?"

Li Aojian shook his head, "It is not to be compared with you, it is to be compared with your sword."

"So you still dislike me, okay."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized something, so he took out Xuanyuan Sword and stood it on the ground, "Then you try."

Xuanyuanjian also had spirituality. Although he was unwilling to communicate with Zhou Shu, he still existed. Facing the provocation of Ling Tianjian's new artifact, most of them would not ignore it. Zhou Shu also wanted to see Xuanyuanjian's true ability.

Seeing Xuanyuan sword, the Ling Tianjian body on the top of the tower shivered unconsciously, exuding bursts of brilliance, and for a while, the entire hall was covered by red light.

With a dragon chant, the sword light suddenly shone, and the sword body became stronger and more solid, with a length of several tens of feet, and rushed towards Xuanyuanjian.

Astonishingly powerful, Li Aojian was slightly shocked, Zhou Shu took a step back, and guarded himself, not allowing the confrontation between the two swords to damage the Tongtian Tower.

Xuanyuanjian stood calmly, motionless, as majestic as a mountain.

There seemed to be no movement, but Zhou Shu could see clearly.

With Xuanyuanjian as the center, a series of invisible ripples, like ripples on the surface of a lake, spread out layer by layer. The range is not large, but it is extremely dense, only for a moment, and it is covered by such ripples within tens of feet.

That ripple is an extremely strong force of the law of life and death.

Zhou Shu could feel the power of the law, but it was absolutely impossible for him to cast it, even a tenth of it was difficult, and the power was very targeted. Although Zhou Shu and Li Aojian were all in the ripples, they were not affected at all. , I didn't even feel the breeze.

Zhou Shu was secretly frightened, he still knew too little about the law.

But in the Xuanhuang world, the limitations are too great, and he has no possibility to continue to understand.

On the other side of the sword intent, Zhou Shu could also perceive the power in it. It was a sword intent, but it was an indescribable sword intent. It also contained the power of an inexplicable law. What is certain is that any Jian Xiu couldn't cast it.

The vast sword light has already rushed over.

If snow meets rain, it will quickly melt down at a visible speed.

The sword light will attenuate by a large amount every time it rushes into ~www.ltnovel.com~, when it is about a meter around Xuanyuanjian, the sword light of dozens of meters is only the size of a finger.

Li Aojian became more shocked.

He clearly felt the sword intent in the sword light before. The sword intent is so complicated and so essence, so simple and so powerful, which he can't reach now, and it is also what he pursues, but it is close to Xuanyuan Sword. In the process, those powerful forces slowly disappeared, without even leaving a trace.


Seeing that the victory was divided, Ling Tianjian trembled, and seemed to laugh wildly.

As soon as the laughter fell, the sword light the size of a finger suddenly soared!

How dazzling is the light, it looks like the sun at noon, it is hard to look directly at it.

In an instant, the sword light reached its original size, even worse than it was. The sword light swept up, aiming at Xuanyuan Jian and slashing straight down from top to bottom.

The gradual shrinking of the sword light before, was not to be consumed by Xuanyuanjian, but to avoid its front, quietly hide, and prepare to give the final blow.

Even if the artifacts are competing against each other, it is by no means hard to come and go, there are also many tricks and intrigues.

However, the seemingly blinding method, and how many principles it contains, is difficult for others to understand.

Zhou Shu's mind was slightly condensed, and he wanted to help him, but after looking at Xuanyuanjian, he put away his mind, but instead brought out a smile.

The moment he watched, he had that feeling again, and Xuanyuanjian communicated with him again and told him not to move.

Xuanyuanjian stood quietly, without a trace of panic, with extraordinary bearing, even if the sword light was already close at hand, even if it seemed like a disaster was imminent.

It seems that the challenge of the new artifact is not at all concerned.

It is the Xuanyuan Sword, one of the strongest artifacts in the Xuanhuang Realm, and it has carried the glory of the Xuanhuang Realm for hundreds of thousands of years. How could it be lost.

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