Fairy Winner

Chapter 2016: look forward to

Soon, Zhou Shu's eyes lit up, "Senior, this junior understands something."


The beggar was a little surprised, "I figured it out so quickly, the old man thought it would be difficult for a cultivator to accept this."

"It was shocked at first, but think about it by yourself."

Zhou Shu nodded, "The so-called blue is better than blue. In fact, human cultivators also come from the Xuanhuang world, and are also the children of heaven and earth, but human cultivators continue to cultivate and rise to the fairy world, surpassing the Xuanhuang world, so the artifact should Almost, it’s just that the contact between the artifact and the Xuanhuang World is closer, and it’s harder to surpass the Xuanhuang World."

The beggar applauded, "You are very thorough."

Zhou Shu doubted, "But there is still something the juniors don't understand. After all, this is the Xuanhuang Realm. Xuanyuanjian's sword just now shouldn't exist?"

"That sword is a bit past."

The beggar shook his head slowly, his face gradually becoming heavy, as if thinking of something bad.

When Zhou Shu saw this, he couldn't ask any more, only smiled and said, "Senior is planning to promote himself to immortality?"

The beggar glared at Zhou Shu and snorted, "What does the old man have to wait for so long to be promoted to the immortal? The old man seems to have told you that he was attacked by the whip of Huangquan, and now his soul has disappeared. I don't know any tricks. Did you forget, or ask knowingly?"

Zhou Shu hurriedly said, "It's the younger generation's failure to speak, and the older generation is fatal, and the younger generation must obey."

"It's all right."

The beggar shook his head slightly and said in a straightforward voice, "This old man is here to take refuge in you. I hope you can take me out of the Xuanhuang Realm. After so many years, I also know that you are an upright person and have great respect for the Emperor Xuanyuan. If you abuse Xuanyuan Sword, even if you don't practice Xuanyuan Dao, the old man will rest assured to entrust Xuanyuan Sword to you."

"Thank you senior."

Zhou Shu immediately saluted, with a lot of joy in his heart.

The day after waiting for a long time finally arrived.

Xuanyuan Sword without sword spirit could not be an object worthy of relying on. Although Xuanyuan Sword was very strong, Zhou Shu did not have Xuanyuan Dao. He only relied on intermittent communication. How could he be assured at critical times? With the sword spirit, it is completely different. With the sword spirit communicating with Xuanyuan Sword, Zhou Shu can truly display the power of Xuanyuan Sword. The power that surpasses the world of Xuanhuang Realm will surely become one of Zhou Shu's guarantees for reaching the heavens.

Very satisfied.

"Don't thank you, the old man begs you."

The beggar paused, his figure gradually shrinking, and he went into Xuanyuanjian, "After leaving the Xuanhuang Realm, tell me to come out again, and that is, it is not only Xuanyuanjian that can surpass the rules of heaven and earth in your body."

Zhou Shu was stagnant, and asked quickly, "Senior, what do you mean?"

Only the beggar had disappeared, and he had no answer when he entered the Divine Sense and Xuanyuan Sword, so he could only give up.

It was about refining the demon pot, but does the current demon refining pot really have that power?

Speaking of which, for the promotion of immortals, refining the demon pot is also a problem.

The Demon Refining Pot is the common opponent of Heavenly Dao and Xuanhuangjie Heaven and Earth, and I don't know what kind of interference it will encounter?

It will never be better anyway.

It is very likely that the demon refining pot will be hit again, and the demon refining world that has finally recovered will also be returned to zero. Starting again, Zhou Shu has already made the worst plans.

Deep in the dense forest.

Unlike the withered yellow outside, a lot of green can be seen here, but it is slowly dimming.

The city lord was sitting in the woods, bulging, and seemed too fat to stand up.

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "You look like this..."


The city lord blew his eyes and stared, "I'm about to leave. I don't need to absorb more. Do you think it will be so easy to obtain resources after you go to the immortal world? The more the better, the more you can absorb, the storage, and the future may rely on them for cultivation. "

"Don't worry too much."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I told them that I will support you when you arrive in the immortal world, and restoring your cultivation is the top priority."

The city lord is undoubtedly the strongest among the group of people, and he is still an elves. As long as he restores his cultivation base, he can become the leader of that group. Besides, the city lord has knowledge of being in the immortal world and can help them gain a foothold in the immortal world.

Of course, these are all speculations, and no one knows how to go to the fairy world.

The city lord snorted, "You said, they must listen?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I can assure you that you don’t need the support of other sects. Besides, if you have a reputation, who dares to offend you, and those few treasures at the bottom of the box are brought with them. Not obedient."

The city lord paused, "A few more days will be enough. I have to leave some ground for it. I will enter the dormant period for the rest of the time, and I will rely on you then."

"Relax, I am prepared."

Zhou Shu seriously agreed, and only slowly said, "City Lord, do you still think that going with me, there is no hope at all?"

"I hope, of course, but with the Tongtian Tower, why should I take such a big risk?"

The city lord said in a deep voice, "Not to mention the obstruction of the Xuanhuang World and the Heavens. Even if we leave smoothly and go to the world, we have to find the immortal world on our own, like finding a needle in a haystack, it is impossible."

Taking a look at Zhou Shu, he unconsciously sighed, "The heavens are so big that they are beyond your imagination. It may not be possible to find the fairy world for thousands of years~www.ltnovel.com~ and the whole process is Unknown, you don’t know when you will encounter things you have never seen before, turbulence, special alien races, alien monsters, etc. Every step is dangerous and life is in danger at any time, Zhou Shu, it’s not me. I don’t believe you, but it’s really hard to reach the immortal realm on your own."

"Because of this, I want to see it more."

Zhou Shu slightly lowered his jaw, but there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes, "Unknown journey, special world, weird alien race, magical phenomenon, how can I miss so many interesting things? I have seen enough of the Xuanhuang world. I will not go. With more knowledge, how can my Tao grow?"

"It's never too late to see it again."

The city lord slowly said, "Go to the immortal realm to cultivate into an immortal, then travel around the heavens, starting from a place close to the immortal realm, and gradually go farther as the strength increases, so as to hone yourself and hone your way until you step through it. The cultivators of the heavens and ten thousand realms generally do this, which is also a normal trajectory, and like you, you choose the most difficult path from the beginning. If you are unlucky, you may die without taking a few steps. What should you do? ?"

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "Trust me, my luck is not that bad."

The city lord shook his head slightly and said slowly, "I hope so."

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said, "The city lord can stay here at ease. I will ask someone to take you to the Tongtian Pagoda. When you wake up, you will start a new journey. One day, we will meet again."

"I look forward to that day."

The city lord looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes gradually serious, "Zhou Shu, don't die first, I'm waiting for you."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Of course, I am not that easy to die."

The two looked at each other for a long time and remained speechless.

After a long journey to the end, Zhou Shu fulfilled his promise, and the city lord also paid a lot for Zhou Shu. Such a partner would be difficult to find in the future.

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