Fairy Winner

Chapter 2035: Tongtian


With the ringing of the ninth bell, the array of talisman fell in the middle of the Tongtian Tower.

As if infused with soul, the entire tower suddenly moved.

The runes on the tower flashed with seven colors of brilliance. The brilliance flowed from shallow to deep, from bottom to top. At first glance, it looks like tens of thousands of rushing rivers, rushing to the top of the tower, like thousands of rivers. sea.

Not long after, a deep vortex gradually appeared on the spire of the tower.

Those rushing runes reached the spire, sometimes scattered and sometimes gathered, forming more complex and mysterious patterns, like a splendid and boundless galaxy, magnificent, beautiful and extremely regular. The words are completely indescribable, and even the most powerful array master, Can't see the mystery.

The Tongtian Pagoda was originally the most complicated formation in the Xuanhuang Realm. Among the heavens and myriad realms, there were only three or five types that could compare with it.

Even Lin Zhu who made the Tongtian Tower can’t really understand the connotation of it. She can do it more because of her tacit understanding with the world and the love for her. "The article is made by nature. "Occasionally" is used to describe the Tongtian Pagoda.

Everyone was staring at the wonder in front of them, and they were dumbfounded.

And all this happened in just three breaths.

After three breaths.

The vortex on the Tongtian Tower has been fully formed.

The imaginary and the real, seemingly illusory and true, with thousands of colors, gorgeous and clear, as if tens of thousands of vortexes of different colors and thickness overlap each other, anyone can see that this is definitely not something that should belong to the Xuanhuang world.

There is no doubt that this is the Tongtian Pagoda that can help people ascend to immortality.

The constructed tower body is all array of talisman columns, and only when the array is turned on, the whirlpool formed on the spire of the tower is the real sky tower.

Wan Se Guanghua shone nine times, and then rose to the sky!

That Guanghua, ignoring all obstacles, penetrated the soil under the ground, penetrated the vegetation on the ground, penetrated the air, and penetrated for ten days... directly rushed to a place that no one in the Xuanhuang Realm could reach, no People know where the end is.

The sky.

The hall vibrated, everyone couldn't open their eyes and their footing was unstable.

The entire Penglai Island vibrated, and there were slanted trees and sliding stones everywhere.

The surrounding sea vibrated, surging up huge waves dozens of miles high, beating the sky and the distant coast.


The entire Xuanhuang world moved.

As if that Guanghua was a thread, the end of the thread was held in the hands of the immortal world fairy, he gently pulled it, and the entire Xuanhuang world was at his mercy, and he was happy in it, and perhaps wanted to follow the thread to take a look.

The people on the island looked heavy.

No one had expected that the Tongtian Tower would make such a big noise, and the real world would change.

If it continues, I am afraid that the heavens and the earth will split, and there will be an incalculable calamity everywhere in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Everyone's heart is old.

Fortunately, the time was short, but after a few breaths, the brilliance disappeared, and the Xuanhuang Realm also quieted down, and everything returned to calm.

When everyone looked ahead, their hearts were tight.

The Tongtian Pagoda has completely lost its brilliance, not only the brilliance of the formation, but also the luster of the jade itself. The crystal-clear Tongtian Pagoda is completely ashes, like a pile of dust, losing its life and losing its life. Power.

The activation of the Tongtian Pagoda drew everything from them.


I don't know if I stomped my foot gently.

The entire Tongtian Tower collapsed, splashing dust in the sky.

After only a few breaths, the Tongtian Pagoda ceased to exist. What appeared in front of everyone was a pile of scattered residue, gray and broken, and anyone could feel it. This was the real dregs, and it had no effect.

It is hard to imagine that a few breaths ago, this pile of dust was still a mysterious formation that made the Profound Yellow Realm spend countless resources.


Yu Yixian looked at the dust, quite pleased.

Everyone can see that those hundred celebrities have disappeared, and with that brilliance left the Xuanhuang realm, they went to the longing fairy realm.


Old Ji slowly nodded, with a slight smile, "Unexpectedly, we will be the first group of people in the Xuanhuang Realm to witness the Tongtian Tower. We have never had it before, and I am afraid we will never have it again. Such an experience... It’s also worth it. I will keep it in the classics."

"Yes, this time is really a special case," Lin Qingjue seemed to realize, "It turns out that the Tongtian Pagoda will completely disappear after being used."

Elder Zheng said suddenly, "Why, do Elder Lin still want to use it a few more times?"

"Use it several times, I'm afraid you are thinking?"

Lin Qingjue smiled slightly, "If you can use it thousands of times, you can send all Emei to the immortal world. It's a pity that no one except Sect Master Zhou in the Xuanhuang World can do it, so don't worry about it. "

Elder Zheng's expression tightened, "You..."

Lin Qingjue no longer looks at him, and salutes to no one. "The sovereign has great kindness and great virtue, Kunlun will remember it in his heart. From now on, he will be destined and do everything he can. "

"Thank you suzerain."

Yu Yixian also saluted, "It all depends on the suzerain for the little girl to have the day to be promoted to immortality. The old man also has to deal with important matters, so she will leave."

Others followed suit, and of course, they did not get any response.

Everyone didn't wait any longer ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the Heyinpai didn't stay, and soon the hall was empty, and after a while, the original lively Penglai Island was quiet.

The matter is finally over, but after that, the situation in the Xuanhuang world will be more severe.

"Go faster."

Li Aojian sneered, "Are you afraid that Xiao Zhou will be punished? Those words just now are also attributable to what they said. Even Naji always blames Xiao Zhou if he is worried that the Tongtian Tower will not work. It's ridiculous. ."

Hao Ruoyan said calmly, "In fact, it's all like this, don't be angry."

"If Yan is right, don't be angry."

A figure came slowly, was still in the distance just now, and was by his side the next moment.

The two of them could not hide their surprise. Hao Ruoyan stared at Zhou Shu and squeezed his hand tightly, for fear that Zhou Shu was gone again, "Master Shu, where have you been these three days? I really worry Ruoyan, thinking..."

"Think I was hurt?"

Zhou Shu stroked her hand and said warmly, "It's okay, I just have to think about some things clearly."

"Think clearly now?"

Li Aojian patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder, grinning with a smile, "I want to say a few words, Lao Zhu is about to leave and won't bid farewell. I'm afraid I won't see him for hundreds of thousands of years. You are really willing."

Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, "Master Shu, sister and others are also a little disappointed."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "Actually, there is nothing to say goodbye. We will meet sooner or later, and... farewell can easily cause trouble."

"Something happened?"

The two were very surprised.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "If you say something wrong, and what cause and effect are involved, that's trouble, don't you know, this kind of thing has happened many times, and there is no good result, so it is better not to say goodbye. "

"Oh... are you worried about becoming a truth?"

The two nodded, but they still didn't understand.

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