Fairy Winner

Chapter 2075: Available

Facing the celestial qi in the room, Zhou Shu didn't absorb it. On the contrary, he deliberately avoided it.

Mr. Bai went to tea, because the stone Zhou Shu took out was a little more respectful to Zhou Shu.

Lord Xuan put down the teacup and slowly said, "I don't know how to call your Excellency, I am more than ordinary."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and said, "Master Bi Xuan, next week Shu."

Bi Fan nodded thoughtfully, "Zhou Shu, do you know what the materials you brought out are?"

Zhou Shu pondered for a moment, "Not long after I entered the heavens, I only know how extraordinary, but I don't know how extraordinary it is. Please ask Bi Xuan for advice."


Bi Fan nodded, pointed at the stone, and said in a deep voice, "This is Skyfire Spirit Gold, have you ever heard of it?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Never."

Old Bai was overjoyed, and the look in Xuanzhu's eyes was a little wrong.

Of course Zhou Shu understands what this means. When he meets a customer who does not understand, he must be slaughtered. There is no reason for a fat sheep to not be slaughtered, but Zhou Shu does not care. He is ready to be slaughtered when he comes here. As long as the knife is not too cruel, he will accept it.

"Hehe, your Excellency is really calm."

Bi Fan smiled slightly, "Heavenly Fire Gold is a fragment produced after the division of a realm. It was produced after the tribulation of the heavenly fire in the heavens, but was not completely melted. It was beaten by the heavenly fire, from thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands. The size of the inside has become such a small piece, it is indeed extraordinary, it is an excellent material for refining, and it is a chance to get it."


Zhou Shu saluted and said sincerely, "Master Xuan is talking about sky fire gold, what about spiritual gold?"

Bi Fan smiled and said unhurriedly, "Since it is a fragment of a world, it must include the Dao of Laws, and it is a very concentrated law, but they have been condensed by the sky fire, and the Dao of Laws has been completely integrated into the material. It is difficult to absorb or comprehend. It can only be used for refining tools. After being refined into a magic weapon, the power in it can be stimulated and used by cultivators, regardless of whether it is Skyfire Gold or Skyfire Spirit Gold."

Zhou Shu looked attentive, these truths were not available in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Bi Fan slowly said, "But compared with ordinary Skyfire Gold, Skyfire Spirit Gold has a unique spirituality, because the fragments of the world that generate Spirit Gold contain the original will of the world of heaven and earth. Meltdown, on the contrary, has become more condensed. For Qidao, the spirituality of the materials is a good thing. Magic weapons made of this type of material can easily give birth to Qidao. If you use it often, you can better understand the Taoism."

Seeing Bi Fan telling the truth one by one, Old Bai couldn't help frowning, but he didn't dare to bother and could only secretly get angry.

Zhou Shu appeared a little solemn, "Thank you, Lord Xuan."

Bi Fan smiled slightly, "Hehe, these are not secrets in the heavens, don't be grateful, you can get Heavenly Fire Spirit Gold, your Excellency is also destined."

Zhou Shu seemed to think thoughtfully, "I'm a little puzzled below, how can Skyfire Spirit Gold and Skyfire Gold be distinguished? How can spirituality be seen in the materials?"

Mr. Bai couldn't help it, "You don't want to be too big, how can these truths tell you?"

Zhou Shu was stagnant, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, it's rude."

"It's okay."

Bi Fan waved his hand, "It seems that you are also interested in Qidao. If we have time in the future, we can study and study together."

Zhou Shu nodded and thanked him, "Then thank Lord Xuan first."

Looking at the piece of Heavenly Fire Spirit Gold, Bi Fan slowly said, "I don't know what magic weapon you want to refine it into?"

Zhou Shu’s eyes flickered, and he was quite expectant, “Master Xuan is a master of Qi Dao. I don’t know what Xuan Master has insights? If Master Xuan obtains it, what will he refine it into?"

Bi Fan thought.

After a while, he said slowly, "If I were to refine it, I would refine it into a protective shield. It would be somewhat useful and not wasteful. Of course, if you are lucky, you can enter. Product."


Zhou Shu was shocked.

Although it hasn't been long since entering the heavens, he still knows what it means to enter the product because of the constant chatter of the refining demon pot.

In the heavens, those who do not enter the product are all general magic weapons, and entering the product means entering the ranks of the fairy artifact.

Immortal implements are divided into ten ranks, from low to high, ten rank is the highest, but it should be noted that rank does not completely represent strength. Both immortal implements are called immortal implements, and they all have extraordinary features. Even first-rank immortal implements are rare and valuable.

Immortal artifacts are not so good. It is basically impossible for a fairy to want an immortal artifact, but the chance for a true immortal to have an immortal artifact is great. As for the grade, it is not something you can count on, and the most commonly used immortal artifact It is the golden fairy, and the battle between the golden fairy is often the battle of the fairy.

He only intended to figure out the value of the material and then sell it, but now he has other ideas.

He had never thought about the possibility of refining immortal artifacts from Fire Spirit Gold.

If you can own an immortal weapon, it can be said that it is difficult to have an opponent of the same level in the realm of Sanxian. Even if it is facing a true immortal, it may not be impossible to escape, and it will help him too much.

Zhou Shu couldn't do it himself. He didn't even have the power of immortality. It might be a long time before he could refine the immortal weapon.

How can I not be moved.

"All the fuss."

Old Bai snorted, "Master Xuan has refined two immortal artifacts, one of which..."

Bi Fan frowned ~www.ltnovel.com~ Bai Lao immediately stopped his mouth, with regretful expression on his face, Bi Fan said in a deep voice, "Zhou Shu, even if I do the refining, you don’t have to expect anything. The chance of the product is very small, and the possibility of being wasted completely.

Zhou Shu calmed his mind, "The Master Xuan Qi Dao is so clever, why do you always say it is completely wasteful?"

"Good materials can't be a good magic weapon. Of course it is waste. The biggest waste is heartbreaking!"

A gleam of cold flashed in Bi Fan’s eyes, and there was a kind of dissatisfaction with the mediocre people in Bi Fan, which made Old Bai shudder unconsciously, and Bi Fan slowly said, "What a pity, what a pity, if you can..." he Looking at Zhou Shu, he suddenly stopped.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What a pity?"

Bi Fan said slowly, "If I can have a few more pieces of spiritual gold, I can refine a simple magic weapon first, and then see the principle of the law, then refine the second magic weapon according to its characteristics, Find the most suitable refining method and type of magic weapon, and then refining, the chance of entering the product is much greater, and this material will not be wasted."

"The Lord Xuan is absolutely right."

Zhou Shu nodded involuntarily, and he also knew it well. Indeed, as Bifan said, if he could refine it one more time and refine the magic weapon to adapt to the law, the result would definitely be better.

Do you want to change your plan and let Lord Xuan help refine the artifacts until the immortal artifacts are refined?

It is inevitable to have such thoughts. Of course, there are great benefits to doing so. It is a fairy weapon, but it also takes risks.

It’s not that I’m worried that Bifan won’t give him immortal tools—in the gate area of ​​Wufang City, no matter how strong he is, he must abide by the rules. Forcing the material to buy and sell, he will be punished severely. Zhibaoxuan also opens. If he can't go on anymore, Bifan won't lose big because of his small mistakes. What he is worried about is that some secrets will be revealed.

But after looking at Lingjin, Zhou Shu made a secret decision. 8)

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