Fairy Winner

Chapter 2080: Tiancaizhu

The black and white clouds gradually separated, and the golden light came through.

The golden light was particularly dazzling, and everyone bowed their heads, unable to look directly.

Fortunately, the golden light was only an instant, and it dissipated quickly. With a bang, dozens of copper pillars descended from the sky and slowly fell over the square.

The copper column has a radius of five feet, one end is inserted into the cloud, and the other end is suspended in the air.


"Thirteen heavenly cut pillars? It's been a long time since I saw so many people being punished together."

"Is the middle one..."

"It's the Taoist who destroys the heart! Even he was caught!"

"He has been hiding in Tibet for hundreds of years, but he didn't expect to be able to escape."

"I don't know how many lives were killed, it deserves it!"

There was a sudden noise.

For some reason, Zhou Shu stared at it, and was surprised secretly. It turned out that there was a practitioner on each copper pillar.

They were tightly bound by thick, fire-colored iron chains, and they couldn't escape no matter how hard they struggled. They were all surrounded by hazy flames. Although they could not see their faces, they could also imagine their despair.

Looking at these copper pillars, Zhou Shu felt a little shocked.

It's not that the powerful practitioners have suffered such inhuman treatment, tortured in public, and lost their face, but this scene has a feeling of deja vu. If I remember correctly, the old Baixiao who I saw in Guixu, Also in a similar situation.

It may not be here, but there are probably some connections.

"Wu Guisan! You indiscriminately killed twenty-seven fellow celestials in order to **** the soul of the phoenix seed...

The sound fell like a thunderbolt, shaking all directions, condensed and formed over the square, turning into big characters, glittering with gold, and the townspeople's mind.

"I didn't mean it, I..."

A practitioner desperately screamed and struggled violently.

Speaking and speaking, the crimes committed by the practitioners were explained one by one, but the big characters did not disappear, but gathered together, and gradually became a long sword of tens of feet long.

The long blade is cold, and the white light is awe-inspiring.

When it swayed slightly, the row of sharp jagged teeth on the blade's blade was like a living thing, sliding staggered, making a sound of biting people.

The crowd below stared at the long knife, frightened, and no one dared to speak.

Seeing the long sword getting closer and closer, the cultivator pleaded loudly, "Forgive me, forgive me! I..."

"Verify the body, cut!"

The long knife was cut down suddenly!


The head of the practitioner was cut off!

It is impossible to resist, being tied to a copper pillar, even if there is great power, it can't be used.

The blood flew out, splashing scarlet on the copper pillar, but not a drop fell.

"Heart-destroying Taoist! You take the heart of the fairy child for food for the purpose of doing exercises... The sin is very sinful, you should be cut!"

The billowing thunder fell again, condensing into big characters in the air, full of dangling, covering a small part of the sky.

"So many, the sins committed by the mind-breaking Taoist are really exhausted."

"Yes, it is said that even the children of Jinxian in the Southern District were eaten by him..."

"How it was done is terrible."

"Retribution is unhappy, you should kill him alive!"

There was a discussion among the crowd.

Zhou Shu also paid attention to the copper pillar. The Taoist Taoist who destroys the heart is surprisingly high. Even if it is not a golden immortal, it is not far away. Not to mention the cultivation methods. The immortals at this level will fall into this situation. , No one can think of it.

The big characters are once again condensed, but they are not long knives, but dozens of short blades.

The front part of the short blade is sharp, with three dark barbs, what it would be like to be inserted into the body by such a blade, it will make you chill.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The short blade kept flying up, poking towards the Taoist, and when they fell together, they brought a group of dark red flesh and blood.

Within dozens of breaths, the dense bones were exposed, and the blade was grinding back and forth, making a squeaky sound.

The crowd below was already terrified, and some people didn't even dare to look again.


With the sharp blade added, the Taoist on the copper pillar laughed wildly, "When I am a human again, I will come to you for revenge. There is no square city, you remember it! At that time, whether it is the management of the city or what you see, no One can run!"

The crowd was agitated.

The Taoist who destroys the heart are not alarmist, and they are about to reach the level of immortality. Although the body is not immortal, the soul has been integrated into the law. Using the power of the law to escape a trace of the soul, it seems not difficult to be reborn again.

"You have no afterlife."

A cold voice came from the copper pillar.

The Taoist froze, his laughter suddenly came, and he began to roar like a beast.

The roar stopped quickly, and the short blade rose and fell mercilessly, cutting and cutting bit by bit. The Taoist’s whole body was full of holes, big and small, and even the bones were cut into small pieces, bone marrow blood. Mixed together, the human form is no longer clear.

Just twitch from time to time to show that he is still alive.

Of course he was still alive, and he couldn't die if he didn't finish the one hundred and eight thousand dollars.

Perceiving the tragic situation of the Taoist, the practitioners on the copper pillars around seemed to feel the same way. The grief was overwhelming, and some began to cry.

No one cares about them.

The short blade gradually disappeared, and the Taoist Destroyer was completely gone.

"Shi Tianyu! You forced to buy and sell, and the things went bad and you tried to bribe the prison... the crime is unforgivable, be a tart!"

Zhou Shu stopped slightly. This didn't sound too harsh, but he soon realized that he was wrong.

Those words were condensed into a long whip, and the whip hit the practitioner ~www.ltnovel.com~ The screams were so terrible, it is hard to imagine that the sound was made by a real fairy.

Normal immortals have gone through countless trials of life and death, and no matter how painful they are, it is difficult to scream screaming, and this scream is just like a pig that has been killed. You can imagine the pain of lashing, even a true immortal can't bear it.


As the last whip fell, the chain of fire on the copper pillar quickly dispersed, and the practitioner fell straight down and landed on the square.

The pain of the whipping was still there, and he couldn't help rolling and screaming.

People around him avoided, lest they get involved with him.

Zhou Shu was not far away, watching silently, his heart was shocked again.

This last whip was definitely more than pain. The practitioner was in the middle stage of true immortality, but now he has advanced to Sanxian. This whip actually knocked out several levels of cultivation and fell into a realm.

An incredible whip.

Compared to those who died, this punishment is not heavy, but it is definitely not light.


The ruling was still going on, Zhou Shu didn't keep watching, and left slowly.

The rules in black and white are far less touching than the immediate facts. After going through this scene, you should understand that the rules of Wufangcheng are rules and cannot be violated.

After a few steps, there was a sudden heat on my arm.

A white light flashed at the place where the Mingzhu was hidden.

There was news, but it was very unusual.

The Mingzhu will not disturb the practitioners. Generally speaking, Zhou Shu needs to check the Mingzhu to get the message, but this message directly reminds Zhou Shu that there is a meaning in it.

The message is only two words.

"Be careful."

Zhou Shu stagnated, was this a malicious warning or a kind reminder?

(PS: Thank you book friends 20170826032050114 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) 8)

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