Fairy Winner

Chapter 2082: Say something


"...That's the way it is, no matter what, this fairy stone is returned to you, I really can't follow him anymore."

The practitioner shook his head with a stubborn expression on his face.

Elder Bai said slowly, "Okay, I have worked hard for you too, take the fairy stone, you can change it."

"It's not good, I don't dare to suffer without merit."

The cultivator gave in a few times, insisted on not accepting it, and quickly turned around.

Mr. Bai had to shake his head, picked up the bag and walked into the inner room.

Looking at Bi Fan, he said angrily, "Zhao Si is really timid, and he dared not do it once he was reprimanded. He wasted his thoughts."

Bi Fan didn't care, "The disadvantages outweigh the benefits, so I don't do anything if I change. Zhou Shu is also a capable person. I knew that the city rules would be used to suppress people after only a few days."

"Who is not afraid of city regulations when there is a ruler?" Old Bai sighed and touched his beard thoughtfully. "I can't think that the kid is a bit capable. A miscellaneous fairy can find someone following. Is there something? Special means?"

"Even the adults in the prison city can see that there is nothing difficult to track down."

Bi Fan smiled slightly, "I looked down on him. I didn't expect him to be so accomplished in Fu Dao. With the addition of Qi Dao and Gourmet Dao, he learned quite mixedly."

Old Bai hummed lightly, "No matter how miscellaneous, it's a miscellaneous fairy."

Bi Fan frowned, and Old Bai hurriedly said, "The subordinates are talking too much."

Bi Fan said slowly, "Next time he sells Talismans, he will buy a few and show them to me. By the way, I will mention the Xingshan ghost realm."

"I see, Lord Xuan," Old Bai replied, somewhat puzzled, "What do you do with Xingshan Ghost Realm?"

Bi Fan looked slightly cold, "Don't ask more."

Mr. Bai just nodded, "So during this time, don't you need to find someone to follow him?"

Bi Fan shook his head, "Forget it, if he finds out again, it won't be good to implicate us. He is always worried about immortals and will not leave."

The next ten days.

Zhou Shu still sells symbols in the square.

Many people waited there early due to prior notice. When Zhou Shu came to Fulu, he sold more than half of it. Zhou Shu took the opportunity to ask about the situation of Xingshan Ghost Realm, but almost everyone Unwilling to tell Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu didn't care much either.

No one wants to share a secret with a newcomer, even if it is not a secret.

Later, the business was less, but there were still people coming and it seemed that they would leave earlier than last time.

Elder Bai walked over with a smile, "Friend Zhou, okay."

Zhou Shu stopped slightly, then smiled, "For nothing, do you also come to buy Fulu?"


Mr. Bai nodded, "You Fulu can really see ghosts and dead things?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "If it doesn't work, you can refund the money."

Mr. Bai shook his head quickly, "Where is the word? Fellow Daoist said yes, that is, okay, I want fifteen... Hey, these few seem to be different?" He seemed to have found something, he said with doubts. .

Zhou Shu explained, "These photos last longer and have better results, but the price is twice as expensive."

Elder Bai waved his hand and smiled, "It's okay, I want to be like this."

"Okay, but there are only ten." Zhou Shu handed the talisman to Mr. Bai. Mr. Bai took the talisman, stroked it a few times, and said in a slow voice, "I hope the effect will be better. When I go to the ghost realm, this old bone will be the same. Let’s try to save your life with less suffering."

Zhou Shu moved slightly in his heart, but said indifferently, "Is old Bai also for the ghost realm? Most people buy it for this."

Mr. Bai nodded, quite pleased, "Yes, you talisman, you have a great effect in the ghost realm."

Zhou Shu paused, "Is it the Xingshan Ghost Realm that the manager is talking about?"

"Yes, this is the most famous ghost realm in the past few years..." Old Bai suddenly wondered, "Don't you know that fellow daoists?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I don't know."

Elder Bai stroked his beard, smiled and looked at Zhou Shu, "If the daoist wants to listen, I will say a few words."

Zhou Shu bowed without being humble or overbearing, "Thank you Bai Guan."

After leaving the old man, Zhou Shu secretly figured it out.

Xingshan Ghost Realm is a ghost realm that has only recently been discovered in the Eastern District.

Xingshan is a big mountain in the immortal world. There are immortals who established Xingshan Gate, claiming to be Xingshan’s old mother, and is already a quasi-sage. There are countless immortals under her.

At that time, Xingshan Gate was considered to be a giant in the fairy world. Of course, its influence extended to the heavens and all realms. Many mature big realms had Xingshan Gate locations. However, when Wufang City had not been transformed into a fairy city, the boundary There is also the Xingshan Gate here.

Later, Xingshan’s mother failed to attack the saint, and the Xingshan gate withered, and it would be difficult for the fairy world to find a Xingshan gate.

This Xingshan ghost realm is rumored to be a site of Xingshan Gate in the past.

There are a lot of ghosts and dead objects inside, and they have gone through countless years. Their strength is about the same as ordinary miscellaneous immortals. Of course, there are many equivalent to scattered immortals. In addition to these things, there are many strange formation traps. For the fairy, it is also an extremely difficult secret realm.

Difficulty doesn't matter, the key is what benefits are there. If there are not enough benefits, no fairy will risk his death to explore the secret realm.

——It is said that some people obtained the special secret method of condensing the law from it, and achieved true immortality in one fell swoop.

Although it is only a rumor, the weight of the rumor is extremely sufficient.

It is not difficult to understand the law ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is not difficult to obtain the power of the law, but it is extremely difficult to understand the law, integrate oneself into the law, and realize that the body is the law.

The immortal realms are ten cents and nine scattered, let alone other realms? Sanxian can become a true immortal, very few. Now that there is such an opportunity in front of him, whoever Sanxian doesn't want to go, even if there is a great danger, he has to fight for it.

The same is true for Zhou Shu.

Although there is fairy spirit in Wufang City for cultivation and can follow the normal track to advance to the ranks, what Zhou Shu wants to do is always to directly develop Shu Zhi Dao, and to successfully combine Shu Zhi power with the law. Use Shu Zhidao to use the power of Xuanyuan Sword or the law in the Demon Refining Pot, but to fully integrate the law into Shu Zhidao, into his body, and he is a part of the law.

That is to say, when I left the Profound Yellow Realm, I said to Old Sword, skip the Sanxian, and go directly to the True Immortal realm.

Although there is no immortal power, he is frustrated everywhere, and is not recognized, but he is not here, nor is he too concerned.

The Xingshan ghost realm that appeared at this time was undoubtedly an opportunity.

Even if it's just a rumor, you need to try it.

Of course, he is not in a hurry. The secret method is not a magic weapon and will not be taken away by anyone. As long as you are in the secret realm, you can get it anytime.

With a goal, naturally there will be a lot of expectations, and the mood will not be bad, but at the same time, Zhou Shu also has doubts.

Because of the appearance of Mr. Bai, why did he come here to buy Talismans? He specifically told Zhou Shu the news, and his attitude towards Zhou Shu was also very strange. It can be seen from the fact that he called Zhou Shu Daoyou when he met. He hated Zhou before. Shu is commensurate with his fellow daoists.

Elder Bai is mostly out of mind, and it seems that the possibility of being kind is unlikely.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20171203143032046 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) 8)

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