Fairy Winner

Chapter 2099: Vary

"Middle third floor, who knows you won't get it."

Zhou Shu put away Wuhen, his face was indifferent.

Since the man said he wanted to save his life, Zhou Shu would not be polite, and he would not talk nonsense when he met again.

In the wild, he rarely uses fairy tools. If you don’t use it, you don’t need it. He doesn’t want to be public. He may encounter practitioners of any realm in the wild, and it is not good to attract the true immortal covet, but in the ghost realm, the reverse is true. Immortals don't have to worry too much, they can be used as they are. On the one hand, it is really easy to use, and on the other hand, it is a shock to Xiao Xiao, who has an immortal weapon in his hand.

Obviously, the doorman was afraid to start easily.

In this ghost realm, what Zhou Shu had never used was the Xuanyuan Sword, and the Xuanyuan Sword that nobody knew was the more important trump card.

"It's a dead end again."

Looking at a small mountain in front of him, Zhou Shu secretly shook his head.

The earth mountain of more than ten meters is an insurmountable obstacle in this ghost realm.

Almost ten hours have been spent, and he has been winding and winding for nearly a thousand miles, but he has never found the correct path.

Ordinary mazes such as square rings and so on, extend in circles, and dead-end pathways are connected together, separated by walls. It is not difficult to get out of this kind of maze, walk aside, see the pathway, and turn back when you see the dead-end. In some time, you can always get to the exit, but in the ghost realm, this method will not work. First, no definite edge can be found, and second, there are many complicated circuits, and they will return to the original position by accident.

The road Zhou Shu was walking was winding around for a long time, thinking that victory was in his hands, but he didn't expect it to be a dead end.

"It has to be used."

Zhou Shu slowly backed away, and expanded his eighth sense to explore the correct passage of the ghost realm.

The eighth sense is the most wonderful and true perception among the heavens. It does not belong to an individual. It is based on the center of the universe. It can be applied everywhere, and it is not restricted by rules. It can get rid of all interference. I will not talk about the illusion. The law is the same, no matter how many obstacles there are, the eighth sense can pass through, so as to see through the obstacles and reach the essence.

To be sure, after using the eighth sense, it is not difficult to get out of the ghost realm.

Not to save time, he will not activate the eighth sense.

After all, it’s a fairy city. There are too many capable people. Most of these fairy tales are also watched by managers. If Zhou Shu’s eighth sense is noticed, it will cause a lot of trouble. Practitioners all know that. The eight senses are a key key to open other worlds and higher realms. If others knew that Zhou Shu, a miscellaneous immortal, had this key, what would be the result of Zhou Shu?

For thousands of years, there have been countless celestial powers in the Xuanhuang Realm, and those who can comprehend the eighth sense in the Xuanhuang Realm, but only fifty, of which few are not meditation, and Zhou Shu is one of them.

Traveling through the sky alone, Zhou Shu never wanted anyone to know this.

Fortunately, it is difficult for others to perceive yourself, as long as Zhou Shu does it safely and concealedly.

If you abuse it at will, for example, as soon as Zhou Shu comes in, he directly uses the eighth sense to walk to the right passage, and it takes a few days to reach the last level, to explore the ghost realm clearly, and Wufang City will inevitably be suspicious. Even if Zhou Shu got the treasure, he might not live long.

With the opening of the eighth sense, the path quickly became clear.

The gray fog disappeared completely, the correct route was fully revealed, Zhou Shu even saw more things.

This ghost realm is like a connected room, each room is a big maze, there are two or three passages to the next room, he saw the first three floors, the distance is limited, no longer can see.

Without watching too much, Zhou Shu quickly recovered his eighth sense.

I couldn't see it anymore. It was only a short while before Zhou Shu felt a sense of breathlessness, and it took some energy to stabilize.

The consumption of the eighth sense is too great. There is a huge source of heaven and earth support in the Xuanhuang Realm, which can only last for fifty breaths. Here, Zhou Shu, who has no immortal power, needs five or six hundred ordinary celestial stones to use once. With the power of Tao, a dozen breaths are enough to empty the furnace.

Seeing the direction, Zhou Shu still made an unfamiliar face and moved forward slowly.

Turn around twice here, and go around there, and after a few more hours, Zhou Shu walked to the passage on the next floor.

There is a slightly worn small door in front of it, with many strange patterns carved on it.

It's easy to see, but the content on the door is in my heart.

Not far from the door stood a Sanxian. When he saw Zhou Shu, he wanted to welcome him, but after seeing Zhou Shu clearly, he stood back and looked disappointed.

"Friends of Taoism came early."

The Sanxian spoke first, and nodded from a distance, "The Taoist fellow should be the boss of Zhou Shuzhou who sells supplementary pills, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Exactly, your Excellency is a little faceless."

There are only two miscellaneous immortals in Dongmen, and it is hard not to be recognized.

Sanxian smiled, "My name is Takesuke, I have been here in the ghost realm, and I rarely go back to the city gate area, but I have used your medicine. It is indeed very good. It should be the first time for Zhou Daoyou. It’s really good luck to find the exit so quickly."

Zhou Shu touched his chin, pretending to be proud, "Hehe, laughed, I heard that it usually takes five or six days to pass the first level."

"Five or six days is also good luck, usually more than ten days."

Takesuke shook his head, with some doubts in his eyes, "I don't know what's wrong with this treacherous change. It seems to be a lot easier to get here. I only made three mistakes and got there. Normally, it takes more than a dozen times."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "So that's the case, thanks for your advice."

It seemed that I was still a little anxious, and I should be a little later. Fortunately, someone came first and it was not too prominent.

Takesuke said indifferently, "I can't talk about instructions. Daoists came just right. After a few more people, we can go down."

Zhou Shu looked at the passage and stroked his forehead, "Um."

"Why, is fellow Taoist in a hurry?"

Takesuke smiled slightly, "Let's wait for some people, let's go down together then, don't have anything wrong."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, knowing that he was kindly reminding himself that the treacherous transformation is similar to resetting. After the treacherous transformation, there will be more dead and ghosts in the ghost realm, just like when you first entered, and because of this, the ghost realm The ghosts inside can emerge in an endless stream, and they can never be killed.

Generally, when going to the next level after a treacherous change, the practitioners who arrive first will consciously wait and wait until there are six or seven people before going down together.

But Zhou Shu didn't plan to wait ~www.ltnovel.com~ smiled and stepped into the door.

This layer really has no value to stay.

Zhou Shu doesn’t know the exact location of the secret method, but it’s definitely not on the outer third floor. These three floors have been explored countless times by countless immortals, and every inch of the place has been carefully viewed. Zhou Shu doesn’t think he can see anything. Special.

Seeing Zhou Shu walk in the door, Takesuke shook his head slightly with a lot of disdain in his eyes.

"It's nothing more than miscellaneous immortals, it's still a lofty one. If you are lucky, you won't know the southeast, northwest, and you don't know how to die."

As soon as Zhou Shu walked out the door, a group of monsters rushed forward, crushed in darkness, and there were twenty or thirty monsters.


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