Fairy Winner

Chapter 2101: clean


"Master Xuan, hand it in."

Mr. Bai carefully raised a bag and bowed and said, "This is a bounty given by Shouzheng."

"What did Shouzheng say?"

Bi Fan stared at the God of Skyfire Gold in his hand, without raising his head. Since getting the gold, he has been trying to figure it out for eleven hours a day, it has been a year.

Elder Bai lowered his head and said, "Just say that the next ten days will go up to the heavens, and nothing else."

Of course, it was Huo Jingliang who handed it in, but the Huo Jingliang who was handed in was no longer the one that Zhou Shu had caught. Almost all of his cultivation was abolished, and the whole person was extremely weak, and it could be said that there was only one breath left.

It is not surprising that if a thief who has been around for a long time is captured, it is natural to take out all the benefits from the thief, and it is inevitable to use some lynching.

Being **** by immortal ropes is useless to mortals, no matter how hard it is, I have to give in.

This kind of thing is often alive, even if the person is handed in properly, Wufangcheng would not treat Huo Jingliang like this, and Zhibaoxuan did it in advance.


Bi Fan waved his hand, "You take it first, and if Zhou Shu can come back, give it to him."

Old Bai felt tight and nodded quickly, "I see, it should be his originally."

Bi Fan raised his head with a thoughtful expression, "Old Bai, if you fight Zhou Shu and fight life and death, what do you think will be the result?"

Elder Bai paused, "He has Xuanzhu's immortal tools in his hands, and his subordinates may lose."

Bi Fan frowned, "Speak more seriously."

Elder Bai settled down and said seriously, "The subordinates will definitely lose. They even feel that even if he does not have a fairy weapon, it will be difficult for them to win. In those few days, they went through 21 battles with him. I still feel that he still has a lot of hole cards that he hasn't revealed."

Bi Fansi didn't expect Elder Bai to say so firmly, "He is a miscellaneous immortal."

Old Bai looked solemnly, "He knows many ways, and he uses them to the right. He can often win by surprise in a battle. Immortal weapons can also play a greater role in his hands, but the more important thing is his power, I don’t know. What is his commonly used power, which is slightly immature, but its essence is pure and strong, which shows that he has a deep understanding of his own cultivation way, and he is also proficient in using it. Sanxian's use of immortal power is far inferior to him, and very Hard is his opponent."

Bi Fan looked thoughtful and smiled, "Old Bai, you see it thoroughly."

Elder Bai quickly shook his head, "I dare not, it's a pity that I only walked with him for two days. Although I walked the trail and attracted many monsters in advance, the battle was still less. Fortunately, Huo Jingliang suddenly appeared and fought. Otherwise, the subordinates will not be able to say these words."

Bi Fan nodded and stopped talking.

Elder Bai had a little doubt, "Master Xuan, why did you say so much to your subordinates today?"

Bi Fan looked at the **** gold in his hand and said in a deep voice, "From tomorrow, I will retreat to make immortal artifacts, whether it is a third-rank or fourth-rank, I will definitely be promoted to the golden immortal afterwards."

"Congratulations Master Xuan, congratulations Master Xuan!"

Mr. Bai hurriedly saluted with a smile on his face. He knew that Bi Fan never said anything unsure, and if he said that today, he would definitely be able to do it.

Bi Fan seemed to mutter to himself, "I can't think of the line of separation, but it broke like this, this **** gold actually...not to mention, I can't think of taking advantage of the juniors, but this is cheap, I am afraid it is not easy to take. "

Old Bai bowed his head and said nothing, as if thinking about something.

Bi Fan glanced at him and said calmly, "I will leave Zhibaoxuan when the incident is done, and leave it to you."


Old Bai was shocked and quickly said, "Master Xuan, don't leave your subordinates. No matter where you go, your subordinates must follow Master Xuan. What's more, Zhibaoxuan... your subordinates absolutely can't bear it."

"You and I are dead."

Bi Fan smiled, "I know you can't afford it, and you can't do it if you give it to you. You don't want to repeat the past, but you don't need to worry. If Zhou Shu comes back, you will transfer Zhibaoxuan to him, you Follow him too, if he can't come back, just do whatever you want."

Old Bai's complexion was red and white, and he didn't know what to say.

Bi Fan ignored him, walked slowly back, and soon disappeared, leaving only Mr. Bai staying there.

Xingshan Ghost Land.

In one room, Zhou Shu looked at the pile of puppet fragments, and finally put away the sword, and sat down on the ground with a tired face.

He let out a long sigh of relief, "It's finally solved."

These days, he is very depressed.

He can't get rid of tracking at all. Whenever he wants to explore hard, a group of ghost puppets must appear, which will disrupt his plan. Because ghost puppets are not ordinary monsters, he must pick up enough energy to deal with it, otherwise it may be possible Seriously injured.

Later, it was too annoying, Zhou Shu simply made a decision to get rid of all the ghost puppets at this level.

He knew that as long as no other practitioners appeared, he would definitely not be able to get rid of it, but he came to the fourth floor too early, and basically no practitioners would come, and if he could come, he might have hidden his signs.

He didn't run away. He chose a narrow room and blocked the door, attracting ghost puppets to chase and kill them.

Three days and three nights passed.

The ghost puppets on this layer were basically cleaned up by him. It will take some time for him to reappear, and Zhou Shu is finally at peace.

The consumption is not too big, it is basically the hands of Wuhenjian, but tired, tired of the body, and tired of the heart.

The heart is tired because there is no benefit.

The countless puppet residues are useless. His gluttony hasn't reached this level, and the many ghosts killed can't be used. If the demon pot can come out, maybe he can find a way to absorb it, but it's impossible. Zhou Shu would never take out the demon refining pot in the ghost realm, and would not use any refining functions.

Just sat down and stood up again.

A little green light flashed from the sleeve, it seemed that Zhao Yaofu had found something, and the green dot was not far from the door.

"The ghost will not die."

Zhou Shu's eyes were extremely cold, and his killing intent was unabashedly revealed. He stared at the door, and the water on his arms was sparkling, thinking of the strange movement of ghost puppets, which attracted the assassins lurking here. Do it yourself.

After only standing for a while, the green spot never approached, but farther away, heading away.

"If you don't come, then I will find you."

Zhou Shu didn't hesitate, and immediately flew out of the room, only to look intently, but he was startled.

But it was a young child who was carved and jade-shaped, braided in the sky, jumping forward, from left to right, and sometimes babbling, very happy.


A scenario that is completely impossible to think of.

Rao was Zhou Shu, and he was also taken aback~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly thought of something, he stared at the other talisman.

On the ghost symbol, a large black dot, as black as ink, is particularly conspicuous.

The position of the black dot is the same as the green dot, completely overlapping.

Zhou Shu stagnated and said in a low voice, "I will encounter this..."

There is both vitality and death, both alive and dead. There is only one such strange monster, and that is the Nine Ghosts.

(Ps: Thank you angc11111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)


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