Fairy Winner

Chapter 2120: Look back

The main hall of the city gate area.

Yang Bai arched his hands and said, "Shouzheng, master book, city supervision, three adults, I have disturbed this time, and will leave in a few days."

"Excuse me, haha."

Smiling and polite all the time, he said thoughtfully, "Monitor, our Eastern District has not found any problems, right?"

Yang Bai said in a warm voice, "I'm too concerned about the supervision of the city. Several adults are fair and honest, what can be the problem? And what I have to do has been solved, thanks to the cooperation of several adults, thank you very much."

Yu Yita said in a slow voice, "Cooperating with the supervisory agent is our duty, you are welcome."

Yang Bai smiled and said, "Hehe, I won't bother you anymore and leave."

Yu Yita nodded, "I call someone to send the supervisor out."

The side door opened, and a golden fairy walked in and saluted Yang Bai respectfully, "Subordinate Xun Ling, I have seen Master Supervisor, please follow me."

Yang Bai glanced at Xun Ling, and seemed to think of something, "Xun Ling, you have been monitoring the ghost realm of Xingshan, right? What happened to the miscellaneous immortal named Zhou Shu?"

Xun Ling stagnated, showing some hesitation, Yang Bai smiled, "It's okay, this is not within the scope of the job, needless to say, it is fine."

Xun Ling shook his head quickly, "It's not that I don't want to say, but Zhou Shu has already entered the ninth floor and is no longer in the surveillance area of ​​the Eastern District. He is not clear to his subordinates."


Yang Bai hadn't spoken yet, but Mu Xue behind him was startled, "What, he's already on the ninth floor? How did he get to the seventh floor?"

Chang Tian also came over with interest, "You said he was on the ninth floor, really?"

"It's true. He entered the ninth floor yesterday, and I can't monitor it."

Xun Ling nodded earnestly, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, "Speaking of the seventh floor... he alone solved almost all the monsters, and he also counterattacked and killed a Sanxian who wanted to assassinate him. His subordinates had been given orders. You shouldn’t continue to monitor it, but the movement is too loud, so I will look at him by the way."

Even Yu Yitian couldn't help it anymore. "You said he solved all the monsters on the seventh floor, including the one-eyed carrion?"

Chang Tian followed, "Yes, how did he solve that one-eyed monster?"

Mu Xue's face was solemn, "That one-eyed has long been in the realm of real immortality. I was forced out by him back then. I can be sure that it is absolutely impossible to defeat one-eyed in the dispersal stage. How did Shu do it? Tell me in detail."

"He didn't kill the one-eyed carrion, but used him as a helper."

Xun Ling glanced at the more astonished people, and then spoke in detail, "...That's it, in the end he didn't kill the one-eyed carrion corpse and left."

After finishing speaking, he was still a little excited, as if he was a golden fairy, and he had this kind of psychology to the miscellaneous fairy, which was unique.

"I thought of using a mirror, it's simple but absurd."

Mu Xue murmured, "It doesn't seem difficult to put it bluntly, but the scene at the time...It was a real fairy-like monster, which can be manipulated with a mirror. How dare he think about it, it's just fantastic."

He smiled often, "I dared to do it after thinking about it, and I did it, this little guy really has a set."

Yu Yitian shook his head slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, "So that's why I didn't kill One-Eyed in the end. It was a bit of insight, not a person who acted rashly."

Looking at Mu Xue every day, smiled and said, "Master Mu, can this kid cultivate?"

Mu Xue said faintly, "I said he didn't know how to advance or retreat, but I didn't see clearly. It seems that he is a very prepared person, but he has already entered the ninth floor and can come out with a secret method... Cultivation may be ready now."

Chang Tian nodded thoughtfully.

Yang Bai was slightly confused, "Can't you see the ninth floor at all?"

Xun Ling nodded, "Yes, Master Supervisor, the ninth level involves the secrets of Xingshan Gate. Limited by the rules of the fairy world, Wufang City cannot supervise it, nor can it be regarded as Xiancheng's own private property, but as a secret realm for the immortals. Exploration is no problem."

Yang Bai raised his hand, "Thank you for letting me know, I understand."

Chang Tian smiled, "It's not completely immobile. If something major happens in the ghost realm that affects Wufang City, and may even bring disaster to Wufang City, Wufang City can of course stop it first. Not only supervision, even if it is destroyed, you can, but you need to get the permission of the city lord in advance. Speaking of the supervision envoy, it represents the city lord. You can agree to it."

Yang Bai smiled and shook his head, "Hehe, how can I represent the city lord, the supervisor of the city is joking."

Looking at Yu Yita, who was frowning, Yang Bai raised his hand and said, "Being upright and leaving."

Yu Yita nodded, "Xun Ling, you send the supervisor out."

After leaving the hall, Yang Bai always smiled. Zhou Shu was brought in by him. There is also the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm. Of course, he is also happy to see Zhou Shu being outstanding. In his eyes, he and his master There is nothing wrong with a fairy from the Xuanhuang world.

Zhou Shu at this time was still exploring on the ninth floor.

There are very few gains that can be said, only some shabby formations, or fragments of magic weapons, etc., but there are many gains that cannot be said.

Experiencing at the site of Xingshan Gate, it can be said that the knowledge has been greatly increased. For Zhou Shu, it is what you see.

Zhou Shu could feel the progress of Shu Zhidao from the Tao Lu.

The furnace is still running, but it is a bit different from before. The speed is faster and the smoke is more complicated. These changes are partly due to Zhou Shu's insights, and the other part is produced by the furnace itself.

As I said before, as long as there is experience, as long as he gains insight, Shu Zhidao will grow up accordingly, and will not be transferred by Zhou Shu's will.

Old Jian hesitated, "Zhou Shu, maybe it's time to look back."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Well, the shadowless line is almost gone, look back."

Old Jian was a little bit suspicious, "It's so refreshing, don't you want to continue searching? I just remind you to make you pay attention to the time. In fact, I can hold on for a while, and we still don't get anything."

"You said that you are going to turn around. It must not last too long. Then go back. Let's rest for a while and come back. No hurry."

Zhou Shu shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ and pointed to the hall in front, "Next time we go there directly, we can save some time. I think there should be something there."

The hall was extremely magnificent, and the dense gray fog could hardly conceal its brilliance. You could see the golden light from a distance, but it was a rare sight in the ghost realm.

Old Jian nodded, a little annoyed, "Well, if it didn't take some time halfway, I could hold on for longer."

"Don't think about it, it should be ours, I can't run away."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, turned around and left. He was still worried about He Taiping. If something happened to He Taiping, the formation and the immortal talent would be lost.

(Ps: Thank you wangc1111 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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