Fairy Winner

Chapter 2123: Bone messenger

I have to say that He Taiping is very dedicated.

The good immortal materials were all left by him, and the flawed ones were used to cover up the eyes.

There was still a hill at the front of the front, which looked the same as before, still an indestructible fairy material, only two-thirds more.

Those two-thirds had already been put away by Zhou Shu. After they went out, they could be used for refining. Of course, the premise was that they had to better understand the law of fire. This should not be too difficult.

Zhou Shu's formation is almost ready.

A triple formation was added to the original foundation. One layer is more complicated than the other. Although the power is not as good as the original ten-sided ambush, it has made up for a lot of the past deficiencies and is more secret and undetectable. Of course, the red shadow is still the red shadow. No change, if this point changes, it will be discovered by others.

After doing the necessary things, the two explored several times in the formation.

Just a few days in a flash.

In a small room, He Taiping said very emotionally, "It's really good here. There is even a spiritual well, and the level is not low."

"Without this spirit well, it might have been destroyed long ago," Zhou Shu seemed to think. "Brother, you can rest in it, wait until you are fully recovered, and then explore, you don't have to say you can't find the secret method and die. In short, it will be a long time in Japan."

"With your place, of course I won't hold on to death anymore."

He Taiping said slowly, "Zhou Shu, I won't say how to thank you anymore. As long as I find the secret method, I will have your share."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I look forward to that day, hehe, when you recover your cultivation base, I will count on you as a miscellaneous fairy."

"Don't worry, I will do what I said."

He Taiping agreed seriously, but shook his head again, "I'm afraid that at that time, I will still count on you."

Now Zhou Shu is just a miscellaneous immortal, but the strength he showed is still above that of his former true immortal. God knows what will happen in the future. Maybe when he recovers his cultivation base, Zhou Shu will be a true immortal by then, even stronger than him.

If only a few days ago, he still thought it was impossible, but now, he inexplicably felt that it was very possible.

Zhou Shu arched his hands, "Brother, I will go first. If I find the secret method, I will come back. If I can't find the secret method, I won't come back. When you come out, use the Mingzhu to find me and talk about it then."

"Okay, I may need dozens of days to get better, without delaying you."

He Taiping nodded, but also a little helpless. In just a few days, Zhou Shu was alive and well, and he was able to explore again, as if he was completely unaffected by the power of the law in the gray mist, it was incredible, and he would do it if he changed any fairy. Not.

Zhou Shu, how many secrets are there?

Of course, just thinking about it, and didn't mean to go into it. He had already determined that Zhou Shu could only be a friend and not an enemy.

Zhou Shu nodded, quickly out of the formation, and continued eastward.

His goal was that hall, a ghost boy who might be in the hall. As for the secret method, after He Taiping made a promise, he didn't plan to use his heart anymore. It is unlikely to get both at once, so he could concentrate on one thing. Is the best choice.

They are all familiar roads and don’t take much effort. What’s worth mentioning is that Zhou Shu saw the carrion again in front of the hill. Perhaps it was because of the distance that the carrion didn’t attack Zhou Shu. Attacked, watched for a while and left.

"Old Jian, do you think it is possible to communicate with him?"

"They are all carrion corpses. Are you still thinking about communicating? It's better to wait for your cultivation base to pass him directly, and it is also a relief for him."

"What you said is, I remembered it."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize that, maybe he should do this in the future, if given the opportunity.

In less than a day, the magnificent hall appeared in front of you.

The diffused gray mist can hardly conceal its brilliance, and the powerful law force has not been able to destroy its appearance. Looking at it from a distance, it gives birth to a lot of awe, and it stands still after suffering, perhaps it is immortal.

I really want to see what it looks like soon.

But Zhou Shu knew that he couldn't be anxious, and several black spots flashed in the talisman before he walked out of a few miles.

The color was slightly lighter than the real fairy, indicating that it was not a real fairy, and Zhou Shu relaxed a little.

Soon, the black spots showed their true meaning.

The three walking skeletons seem to be white as jade, and they seem to carry holy light, but when you look closely, you can see that the white light is nothing but gray-white bone dust, the dust falling off the bones, with a sense of death. , Will give birth to the idea that it is better to die than to live.

"Bone Envoy."

Zhou Shu and Old Jian said almost simultaneously.

Zhou Shu looked ahead and said in relief, "It seems that the ghost boy is here."

Old Jian nodded, with more solemn relief, "Yes, it is rumored that the bone envoy is the guard of the ghost boy, and if there is a bone envoy, there must be a ghost boy."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There are three, you two and one me."

Old Jian smiled, "Zhou Shu, thank you very much."

Jian Lao is obviously inferior to Zhou Shu, so why does he have to deal with two?

The Bone Envoy is the guard of the ghost boy. Of course, it is also a collection of the laws of life and death. Fighting with the bone envoy is of great help to the understanding of the law of life and death. Every battle is like going through countless lives and deaths. It is indeed dangerous, but compared Profit, that microdisplay is nothing.

Now that the rule of life and death is more important is the old sword, Zhou Shu gave this opportunity to the old sword ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ the old sword is also a practitioner, naturally want to seize the opportunity.

If Master Jian couldn't bear it, Zhou Shu would also help, but in that case, Master Jian might be farther away from the law of life and death.

"Go on."

The aging sword made a streamer and flew towards the two bones.

Jian Guang's masterpiece instantly wrapped the two bone ambassadors in the middle and couldn't leave it at all, while Zhou Shu walked towards the other one.

Empty hands.

If you can't use the Wuhen Sword, you don't need it. This kind of battle is a chance. It's best to use the law of life and death to contend, don't worry too much about the momentary victory.

The Bone Envoy came slowly, like dragging heavy fetters. When walking, the bone dust was flying, and it seemed that his figure was getting bigger and bigger. Zhou Shu did the same, and then he grew bigger. It was because he was slowly caged. Layer Guanghui is the power of the law of life and death simulated by Shu's power, and it continues to grow.


Without fancy, the two ran into each other.

Zhou Shu flew upside down for several tens of feet, the light on his body faded in an instant without a trace, but the bones did not change at all, pressing on step by step.

The same is the law of life and death, and the simulated ones are still not as powerful as the real law, but Zhou Shu didn't feel depressed at all. Instead, a smile appeared. He benefited a lot from the collision just now.

Suddenly, Zhou Shu burst into light again.

It is more solid and taller than before.

This is progress.


This progress was a little vulnerable in front of the bone ambassador, and the huge brilliance still disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Shu flew out, his face pale.

"Good guy, it's so exciting."

He smiled faintly, standing there like a piece of wood, his body shining again. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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