Fairy Winner

Chapter 2126: I come

The leading skeleton hit the iron wall twice, found the door, and stumbled in.

Just stepping in a few steps, vines rushed up, hooping it firmly on the ground, and at the same time, the fire cloud above also burst out several tongues of fire, licking on the skeleton, but only a few breaths, white The skull is a bit brown and black.

Zhou Shu brought out his sword in time, and the golden light flashed, shattering the skeleton.


Senior Jian not only praised, "It's not difficult to look at it this way."

"It's difficult."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, only some worries arose in his heart.

The formation level is not high, and it is still the formation of the Xuanhuang world. The most is the limit. It is impossible to destroy the skeletons. To kill the skeletons, you can only use the non-marking sword. Don't worry if there are not many skeletons. The non-marking sword foot can handle it, but There are too many skeletons now. Zhou Shu estimated that after more than two hundred, the Wuhen Sword will be unsustainable. It will take a long time to replenish it before it can be used again. But how should we spend this time?

Two skeletons broke in again.

One was tall and broke free from the entanglement of dozens of vines, and was only trapped in the middle, while the other was so fast that it almost stopped in front of Zhou Shu, and still used the non-marking sword to solve it, but Zhou Shu Xin felt a little more worried.

It’s probably not a good idea to stay here forever, so think of something else as soon as possible.

He said solemnly, "Old Jian, go look inside? Don't go far."

"it is good."

Old Jian also seemed to be aware of the crisis and flew into the hall.

From the outside, the main hall is magnificent, while the inside gives people a sense of mystery. After a short walk, you are in the middle of the main hall. The space inside is not too big. The black bricks are neatly covered on all sides, completely enclosed. There is a huge painted mural on the wall in front. In the painting, a person sitting cross-legged, holding the spiritual pearl in one hand, and holding the pen towards the sky in the other. The appearance is difficult to distinguish between men and women. God's eyes are staring forward, Baoxiang solemn.

"Is this the old mother Xingshan?"

Old Jian was stagnant, and he didn't have time to think, and immediately searched.

It was soon discovered that the spiritual orb held by the man on the mural was not a painting, but a real stone bead.


Xuanyuanjian flew up, probed left and right for a while, and tapped lightly on the spirit bead a few times.


There was a shaking, and the ground in front of the mural slowly sank, revealing a passage.

I saw the steps, all the way in, and I don't know how deep they are.

In the passage, there was brilliance flickering, faint blue, extinguishing every moment, like a ghost fire.

Old Jian paused, turned back to the gate of the palace, and explained the situation again, "...That's it, there is only one way, I guess the ghost boy is inside."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "In other words, there is nothing to rely on in the hall."

Old Jian said slowly, "I am afraid that if you put these skeletons in, they will all be led to the ghost boy."

"That's more troublesome."

Zhou Shu shook his head, showing a bit of indifference, "Ghost boy seems to have not noticed the situation here, Old Jian, you should go and close the passage first, and then stay there, pay attention to the movement at any time. If the ghost boy comes out, it is best not to Just work hard, just watch, wait for me to come."

Old Jian suspiciously, "What about you?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I'm here, these guys are all coming for me, they have to solve it."

"I'm afraid it's difficult, you are alone. I don't know how many skeletons there are here." Old Jian shook his sword and said confidently. "I can also help. The law of life and death can restrain them. Not to mention kill them all, help. It’s not a big problem for you to solve a few hundred."

"How to add vitality here?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I know you can deal with skeletons, but if you run out and can't make up, how will you deal with the ghost boy later? Old Jian, that is the goal for you and me to enter the ninth floor. , So you have to keep your strength and leave it to me here."

Old Jian felt tight, only to understand why Zhou Shu had to deal with the Black Bone Envoy and these skeletons alone, and couldn't help but anxiously said, "Can you deal with it? If you die, what use is there for me to stay? Even though the target is the ghost boy , But life-saving is a priority."

"How could I die."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, with strong self-confidence in his words, "Don't worry, I have a way."

He knew very well that the most important method to deal with Guitong was Xuanyuanjian. For this, he had to bear more beforehand.

Old Jian was stagnant, but he didn't know how to refute, he only whispered, "Then be careful."

Old Jian turned around, worried.

Zhou Shu stood at the door, slashing out his swords, rationally distributing the power of each sword, and strangling the intruders one by one.

These skeletons are all at the level of dispersing immortals, and the cultivators who can reach the ninth level are almost like this. The bones do not rot after death, they are buried deep in the ground, and they are summoned by the black bone envoy.

They have just become skeletons and have no experience. Most of them are using the magic tricks they used in their lives. They are not as powerful as in the past, but they are always in the gray mist, but they can constantly use the deadlock and the power of the law to nourish themselves, so they are constantly changing Strong, Zhou Shu could clearly feel that the skeletons who came in later were a lot more powerful than those who came first, and they took a lot more effort.

If in the Xuanhuang Realm, the tactics used by these skeletons can be recorded by Zhou Shu~www.ltnovel.com~ They can become their own tactics in time, but they can’t work here.

These skeletons were basically foreign races before they were alive—compared to the human beings in the Xuanhuang world, the cultivation way is also different—if there is a Tao, Zhou Shu almost doesn't understand it, and naturally he can't see the mystery, and wants to simulate stealing. It is also impossible.

This makes Zhou Shu a little dissatisfied.

For him, the value of this type of battle is too low, but he has to do it. How can he be satisfied.

In a short time, Zhou Shubu's formation has lost most of its effect, only the iron wall is still there, but it is also broken.

The skeletons that rushed in were all rushing forward. Although Zhou Shu's response was quick, it was somewhat delayed. More importantly, the Wuhen Sword at this time was already exhausted, and the power of the law inside was about to be wiped out and dimmed. , The skeleton that could be solved with one sword, now it takes two or three swords or more.

"time to go."

Zhou Shu secretly said, returning his sword to protect him, turning into a streamer, and flying forward.

Wuhen cleared the way, and the skeleton in front was too late to stop, and was knocked into the air. Within a few breaths, Zhou Shu rushed out of the door.

Standing in the gray mist, staring at it, it was darkly stagnant.

Below are densely packed, all densely white bones, and at a glance, there are seven or eight hundred.

There were at least a thousand dead soul skeletons that he had killed two hundred dead souls attracted by that black bone envoy.

Seeing Zhou Shu go out, the skeletons also moved. The skeletons who had rushed into the door also turned around and ran towards Zhou Shu. Some skeletons with wings flew directly.

"Sure enough, all came for me."

There were a lot of skeletons chasing behind him, and Zhou Shu didn't panic and rejoiced. This was exactly the result he was looking forward to, and only in this way could he possibly solve the skeletons. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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