Fairy Winner

Chapter 2139: Fine

Old Jian was very angry.

It's no wonder that Chang Tian started to be so polite and gave Zhou Shu good benefits, but that benefit was nothing compared to his requirements.

Five thousand ghost cores per month is equivalent to allowing Zhou Shu to live in the ghost realm every day and help Chang Tian obtain ghost cores. Zhou Shu is not a doorman, but even worse, he has become a thug and a slave. The possibility of fraud, every move in the ghost realm, can be seen every day.

Zhou Shu was also angry, but his face appeared calm, "Supervising the city, this business seems to be somewhat unequal."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Chang Tian smiled, "Lord Zhou Xuan, you have misunderstood what I meant."

Zhou Shu was stagnant, "Oh?"

Chang Tian waved his hand and said slowly, "I'm not asking you to go to the ghost realm to fight the ghost core, Lord Zhou Xuan, you have such a good location in Zhibao Xuan, as long as you play the name of purchasing the ghost core, you don't have to worry about not dispersing immortals. Come to sell, what I want is the ghost core you received, of course you have to go and better yourself, ha ha."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and smiled helplessly.

I haven’t been a shop owner before, and I’ve never followed my thoughts. If he’s a sophisticated businessman, he can guess what Chang Tian is thinking from the sound of "Master Xuan", but Zhou Shu didn’t even think that he would have to be Chang Tian Mingming. Speak out in vain, only to figure it out.

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Why does Supervision have to cooperate with Zhibaoxuan?"

"It's very simple, because the other 26 companies don't cooperate, only you, the new master of the palace."

Chang Tian spread his hands and said, "You don't know anything. In the eyes of many people, ghost accounting is not a good business. It is too common, cheap and dirty, and it is contaminated with ghost characters. A little careless storage may bring disaster. , So most businesses avoid it, especially the first-class shops. In order to keep the store noble, they are not willing to buy or sell ghost cores. Unfortunately, this kind of business can only be done in some small and medium-sized shops. ..."

He paused and sighed, "Mingzhu casts a shadow."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Is the ghost core very profitable?"

Chang Tian nodded and said frankly, "Yes, buying a ghost core is only a few dozen immortal stones, but if you find the right buyer, the selling price can often increase three times, five times, or even ten times. It's huge, and the ghost realm can produce at least thousands of ghost cores every day. Is this very profitable?

Zhou Shu was also taken aback, "Such a big profit, of course forget it."

Chang Tian smiled slightly, quite complacent, "The humble little things often make money, only to find the right way."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, thinking about it.

The existence of ghost nuclei is a trouble, and it is easy to cause trouble. Most scattered immortals are sold when they can be sold. If they can’t be sold, don’t throw them away. Zhou Shu looked at ghost nuclei in this way before, unless they are very good. Someone will take the initiative to buy, but the price will not be high.

If Chang Tian can find a good way and sell all the ghost cores he receives, then the ghost core business is indeed very profitable.

Zhou Shu is also a little moved. He doesn't care about his face. In his eyes, Zhibaoxuan is used for making money, and it is not a special magic weapon. In the future, as long as it is a treasure, it can be sold, and it does not matter if the ghost core is added. .

He thought for a while and said, "However, the Supervisor is in charge of Dongmen City Yi. It shouldn't be difficult for them to agree to the acquisition, and it's not a violation of the rules."

"Because it is a city supervision, it cannot be done."

Chang Tian shook his head and sighed slightly, "Shou is a rigorous person. I must be troublesome to do this and other things, and there are people standing behind every one of these first-class shops, mostly at the north gate. How can you easily offend the crime."

There are four gates in Wufang City, and each gate has many shops, divided into upper, middle and lower classes.

There is no limit to the number of middle- and lower-class shops, as long as there is a place, the upper-class shops are better than the Dongfu because of the large number of facilities.

There are a total of one hundred and eight, twenty-seven per gate, whether it is the south gate with the most people or the north gate with the fewest people.

The first-class shops in the South Gate are the most rare. It is the trading area of ​​Wufang City, and it is impossible for the golden immortals to compete. The first-class shops in the East Gate are the second most rare, because the lower-class immortals are the most common and they must be occupied. It's hard in one place, who doesn't want it? You know, the first-class shops are more than just the location, they have great advantages in all aspects, even if they sell things more than 10% more expensive than other shops, customers are rushing, and the brand effect is obvious.

Chang Tian has been doing the ghost nuclear business, which is a big source of his cultivation, and of course he has long wanted a good shop.

With the first-class shops, his business can grow bigger and better, and he will get bigger at the east gate first, and then go to the south gate. Naturally, profits will roll in. But none of the twenty-seven companies agreed, and other businesses are good. Zhibaoxuan has rarely opened once in a few years, and it simply refused, and he still has no choice. How many people are staring at the position of supervision of the city. , He has to do the wrong thing and can come down at any time.

After he knew that Zhibaoxuan had given Zhou Shu, he immediately started thinking about it~www.ltnovel.com~ As for the doorman, it was a trivial matter.

For Dongmen and even Wufangcheng, Zhou Shu is a newcomer with no foundation. As long as he offers good conditions, it should not be difficult to do it. Of course, he has also used some power. These days I want to talk about Zhibaoxuan. People were blocked by him for various reasons, but it won’t last long. When others know the inside story of Zhibaoxuan-now the people who come here only know that Bifan is gone, but they don’t know that it is a miscellaneous immortal. Don't dare to entangle too much, but when they know, things will be troublesome.

So Chang Tian waited for the news from the city lord and came over immediately.

Chang Tian speaks candidly, Zhou Shu can also understand.

There are many things that are not found in the city planning, and you can only know if you experience it yourself.

Zhou Shu paused and smiled bitterly, "It turns out that I have left me such a big trouble than the predecessors, but it makes me difficult to handle it."

"You have a contract in hand, and others can't touch you. The upright Tiancaizhu is not a vegetarian, and..." Chang Tian looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, "If you and I become partners, I I believe no one would dare to intervene, huh, I have never intervened before, and others would never want to move me."

There was some hostility in the words, and I felt a lot of angry before I wanted to come.

He looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Lord Zhou Xuan, what do you think?"


Zhou Shu agreed without hesitation.

It is not easy to maintain the first-class shops. Of course he knows that it is absolutely not enough to rely on himself, a swordsman and a loyal old man who does not know whether he is loyal or not, and he has always wanted "someone in the middle of the court"-in Shou Zheng The one who can talk, Chang Tian has brought it to the door now, and he has no reason to refuse, as long as he insists on holding Zhibaoxuan, optimistic about it, and not letting other people do unnecessary things, that is enough. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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