Fairy Winner

Chapter 2142: Decentralization

The fairy world respects power.

With power, treat it as a treasure, without power, abandon it like a broom.

The previous Xuanhuang Realm was abandoned by the Immortal Realm in this way. What about the Mother Realm, without power, there would be no connection. This is the case with the Immortal Realm.

The so-called law of the fairy world is a derivative of the law of power.

Among the heavens, the law of the immortal world is the most common. Almost 50% of the practitioners use the law of the immortal world as the basic law to promote to the true immortal, and there have been many people who have been working hard for this since.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Zhou Shu to choose the law of choice.

No matter how well he practiced the laws of the immortal world, he was not as good as those old immortals who had practiced for tens of thousands of years. He really was about to meet, most of them were a loss, and facing the golden immortals of the same law, there was no way to fight back.

Someone has noticed that in addition to the above-mentioned laws, there are three very important laws that have not been mentioned.

That is the law of time, the law of space, and the law of chaos.

These three laws belong to the laws of creation and are the beginning of the heavens. Even if a practitioner reaches the realm of a saint, he can't fully grasp the mystery. Only when he reaches a higher realm can he reach it. Therefore, Zhou Shu cannot think about it. .

If these three rules can be regarded as the basic rules, then those who are promoted are definitely not true immortals.

The best thing Zhou Shu can choose is the Five Elements Rule.

But to be transparent about the Five Elements Law and to be promoted to a true immortal, you must first understand all the laws of the Five Elements, and then integrate them, so that they can be seamless. Only then can you penetrate the Five Elements Law and condense the power of the Five Elements Law.

It may be very difficult for other people. It is better to first understand one kind and become a true immortal before taking care of the others. (A true immortal can pass through several laws, but it is difficult to change the basic laws), but for Zhou Shu, it is difficult to say It's not difficult.

In the Xuanhuang realm, Zhou Shu majored in the Five Elements, several ancient techniques, Wood Yin Jue, Fire Yin Jue, and so on. All of them are extremely proficient. These are basic techniques that are not outdated even in the heavens, which are of great benefit to the principles of the Five Elements. Moreover, Zhou Shu knew how to integrate the five elements, and he had already achieved the body of the five elements.

This is a good foundation.

In terms of gold and wood, he is not far from the point of transparency, and fire and earth have also reached the stage of understanding.

Now there is the help of Immortal Tool Wuhen, which can make up for Zhou Shu's worst water trip.

Perhaps the only regret is that Xiaogun is not around. After ascending, Xiaogun is born with the Five Elements Rule and is the best mentor and helpful friend. It will definitely help with half the effort, but Xiaogun is a dragon and has his own way. Zhou Shu also It is impossible to keep it with you.

"There should be success in seven or eight years."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "If He Taiping can bring surprises, it may be earlier."

Old Jian just nodded, "Since you have decided, I won't say anything."

Boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Standing outside the door, Bai Kechen saluted very respectfully, "Master Xuan, I have found all the people I want, and they are all carefully selected. You can see if it works."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "He is very diligent."

Old Jian showed a bit of contempt, "He was not like this a few days ago. He was very anxious. Now he sees Chang Tian and thinks there is a future here, so he will do his best, huh, it's not possible to see people. It's just a killer, and it won't be a climate."

"Always useful, and now it's indispensable."

Zhou Shu went out and smiled, "Thanks for your hard work, Old Bai."

Bai Kechen hurriedly said, "It's not hard, it's not hard, it's an honor for the subordinates to do things for Lord Xuan."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "I don't look at people. You can do it well. If you do a good job, you will need your credit. If something goes wrong, you will be responsible."

"This is natural, the subordinates absolutely do their best."

Bai Kechen lowered his head with a trace of trepidation and joy in his eyes. Zhou Shu's words were tantamount to delegating power.

This is something he has been looking forward to for a long time. At the beginning, Bifan was grasping everything in his hands, and now he finally has a chance to make a fight.

Zhou Shu showed satisfaction and handed over a jade slip, "Lao Bai, we will open in three days. We will not do anything else. We will only accept ghost cores. We will charge as much as we have, and the price will follow the above."

"What, ghost core?"

Bai Kechen took the jade slip, was surprised for a while, and forgot to read the content.

How can you put away the ghost core? Such a good store is actually doing the ghost core business, it is too small to use? I just came here, and I thought I was going to do big business in the future, at least it was a fairy artifact, how could it be a ghost core?

Although the previous Zhibaoxuan did not have much business, and the door was very good, but it would not be willing to fall for this.

He looked at Zhou Shu with a shocked expression on his face, "Master Xuan, is this..."

"Lao Bai, this is what the Lord Superintendent meant, but he takes it very seriously, but you have to think more about how to do it."

Zhou Shu lazy said that he knew that as long as Changtian was mentioned, Bai Kechen would have responded to it. He lost his patron than Fan. If he wanted to find a way out in the Eastern District, he would seize any opportunity when he encountered it, not to mention Changtian. of.

Bai Kechen stagnated, stared at Yujian for a while, nodded and said, "Subordinates understand, they must do their best."

Zhou Shu nodded, his expression darkened, "Don't spread this matter everywhere, do you understand?"

Bai Kechen said slowly, "The subordinate understands that there are a lot of troubles with this ghost core. If we only do this business~www.ltnovel.com~ it's better to go to the ghost realm to buy it, the quantity is large and cheap, and it is In the store, all formations must be changed, and the recruits may not be suitable."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "You don’t have to think about this. The business is in the store. Although it is a ghost core, it must be sold as a fairy. You can change what you need. Funds or anything are not a problem. I will not take care of this. If you do a good job, it will naturally benefit you."

After deciding to do it, Bai Kechen immediately began to think about how to do it, but he was a hard-working person, and he just went along with the flow, and Zhou Shu didn't want to be bothered anyway.

"Ah... the subordinate understands."

Bai Kechen nodded, thinking about it and left.

From Zhou Shu's words, he knew that Zhibaoxuan was now weighing on him. He had a heavy responsibility, but he also enjoyed it.

He didn't show it to Zhou Shu alone. There is still Tian Tian. If he does a good job, the result will never be bad. Maybe he can break through the shackles that have been silent for thousands of years.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and headed to the Lingtian.

He didn't care about Zhibaoxuan's affairs for the time being, so he left it to Bai Kechen. He only waited for a profit of 15%. Whether it was done well or badly, he didn't care about it, just as Zhibaoxuan was not his. So, so as not to worry, what he has to do is to understand the law as soon as possible.

Start with the law of gold.

This is the easiest one, so do it first. A good start is half the battle.

The law of gold is closely related to the Tao of Qi. Zhou Shu has acquired a lot of magical materials of gold. Refining more magic weapons of gold is the best way to temper.

Of course, Wuhenjian will also be used to help. Although Wuhenjian has no tool spirit, it is transparent to the laws of gold and water. As long as Zhou Shu carefully understands it and tries to figure it out, success will not be too far away. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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