Fairy Winner

Chapter 2168: Formation

In the lake, Han Ruo Duan sits like a statue, but his complexion is not peaceful.

Zhou Shu walked a few steps closer and said warmly, "Girl Hanruo, Brother Luo is no longer in Wufang City."

"Are there anymore?"

Han Ruo woke up immediately, obviously not practicing before.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Three years ago, he left with 13 people, and they took on a rewarding task."

The letter asked suspiciously, "A reward?"

"Yes, it's a reward."

Zhou Shu knew that Han Ruo didn’t understand anything, and explained, “In a fairy city like Wufang City, it’s impossible to rely on everything on its own, and it will also offer rewards to recruit city citizens to do things for them. Most of these things It is dangerous, but the rewards are also high, such as exploring the New Territories, conquering enemy territories, searching for minerals, hunting criminals, and so on."

Han Ruo said immediately, "But he is just a loose fairy, how can he go to receive a reward?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "The problem lies here. Among the thirteen people, there is a golden immortal, and the others are scattered immortals. Only Brother Luo is a scattered immortal. He may be trapped, I think , Maybe he knew some secrets, or some other reason."

Even Bi Fan didn't say it clearly, obviously this task involves a lot, Zhou Shu didn't want to and wouldn't ask too much.

Han Ruo's mouth tightened, her voice getting colder, "Zhou Shu, what is the task? Who are those people?"

"I don't know. The reward task is always confidential, not to mention that it's about Jinxian, and others will not check it down."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said thoughtfully, "The mission to go out of the city to other worlds is generally impossible to return within decades. Those people have not returned to the city, and the mission is not over. When someone comes back to settle the mission, naturally I can know the whereabouts of Brother Luo," he smiled, "Of course, it is also possible that Brother Luo is the one who handed in the task. I believe in his ability."

"How can it be possible that there is a golden fairy."

Han Ruo lowered his head and thought for a while, his eyes flashed when he raised his head, "Zhou Shu, I want to go out and find him."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "Then you think about it for yourself, but I don't think this is a good idea, and you haven't beaten me."

You can't go out to find in Wufang City, and it will only be more difficult to leave Wufang City. There are thousands of realms in the heavens. Who knows where Luo Xiping has gone? What can I do if I find it, there is still a golden fairy there.

Hanruo's expression changed slightly, and his eyes grew colder, "You, are you incomprehensible to keep me forever?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You won't forget the promise you made before? You have to beat me before you can go out. Otherwise, you go out to die. I can't deal with Brother Luo. I don't want to say too much about these things. said."

Han Ruo stared at Zhou Shu and said coldly, "Well, let's call it now."

"as you wish."

Zhou Shu nodded and slid back dozens of feet, Wuhen Sword was already in hand.

"So you were ready."

Han Ruo let out a cold snort, waved his sleeves, and two solid water jets rushed over, with incredible strength, and immediately swayed Zhou Shu.

Hanruo was overjoyed, and he had made progress these days, and he had a head start and an opportunity.

But only a quarter of an hour later.

She walked back to the lake with a look of resentment, sat down and didn't even look at Zhou Shu from start to finish.

Zhou Shu retracted Wuhen and arched his hands far away, "I can accompany the girl whenever I want to fight, and let me leave first."

Han Ruo was silent, cursing at himself secretly, and also reflecting on the results just now. He was obviously about to win, why did he suddenly lose again?

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and went outside the Xuan.

Repeated deductions made him understand Hanruo more than Hanruo himself. How can he not win?

He returned in a few hours, and hurriedly walked to a vacant house, "Old Jian, come with me, there is something good!"

Old Jian followed suspiciously.

Han Ruo glanced at Zhou Shu secretly, with anger still in his eyes, but quite curious in his heart.

When he entered the house, Zhou Shu dropped a lot of materials. The spiritual energy in the house immediately steamed, and there were five-color lights everywhere. It was really beautiful. Old Jian looked at it carefully. "I thought it was a good thing, it was all five elements. Ah, Zhou Shu, you can't buy a magic weapon, you plan to refine it yourself?"

"Without that time, I can't practice the fairy tools I need."

Zhou Shu shook his head and quickly moved to fix various materials to different places, and then added many formations.

Old Jian seemed to realize something, "I see, you are spinning the five elements!"


Since you can't get a fairy tool like the Five Elements Wheel, use the formation.

The rotation of the Five Elements Array also has the effect of comprehending the Five Elements Law, but it consumes a lot more. I am afraid that a lot of materials will be used for each enlightenment, and they are all materials close to the immortal product. Millions of immortal stones look a lot. It is estimated to be able to support a few months.

In the past few months, he must get results.

"But, there is no fire material?"

Old Jian looked for a while and found a big problem.

Zhou Shu smiled without answering. After setting up the other materials, he took out a jade box from his body. As soon as it was opened, a cluster of purple flames flew out of it, flying around, like a rabbit.

But nowhere can I escape ~www.ltnovel.com~ As soon as Wuhenjian draws it around, he firmly **** the flame on the tip of the sword, and stays where it should be.

As the formation took shape, the entire room instantly became dim, and the almost chaotic power of the Five Elements couldn't help surging, forming many large and small vortices in the room.

Old Jian's eyes widened, "What kind of fire is this?"

"Zijun Immortal Fire, just entered the product, not even the first product."

Zhou Shu stared at the flame with emotion, "But this little flame cost me 3.4 million cents, which is more expensive than other materials combined."

"Xianhuo, of course it's expensive."

Old Jian was disapproving, only some doubts appeared in his eyes, "No, you use immortal materials for the fire, but the others use ordinary materials. These five elements are not equal at all. It is difficult for the formation to be effective. You are still a master of the formation. , What did you think? The current formation is definitely not suitable."

Zhou Shu seemed to smile, "It's not too late for the others to get together slowly, now, it's enough for someone to help."

Old Jian stagnated, "You plan to let Hanruo help you? With her restraining the fire, the five elements will naturally be okay, and the formation can be improved a lot, but can she help you? I think she hates it now You are too late, how can you help you maintain the formation."

Zhou Shu seemed to smile wryly, "I helped her, but I still want to hate."

Elder Jian ignored the complaint, "In the end, it is against the will of others, what are you going to do? You can't force her, it's okay to use others, but it's not good to force it, it's the righteousness of the emperor."

"Of course not," Zhou Shu shook his head and slowly said, "Actually, when I do this formation, I can not only help me, but also help her. If she can understand it, she will naturally help me. If she doesn't understand, neither will I Count on her and change the materials slowly.") Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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