Fairy Winner

Chapter 2182: coming

   Three days passed quickly.

   Zhou Shu walked out of the quiet room, calm and relaxed.

   Hanruo in the lake looked up at him, then lowered his head.

   Zhou Shu couldn’t tell. Most of Han Ruo had something to say, and he didn’t want to take the initiative to speak, so he walked over and said, "Do you want to go out and see?"

   "Will you take me out?"

   If Han raised his head, his eyes flashed brightly.

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, you haven't beaten me, and I don't want to take you out."

   Han Ruo felt sad, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Zhou Shu smiled and continued to walk outside the door. After not taking a few steps, he heard Han Ruo shouting behind him, "You better not get hurt, otherwise I will compare you with you when you come back. You will definitely lose."

"hope so."

   Zhou Shu opened the door and went out without looking back.

   If Han stared at the door, he felt quite depressed.

   Seeing his relaxed look, how could he get hurt? I can't beat him, who is still a miscellaneous immortal. Now that he is a true immortal, which true immortal will be his opponent.

  As soon as Zhou Shu walked to the inner hall, Bai Kechen greeted him with a smile on his face, "Master Xuan, are you ready to go?"

   Zhou Shu said calmly, "Lao Bai has been waiting for me? Don't worry, if you promised the challenge, I won't be late, and you don't have to worry about me not going."

Bai Kechen stagnated, "What is Lord Xuan's saying? I'm waiting for Lord Xuan to return from the victory. It's a pity that Xuanli is too busy today, and his subordinates can't go to see Lord Xuan's power in person. They can only encourage you here. ."

   Zhou Shuruo gave him a deep look and turned around.

   As soon as he left, Bai Kechen took out the inscription beads and sneaked in the news.

   "Mr. Guan, he has gone out to Yingtiantai."

   "It's only been three days, I really dare to fight, the state is unstable."

   "Yes, what the sir said is, I also heard people say that the real immortal who has just been promoted is not as good as the scattered immortal. This time he is determined to lose."

   "Hehe, it's dead."

   There are only three Yingtiantais in the entire Wufang City, which are dedicated to contests between immortals.

   In the city gate area, there are only two places that can openly kill people. This is one of them, and the other is Tiancaizhu.

It is a semi-circular capped building, not big, only a few tens of square meters. The exterior looks very ordinary, but it is only ordinary. Even if it is far away, you can perceive the solemnity, majesty and inviolability here. , As if there are gods guarding them.

   The rules here are stricter than those in other places, and it is not to say that there are gods.

   It is absolutely forbidden to fly near the Tiantai, such as spiritual perception and other immortal means. Anyone who comes here must treat himself as a mortal, even the golden immortal.

There was a fairy who didn’t know anything and wanted to perceive it with divine consciousness outside. It was not Yingtiantai, but a nearby fellow who perceives it. As soon as he discovered divine consciousness, he was beaten back. There was the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu in the sea of ​​knowledge. He walked around the beam for hundreds of days and kept reminding him to abide by the city regulations, which shocked him. He hadn't recovered for a few years. Afterwards, everybody said that he would abide by the city regulations, as if he was stupid.

   Ying Tiantai was built by the city owner and directly under the city owner. It can't be controlled by the city owner. If you violate the city regulations here, you will directly offend the city owner.

   And in Wufang City, the city lord is a god, there is no doubt.

   There is a bronze statue in front of the building, which is seven or eight feet high. It is magnificent and solemn. Many immortals are looking down below, with envy on their faces.

   "If only I could stand here one day and be admired by all those people."

   "You really dare to say it!"

   "Isn't it the first place on the immortal list? Can't you be regarded as me, don't bully the young man!"

   "You are in your seventies and eighties, and you are still a teenager, and you have to change places when you want to dream. Talk nonsense here!"

   "Old man... The old man is a boy, what's the matter? Everyone is a boy on the road to cultivating the holy. As long as he meets chance, he may not be as good as him.

   "I'm so frustrated, it's no wonder I can say such things."

   "Shut up!"

   There was a sharp shout, and everyone was silent, and they didn't dare to talk any more.

   The four guards at the gate behind the bronze statue stood upright like a javelin, dressed in heavy golden armor, and showed only straight faces.

   The scolding sound is coming from here.

   A guard took two steps, glanced at everyone, and shouted loudly, "A quarter of an hour later, Ying Tiantai will be opened. If you want to enter, come here as soon as possible to pay, and those who do not enter will go far."

   "Come, here, just wait for this sentence!"

   Many immortals showed excitement and ran towards the gate one after another, regardless of their manners.

   The guard blocked the door and said in a deep voice, "Come one by one, today is an inferior challenge. Only three hundred people can watch it. Golden Immortals are not allowed to enter. Everyone who enters will pay 2,000 immortal stones and hand them to me."

  The person at the top nodded repeatedly, "I know, we all understand the rules."

   "Some people don't understand."

   The guard glanced at the man with a sullen face, the man shut up quickly, took out the fairy stone and handed it over.

   The guard glanced a little, nodded and let go.

   The man walked in hurriedly, his expression quite excited.

   The people behind are similar, one by one, busy handing in the fairy stones, for fear that they will not be able to enter if they are behind.

   When entering Yingtiantai, it is necessary not only to limit the number of people, but also to hand in a lot of celestial stones. Why are these people flocking to it?

  The reason is very simple, because what they get after going in is more than just a challenge.

   After a while, most of the immortals entered Yingtiantai, and those who entered naturally looked happy, as if they were about to make a fortune, while those who did not enter could only hate their slow running, and sighed outside.

   At this time, Zhou Shu arrived.

   He didn't know much about the rooftops, and it was the first time he came. He stopped in front of the bronze statue for a while before walking slowly towards the door.

   He was a little surprised. The person in the bronze statue~www.ltnovel.com~ was a bit too young, and it didn't seem to be changed later, but very young.

   is another amazing young man.

  Leaving the Xuanhuang Realm, only then did I realize the greatness of the heavens and the many geniuses.

Many immortals who did not go in looked at Zhou Shu and laughed, but did not remind them. Waiting to see Zhou Shu’s jokes, everyone knows that the number of people in Yingtiantai is now full, and in the past, they would just be boring and be disappointed. The guard severely reprimanded that it didn't run away.

   Zhou Shu walked to the guard, raised his hand, and said calmly, "I am Zhou Shu, I am participating in the challenge."

   The guard who was about to yell at him suddenly changed his face and smiled, "It turns out that it is Daoist Zhou Shu, we have been waiting for you for a long time, please take out the Mingzhu."

Zhou Shu passed the inscription pearl, the guard carefully checked it, and returned it back, "Yes, fellow daoists can go in. You are here to challenge. You can go to the Shouxin Pavilion and wait first. When the time is up, someone will naturally call you. ."

   Zhou Shu thanked him once and walked in slowly.


   "Go in?"

   There was a small exclamation from behind, and the immortals' eyes widened, never expecting it to be like this.

   (PS: Thank you polo800720 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)


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