Fairy Winner

Chapter 2186: Surprised

The head disappeared, and the power of the law of fire was completely out of control.

The ground collapsed in an instant, and the turbulent ground fire kept coming out, making a gurgling sound, as if it was welcoming the power of the laws that went violently.

At this time, Zhou Shu was no longer there.

At the moment when he cut down Shi Chengen's head, a completely irresistible force struck him and took him away from the battlefield.

Now he was sitting in the guarding pavilion, greeted the puppet waiter to deliver incense tea, took a good rest, and watched the movement in the audience by the way.

"what happened!"

"How did it become like this, how about them?"

"Who has won?"

The battlefield in front of him was already a swamp of flames, the flames raging everywhere, but Zhou Shu and Shi Chengen were no longer visible, and there was an uproar naturally.

Few people know the outcome. Only those true immortals whose realm is close to the golden immortal can see the result, but the doubts in their eyes are no less than those who don't know the result, and they don't know how Zhou Shu turned defeat into victory.

The people present may only be known to Zhou Shu.

Shi Chengen's law of fire is very strong, and with the Shenhuo spear, it is indeed a powerful opponent, and Zhou Shu can only use the power of the law of five elements.

Yes, the three days to consolidate the realm is only enough for Zhou Shu to use a trace of the power of the law freely. If you use too much, even if your body can bear it, you will make mistakes in the process of using power. For Zhou Shu who is extremely cautious If the process is wrong, it means losing control, which is more terrifying than the body cannot withstand the power, so he will only use that little bit, not a little more.

Fortunately, that little bit is enough.

The strong power of the Five Elements Rule protects the land of ten feet and prevents Zhou Shu from being hurt.

Not to mention that Shi Chengen hasn't cultivated the law domain yet, even if he cultivates, it may not have much influence on Zhou Shu.

It should be understood that the law of the five elements contains the law of fire, and its essence is far above it. The power of the law of the five elements can be smoothly integrated into the law of fire, and it can be decomposed and transformed, even if the power of the law of fire is stronger, Zhou Shu also Can be easily blocked.

Of course, this is also because Shi Chengen's realm is similar to Zhou Shu, and Shi Chengen only has the law of fire.

If Shi Chengen's realm was much higher than Zhou Shu, such as Jinxian, Zhou Shu would not be able to quickly transform and blend in, and naturally he would not be able to resist it.

If there are other powers in Shi Chengen’s power of law, such as the power of Tao that Zhou Shu can’t understand, then even Zhou Shu’s mixed power of law is not easy to block, but he is not. Maybe he likes purity. Perhaps it was to restrain the gold trade, so that there was only the law of fire in his power, which was not a big trouble for Zhou Shu.

In short, the magic of that trace of law was used by Zhou Shu, making Shi Chengen's movements useless.

No, it's not completely useless, it's counterproductive.

One of the adverse effects is to confuse Shi Chengen himself.

In order to cover up his actions, Zhou Shu deliberately turned the fire into gold. In Shi Chengen’s eyes, Zhou Shu’s Immortal Wuhen Sword was being melted by him. It was also because of this that Shi Chengen thought he had seized the opportunity. He rushed over to finish his work.

Otherwise, even if Zhou Shu can win, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

The second reaction was that Shi Chengen's own power became Zhou Shu's help.

When Shi Chengen rushed towards Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu split the power of the five elements into two halves, part of which was wrapped in the Wuhen sword, integrated into the power of fire, and quietly approached Shi Chengen.

Shi Chengen didn't feel any resistance, it was because he couldn't feel it.

The power of the five elements has been integrated into his own power of fire, how does he feel?

However, Zhou Shu’s move was also very dangerous, because the attacking power was allocated, and he didn’t use much to defend. Fortunately, the distance was very short and the time was short. Together with Zhou Shu’s quick attack, this power was attenuated. The moment was not caught by Shi Chengen.

If Shi Chengen could show up, Zhou Shu could be injured, but it was a pity that he was still in the fairy weapon at the time, and he didn't see this fleeting opportunity.

He may be a fan of immortal objects, he would kneel down for the fusion gold gun, and it would be a pity for the Wuhen sword that he could not get.

Zhou Shu seized the opportunity and naturally played a hit, turning defeat into victory.

Although from beginning to end, he used far less power than Shi Chengen, and only had the power of the Five Elements Rule, but because of the powerful nature of the power and Zhou Shu's plan, he successfully won this game and took the lead.

Without Jinxian watching the battle, Zhou Shu was sure that the reason for his victory would not be revealed.

Some people will guess that he is an immortal body and will not be affected by promotion. Some people guess that he is not the golden rule, or that he has any special immortal tools. No matter what, let others let Changtian guess. In short, he should Can continue to consolidate the realm for some time.

"It's only a pity that the magic gun."

Zhou Shu's Five Elements Rule, of course, can also use that sharp spear. In his opinion, the ability to temporarily form a domain-like effect is indeed not weaker than the second-grade immortal artifact, but it is a pity that here, victory The winner is destined to not get the trophy, but you can consider taking a look at the next auction.

I just took a look at it, and I can’t afford to buy it, even if it’s an auction of Yingtiantai, I can’t afford it.

After tasting a sip of fairy tea, Zhou Shu looked down quite complacently. The auction should begin soon.

The arena has been restored to its original condition, and there is no longer a half-lit, flat ground, but there are a few more jade platforms, and many puppets are walking back and forth, putting many items on the jade platform, preparing for the auction.

The auction is about to begin, but the audience is still thinking about the previous challenges.

"What's the matter, it's still no result?"

"Yes, how do you tell the result? Is it a draw, or are both burned to death?"

"I want to see the result too..."

At first, many people didn't care about the challenge at all, and cared more about the auction afterwards, but such inexplicable results always made people tickling. For a while, they didn't even bother to look at the items on the stage, just shouting there.

It was just shouting, no one dared to do anything.

"Be quiet!"

A true immortal stood up and said in a deep voice, "You haven't seen it? Shi Chengen's head is lost, so naturally he is lost! Dead!"

Everyone glanced at the real immortal, almost all of them knew each other, and they couldn't help but stop.

Na Zhenxian is the host of the Xuanji Dojo in the Chengmen District. He is known as the real person Xuanji. He has helped many practitioners to cultivate the laws of the immortal world~www.ltnovel.com~The status is extraordinary and he is very respected in the city. , He is also a character who is about to step into the golden fairy.

Naturally, there are not many who do not believe what he said.

Believe it, but the doubt on his face is not less than that.

"Ah, my head is lost, what's going on?"

"Obviously with such a big advantage, you are about to win, why did you lose your head?"

"This...is this too unexpected?"

"What the **** did Zhou Shu do? Can you win in that situation?!"


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