Fairy Winner

Chapter 2195: Get angry

Ten days passed in a flash.

"Why isn't he coming out yet?"

The little Zhao tilted his head and said impatiently, "It's been a long time since this, right?"

Jian Lao glanced at him, "Don't talk nonsense there, he is very good."

Compared with the previous days, Zhou Shu no longer sees a trace of redness on his face, and it is completely calm down. No one can see that Zhou Shu has overcome the difficulties and returned to normal, and he is not far away from the customs.

Xiao Zhao looked at the quiet room, looking through his eyes, "He doesn't come out, the plan is not easy to start, hurry up, hurry up."

Han Ruo not far away suddenly said, "Small trick, didn't you say that there are still golden immortals coming these days, why haven't they come?"

The little trick bounced over, and was a little confused, "I don’t know, why don’t you say good things will not come, this golden fairy is also unreliable, forget it, no matter if he doesn’t come, there is a Su Boyan It's almost done together."

Hanruo nodded lightly, seemingly relieved, "Then I won't be needed."

"My sister has been very helpful."

While Xiao Zhao spoke, he used his furry body to show his hospitality, but Han Ruo was eating it, stroking the small move with a smile.

In the past few days, she may have laughed more than before.


The door of the quiet room suddenly opened, and Zhou Shu walked out, his face was a little bad, as if it was covered with ashes.

Zhou Shu rarely showed such an expression, which made Old Jian, who was very happy, stunned, "You came out? Why is it that the result is not good?"

"My results are very good, but you did not do well."

Zhou Shu looked at Old Master Jian and shook his head, and sighed, "Old Jian, you have done something wrong with this."

"what's up?"

Old Jian was taken aback, but he soon understood, "You mean negotiating with Su Boyan, did you hear it inside?"

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "I can't be distracted. I didn't hear what you said, I could only feel him coming in."

The little trick slipped over, seeming to question, "That's weird, you didn't hear it again, then why do you say that we didn't do a good job? For such a big thing, you are in retreat, and we helped you. , You can’t say it after you finish it, Zhou Shu, you are too unreasonable!"

Han Ruo glanced at Zhou Shu from a distance, "The little trick is right, you just don't make sense."

Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down, "Well, then tell me, how do you negotiate?"

The little trick walked to Zhou Shu, one to five to ten, and he told the whole process like a demonstrative, "...I can be sure that with Su Boyan's help, we can gradually drive away Chang Tian and regain Zhibaoxuan."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Yes, maybe we can do it, but after walking forever, we have new enemies."

"The new enemy?"

The little trick was stunned, "Who, is there anyone who wants to steal the treasure house?"

Han Ruo thought about it, "Are you talking about Su Boyan?"

The little trick shook his head quickly, "No, no, he is a businessman, I signed a contract with him, I have read the terms many times, there are no loopholes, there will never be unfair situations, and then use the inscription Zhu is notarized. In this regard, Su Boyan has absolutely no loopholes."

Zhou Shu didn't look at it, but looked at Old Jian, "Old Jian, lead the wolf into the room."

Old Jian said condensedly, "There was no other choice."

Xiao Zhao looked angrily, "What are you talking about? Why ignore me, I clearly said it clearly!"

Zhou Shu turned to it and slowly said, "During the negotiation, did Su Boyan say a word that he won't lose money anyway, so he decided to cooperate with us in the ghost nuclear business and run Changtian."

The little trick just nodded, "Yeah, I was surprised at the time. There is definitely no loss in business."

Han Ruo also nodded, "He said that it was his self-confidence as a golden immortal, there should be no other meaning."

"no other meanings?"

Zhou Shu's face was stern, and he said sternly, "A real immortal-level immortal weapon spirit, a business prodigy fortune beast, and an ignorant true immortal with an ice immortal body. If you add the value of the three of you together, is it better than Zhibao? Xuanchai? Even if Su Boyan paid a lot of price, he still failed to get the benefits from Zhibaoxuan, but with you, how could he lose money?"

The little trick was stunned, "Huh? He was referring to us?"

Han Ruo looked at Zhou Shu, her face pale, and she was speechless for a while.

Old Jian was silent. If Su Boyan didn't understand the meaning, tips and letters, how could he not understand?

He is deliberately pretending to be confused.

He did not stop him when he asked Hanruo to negotiate instead of Zhou Shu, and at that time he was ready. Rather than miss this opportunity, he might as well take a gamble. He would rather treat the ice fairy letter as a piece of paper. An important bargaining chip, so that Su Boyan is willing to join hands.

Xiao Zhao whispered, "Zhou Shu, you mean, if he can't get Zhibaoxuan, he will attack us?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I hope so, then there is still a chance, but I am afraid, his target is you, not Zhibaoxuan."

Xiao Zhao quickly shook his head, "No, before he came, he didn't know that there was me, immortal body, and old swordsman. He must have come for the ghost nuclear business and Zhibaoxuan, but... That's hard to say."

Xiao Zhao bowed his head, deeply regretful.

Soon, it raised its head and said loudly, "Zhou Shu, I shouldn't let my sister Hanruo replace you, let alone let him come in for negotiations. It's all my fault."

Han Ruo settled down and looked at Xiaozhao with a touch of gentleness in his eyes, "Little move, I promised you, it has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself."

After speaking, she faced Zhou Shu, took a deep breath, and said decisively, "Zhou Shu, I'm leaving."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Are you going to challenge me?"

Han Ruo stagnated, "You, do you still want me to win before you can go out?"

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "Of course."


If Han couldn't help but angrily said, "You just scolded us just now, didn't you just want to drive me away? Why do you want to keep me? What do you want to do?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I just scolded you, pointed out your mistakes, didn't scold you, and didn't want to drive you away. Besides, what can you do to let more people know that you have an ice fairy body? Certainly, there must be someone waiting for you outside now. If you leave my door, you will fall into the hands of others at most three hours, completely losing your freedom."

Han Ruo was startled, and his face suddenly turned pale, "Yes, is that Su Boyan?"


Zhou Shu seems to think about it~www.ltnovel.com~ He knows the situation in Zhibaoxuan, the treasure is on the side, and he will definitely look at it carefully. In his mind, Zhibaoxuan may be as important as the ghost nuclear business, maybe It’s even more important, Hanruo girl, just stay in it with peace of mind, maybe you will be more comfortable. "


Hanruo opened his mouth to say something, but thinking of the fate of becoming a furnace ding, he did not dare to speak.

Xiao Zhao pulled her sleeves, and whispered, "Sister, just stay inside. It's my fault. You don't need to bear it. You don't have to worry too much. Zhibaoxuan is very safe. I have... …Yes, it must be fine."

(Ps: Thank you po1o8oo72o for your continued support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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