Fairy Winner

Chapter 2197: Tiangang

Zhou Shu didn't care about business matters anymore. Those little tricks were enough, and Senior Jian would help watch.

Believe that it can be done well, if it is not done well, he can't help it.

He has his own business, he must practice the Tiangang Shadows well and consolidate his realm as soon as possible.

After going through a retreat, Zhou Shu ranked the position of Tiangang Huaying ahead of the consolidation realm. Why?

Tiangang Huaying was originally a formation created by Liangshan Palace Master Song Shiyu. It was called Tiangang Town Immortal Formation. It was extremely powerful and could suppress an opponent a hundred times stronger than himself to death. Even Song Shiyu himself could hardly resist. It was enough to be the formation of the palace, but to implement this formation, thirty-six immortals with similar talents, similar cultivation bases, and the power of the same kind of law were needed to defend the formation, which was very rare.

Ren is a disciple of Liangshan Palace with over 100,000, and Song Shiyu couldn't find suitable people to audition for this moment.

The formation requirements are too high, even if it is strong, what use is it? Even if you get the number of people, if something goes wrong, you lose everything.

Song Shiyu wanted to understand this, so he changed his course and took a lot of thought to change the formation technique into a secret technique.

First, build thirty-six orifice points in the body, called Tiangang orifice, as a place to store the power of rotation. When facing the enemy, based on the power in these orifice points, it circulates and evolves into the Tiangang formation in the body, thus Unleash the power of the Tiangang formation. Of course, one person’s power is divided into 36 parts. The final effect is certainly not as good as the formation of thirty-six people. It is not a hundred times as much, but the caster uses this secret technique. It can release ten times the power of its own.

Being able to increase the power of the law ten times out of thin air, it is difficult to find an opponent in the same tier.

When this method is being performed, there will be many phantoms around the caster that can't help flashing, virtual and real, like thirty-six clones.

This is also the origin of the name Tiangang Huaying.

However, those phantoms are just a natural reaction when the body's acupoints release their power. They have no other practical meaning and no effect except for some confusing. After all, the formation is changed, and it is normal to have some traces of the formation. And Song Shiyu didn't bother to improve it, there was no need, not to mention that it would take a lot of time and energy to remove the Phantom.

Of course, outsiders didn't know about this, and the disciples of Liangshan Palace knew that they would not care about those phantoms when practicing secret art.

Later Liangshan Palace was close to annihilation, and many tactics were lost, and not many people knew about this.

The immortals who have seen the transformation of Tiangang are rumored, making most people feel that those phantoms are the essence of transformation of Tiangang. It is those clones that have unstoppable power. If they get the secret technique, they want to If you learn this secret art well, you must work harder in this area.

That's what Sun Yuan did.

He gave up everything, put most of his mind on the phantom, and cultivated completely meaningless things, but he didn't learn the true core well. Of course, he has everything that should be there, but he can't wield power.

What he got was the shadow of Tiangang, but the finished one was only a shadow, and was finally captured and killed.

However, Zhou Shu realized this point keenly through analysis and deduction, taking the essence of it and eliminating the pitfalls, so that what he cultivated was the real shadow of heaven.

With the help of relic beads, Zhou Shu built the Tiangangqiao acupoint in his body during those days of retreat.

Speaking of which, Tian Gangqiao is really mysterious.

In Tiangang Aperture, the utility of storing power is similar to that of the sea of ​​air, but it is actually far more complicated than that of the sea of ​​air.

Simply put, each Tiangang Aperture is a small golden core world, which is in harmony with the world and itself, has a complete power cycle, and is extremely complex. If it is not, how can it wield the power of the large array in the body? Constructing a Tiangang orifice is like creating a virtual self in the body, going through the process from scratch, from weak to strong, with twists and turns, which is almost the same as practicing from scratch.

At the beginning, Zhou Shu had to work hard to build the second sea of ​​qi. Although he is now a real immortal, it is not difficult to build a sea of ​​qi in his body-Zhou Shu now has many seas of qi in his body, but he has to build a better The Tiangang Aperture, which is extremely complex in the sea of ​​air, may not be successful even after decades.

But now, in those dozen days of retreat, Zhou Shu has completed all thirty-six Tiangang Orifices.

This is because the relic beads contain all the complete information, and the entire process of constructing the Tiangang Aperture is in your eyes. Sun Yuan's thousands of years of hard work have now been passed on to Zhou Shu, and Zhou Shu just has to follow it.

In the process of constructing Tiangang Aperture, Zhou Shu felt excited all the time.

Rutigu empowered, and he understood at once that to him, the meaning of Tiangang Aperture was too great, and it was definitely not just a secret technique of transforming Tiangang shadows.

He could use the Tiangang Aperture to do other things.

Having thirty-six Tiangang Apertures means that he can store more power in his body. Of course, this is just a natural and simple application. More importantly, Zhou Shu can change other formations into magic tactics.

For Zhou Shu, with precedent, it is not too difficult, as long as there is enough time to do it.

Tiangang Aperture and his talents can be said to be a match made in heaven, just like God's favor.

As we all know, the power of the formation is basically greater than that of the law, not to mention that the ten directions are all destroyed, the four big formations like the gods, and some small formations are also the same, and after practicing the Tiangang Shadow Secret, Zhou Shu can wield the power of multiplayer formation alone!

In time, as long as there are enough Tiangang orifices in the body, it is not impossible for one person to become an army and wield the power of the military.

Is there anything more exciting than this?

Tiangang Huaying is by no means only a magic formula, it also opened a window for him, allowing him to broaden his horizons and have more ideas and directions.

Isn't it lack of tactics? Then create and improve it yourself. In the heavens, the magic formulas in the Profound Yellow Realm are not very strong, but the formations can still be used. If these formations can be changed into the magic formula, at least in Wufang During this time in the city, Zhou Shu didn't need to worry about Fa Jue.

Isn't it impossible to practice the power of multiple laws at the same time? Don’t worry too much now. One Tiangang Aperture stores the power of a law, will not affect the body, will not interfere with each other, and will continue to grow and progress. Then, go to see through several laws at the same time~www.ltnovel.com ~ The power of practicing several laws will not be a problem.

——The basis for this is that the power of these laws must be consistent with Shu Zhidao. If they are not compatible, Zhou Shu will not touch them.

Of course, Zhou Shu still can't do that.

What he can do now is to condense the power of the law generated in his body in the Tao furnace, merge with Shuzhi, absorb and merge with each other, and then enter the Tiangang Aperture, and run it repeatedly, thousands of times. Finally stored.

On the one hand, it can further condense the power of the law, on the other hand, it can also polish the Tiangang Aperture and prepare for the future use of Secret Art.

(Ps: Thank you angc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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