Fairy Winner

Chapter 2209: Destiny

Zhou Shu was stunned, "What?"

The steward looked at Zhou Shu directly, and didn't mean to give in. "You have been included on the unwelcome list of this shop, so I won't accept it. Please ask Zhou Daoyou to go to other places."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It seems that this is the first time I have come here."

The manager shook his head, "This has nothing to do with me, I just act according to the rules, and I hope that Friends Zhou will be considerate."

A few people gathered around, seeming to see the excitement, but also seemed to have other ideas.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Fine, then I'll look elsewhere."

If others don't let in, he can't forcibly break in. Of course, if you don't break in, you can say otherwise.

What's the matter with this unwelcome list?

It didn't take long for him to think of the answer.

Four stores in a row shut him out for the same reason.

The reputation has risen, but it has become unpopular. Of course, there is no such reason in the world. The reason why these shops did not allow him to enter must be Changtian's reason, as far as possible to limit Zhou Shu, so that he can not practice properly, Do what you want to do.

Not to mention buying pills, if Zhou Shu picks up the task now, he will definitely be a closed door.

This was the case for Ke Buxie at the beginning. After offending Changtian, basically all normal communication was gone. Friends left him, the shop was closed to him, and he couldn't take the task.

This is the advantage of being powerful, just a few words can make it difficult for a person to survive in the city.

After all, for these shops, this is an easy choice to make. One less customer is nothing. Offending a prison would be a big problem.

Fortunately, there is Zhibaoxuan, otherwise there will be no place for cultivation. Fortunately, the immortal doesn't need to eat, or will he starve to death.

Zhou Shu secretly laughed a few words to himself, planning to leave. It seemed that there was nowhere for him to go on the whole street, and almost all shops were standing at the door of the store. They looked at Zhou Shu with a trace of alertness.

When he reached the end of the street, Zhou Shu stopped.

There was a small shop on the corner of the street, the door was not three feet wide, and a curtain was picked up from the top. There was no word on the curtain, only a billowing pill was drawn.

This pill was to give Zhou Shu a feeling of deja vu, but it was hard to explain how it came from.

There is no one in front of the shop, maybe because it is too small, even Chang Tian doesn't want to waste energy.

Zhou Shu walked in, always trying his luck, even in the inferior shops.

After entering, it was a short alley, which seemed to be only a few feet away, but it took a long time to reach the end.

The end is not too big. There is no trace of formation in a room with a radius of seven or eight feet. There are many shelves of different heights in the middle, and several people are busy in it.

"What does the guest officer want?"

An old man greeted him and saluted Zhou Shu with a smile.

Zhou Shu smiled back and immediately felt the difference, but it was definitely not just because the old man’s attitude towards him was completely different from that of other store managers, but because the old man was actually a real fairy. When he looked carefully, he discovered the busy people inside. All individuals are true immortals, even the one who serves tea and delivers water.

The stewards in the first-class shops are basically all immortals, and few true immortals are willing to do things that show up and serve people, and the ones here are all true immortals.

Very unusual, it doesn't look like a shop at all.

Zhou Shu was stagnant, and said thoughtfully, "Daoist, did I come to the wrong place?"

The old man smiled and pointed to the inside, "If you come in, you can't go wrong. This is indeed a place where pill medicine is sold, but the pill medicine here is not so easy to take away, hehe."

"I really can't afford it, so I retired."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and didn't look too much, and slowly stepped back.

This is weird. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. There is already a constant day. If you fall into other troubles, it will be very bad, and he is already suspecting that this may be a trap set by the constant sky, deliberately attracting him into it. , I'm afraid that a battle has already been laid around.

In fact, it should have been discovered in the alley, but Zhou Shu didn't expect that someone would actually do it in the city.

The old man was taken aback when he heard the sound, "Friends of Daoist, this..."

Zhou Shu smiled and walked out directly.

The alley was still a long walk away, but nothing happened, and it was soon outside.

The old man turned around and shook his head slightly, "This Zhou Shu, is so courageous? He ran away before he finished speaking, not to grab his money."

"As if we were going to harm him."

A handsome young man with abundance of gods chuckles unconsciously, "Senior said that this kind of person is a bit interesting. Is it because the senior has taken a blind eye? It's really boring to let us wait for so many days."

A woman next to her put down her tea cup and said condensedly, "Lang Yi, don't speak ill of Master Mu behind your back."

The woman was about sixteen or seventeen years old. She was quite petite and not very beautiful. Her eyes were shiny and black, and she blinked like shimmering gems.

Lang Yi stagnated, very helpless, "How can I say... Forget it, don't say it."

Another middle-aged man said slowly, "Old Xue, please invite him back. We are just coming to see him for seniors. By the way, we will meet friends with Dan. Don't let him misunderstand. Then we will pass to seniors and say we Intentionally scared him back, but it was not good."

The old man nodded, "It's also my fault. Just say it clearly. I'll take a look."

Zhou Shu was standing under the curtain, looking thoughtful.

Nothing will happen outside, and he also wants to figure out where the pill comes from. It seems to have seen it, but it seems that it has not been seen at all. It is strange, but he can't feel the dangerous breath from it. , Unlike Chang Tian deliberately placed here.

The old man smiled and approached, "Friends, but Zhou Shu?"

Zhou Shu nodded, secretly speculating about his intentions, "Exactly."

The old man said warmly, "Old man Xue Wenfu is an alchemist, and the few inside are also alchemists. We learned the alchemy from Senior Mu, and we also heard the name of fellow Taoists from Senior Mu. Among them was Lang Yi. Fellow Daoist wanted to meet you, so he asked for a Dan Qi from his predecessors, and then waited for Fellow Daoists to come, meeting friends with Dan, the old man Shicai said vaguely ~www.ltnovel.com~, I hope fellow Daoists don't blame it. "

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed. Seeing that the old man's form did not appear to be false, he said that he was also pretty and he was already convinced.

He seemed to be thoughtful, "Senior Mu, is it possible that he is the master Mu of the Eastern District?"

Xue Wenfu showed a lot of respect, "It's precisely, Senior Mu, who knows how to learn the Taoism with her."

"Dan Qi, what is that?"

Zhou Shu pointed to the curtain, it was the first time he heard of it.

"The flag with the aura of pill is actually not very useful, but Senior Mu said that if you have a relationship with the pill, you will come in when you see it," Xue Wenfu smiled, "No one cares after hanging it for a long time. Until the Daoist came in just now, the old man knew that Daoist was the person Senior Mu said, and he must have a destiny with Alchemy."

Zhou Shu stared at the curtain and suddenly realized.

That kind of feeling came from Mu Xue. When he first saw Mu Xue, Mu Xue had such a breath on him. He hadn't seen a pill, but he had seen someone who refines it.

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