Fairy Winner

Chapter 2220: By heart

"Guan Jian, you also have today!"

Ke Buxie stood with a gun, his eyes staring like an eagle.

Guan Jian on the opposite side was pale, and there was a big hole in his chest, which was charred and black. The internal organs and flesh and blood had long been indistinguishable, and there were even embers on the pale bones, billowing with smoke.

The shot of Ke Buxie just now completely shattered his power, pierced his body, and brought all his vitality.

"... Your lord will avenge me!"

Guan Jian looked at Ke Buxie coldly, without a trace of begging for mercy, and fell straight down.

"Even if there is only a trace of soul, don't want to leave!"

Ke Buxie yelled angrily and rushed over, but after searching around, he didn't see a trace of the soul, and suddenly became anxious, "What's the matter?"

"Stop looking, no."

Zhou Shu slowly walked over, "I don't have any spirits overflowing, Brother Ke, are the two you killed before, too?"

Ke Buxie thought for a few moments, "I came over in a hurry and didn't pay attention, but it didn't seem to be the case. Could it be that Chang Tian made the hands and feet, and immediately took away the soul?"

His face is a little ugly.

If the enemy's soul is still there, it will not be difficult to come back to life. Although it will take thousands of years of cultivation to get back to its original state, it is a hidden danger after all, and it is already a major enemy that cannot be solved in life or death.

"Perhaps, but I don't think Chang Tian can do it. If he can protect the immortal soul, his power should be far greater than it is now. Who doesn't want to rely on someone who can make him immortal? But..." Zhou Shudun After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "It's somewhat similar to the Yingtiantai. When you die, there will be no soul."

Needless to say too clearly, I believe Ke Buxie can definitely understand.

It is the city lord who can keep the soul indestructible or eliminate it completely.

Ke Buxie would be happy, so he could only shake his head. If the city lord took it away, no matter how good or bad, they would not be able to object, "Look at the gains, there should be a lot of them. These people have fairy weapons. "

"Can't take anything."

Zhou Shu's face was condensed, "Brother Ke, you take these corpses back and hand them to Yu Shouzheng, saying that we were ambushed by them when we were out of the city, and then we were killed by them. Please Shouzheng and deal with this matter fairly. You must be fast. , Don’t let the everyday people go first."

Ke Buxie thought for a while, "I understand, I almost missed a major event."

The harvest is a lot, at least there are five immortal artifacts, and there are more other treasures. Guan Jian Gang Chang Tian manages several shops. The immortal stone bag on his body may not contain hundreds of millions or even billions of immortal stones, but these things, Taking it away is a disaster. From just defense to murder and robbing of money, it must go to heaven.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Hurry up."

Ke Buxie was surprised, "You won't go back?"

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "I still have things to do. It's enough for you to go. I absolutely trust you. I will contact you when I return to the city."

Ke Buxie stared at Zhou Shu with earnest eyes, "Brother Zhou, don't worry, I will never move one. If one is missing, I will pay for it."

He was moved suddenly.

With such a large amount of property, if he moves a little bit, it is not him who will suffer, including Zhou Shu, and he is worried about his life, but Zhou Shu still feels relieved to let him go back alone, that is, to save his life. Put it on him.

He hasn't tasted this feeling of trust for a long time, the first time in decades.

Zhou Shu watched Ke Buxie go away, turned around, and rushed away.

Going out from here is just to solve Guan Jian and the others. The real purpose is on the other side. It's time to go to He Taiping.

He must trust Ke Buxie, because now he cannot return to the city, and he is not too worried about Ke Buxie betraying himself.

Because Ke Buxie hated Chang Tian more than him, there was nowhere to go.

Judging from the fact that he gave up his life to kill Guan Jian, it is impossible to dispel the hatred on both sides. Guan Jian's strength is not inferior to Ke Buxie, but his momentum is not as good as that, and the result was a miserable loss.

It didn't take long for him to look around carefully and to make sure that no one was following, Zhou Shu quietly sent a message to He Taiping.

Soon, the ground cracked and a familiar voice came.

Zhou Shu didn't doubt that he had him, so he went straight down, and everything returned to the same condition.

He Taiping dipped the grass in his mouth and looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, "I thought you didn't want it."

Zhou Shu showed some apologies, "Brother He, I was too scrupulous last time, sorry."

"Forget it, I may not dare to ask for it if I change it. This thing is really hot."

He Taiping showed a little solemnity, "But now it's different. You and I are both true immortals. Even if the food is hot, you must eat it. Opportunities don't always happen. If you miss it, there will be no next time."

Zhou Shu said frankly, "Yes, I really need Tianlong Fruit now."

He Taiping said happily, "Let's go, it's already the result now, no delay."

"and many more."

Zhou Shu stared at him, "I still want to know the origin of this dragon fruit."

He Taiping frowned unconsciously, and said some anger in his words, "Zhou Shu, I thought you figured it out, what on earth do you want to do? What if you know it? Give it to you, just eat, whatever else Don't even think about it, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If you take it, it will matter. Little brother said, maybe I can help."


He Taiping looked stagnant, and seemed to laugh at himself, "I don’t seem to have heard this word for a long time, and I don’t want to hear it again, Zhou Shu, I can tell you frankly that there is only a deal between you and me, and there is no help. ."

"Brother, you and I are all true immortals, no longer miscellaneous immortals who die when pinched."

Zhou Shu was not angry at all, his expression was indifferent, "I choose to accept Tianlongguo, which means I am willing to accept the trouble caused by it. I need to know, or you don’t give it to me."

He Taiping's expression tightened, and he fixedly looked at Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu did not move, only firmness and confidence on his face.

He Taiping sighed slightly, "It's a natural intention, but do you know what kind of trouble it is?"

"It will never be more trouble than I am now."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Brother, I have offended Chang Tian, ​​the prison city in Chengmen District, East District."

"Chang Tian?"

He Taiping stared at Zhou Shu for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~ and was quite puzzled, "You don't look like a troublemaker, is he annoying you?"

"I have flowers on my face, what do you always look at."

Zhou Shu laughed, "This is a long story, brother, let's talk about your side first, I will leave soon after I take the fairy fruit, and there is still something to do."

"Even if it's Changtian, it's not as big as mine, or even far behind."

He Taiping shook his head lightly, his expression very solemn, "Zhou Shu, if you must know, I can tell you, but this matter has nothing to do with you, I will solve it myself, even if you want to help me, I will wait for you. I'll talk about becoming a golden fairy."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Such the best, of course I believe in little brother."

He Taiping finally nodded, "Come on, go down and talk, don't delay the hour."

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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