Fairy Winner

Chapter 2227: Ask the blind

Yang Bai's face slightly condensed, "Will Chang Tian keep chasing you down?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "After all, he has seven or eight henchmen dead in my hands. Do you think he will let me go? I am not only worried about myself, I am even more worried about Zhibaoxuan. If he can't find me , May use Zhibaoxuan to vent its anger, or even destroy it."

He didn't think he would be demented to such a degree every day and act rashly in the city, but it would not do him any harm to say something serious, and he could also see how Wufang City handled it and how Yang Bai treated it.

Yang Bai paused, "That's a first-class store."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "I can't help but plan for the worst. After all, it's Jinxian or Supervisor."

Yang Bai thought for a few breaths, and said calmly, "You are right. Chang Tian is the supervisor of the city, the manager of the eastern district. I will immediately return to the central district and tell the city lord, let the city lord deal with this matter as soon as possible. Shouzheng, let him pay attention to Chang Tian, ​​no matter how it can not affect the normal order of the city gate area, especially pay attention to Zhibaoxuan."

Zhou Shu bowed, "Thank you very much."

"No, Zhou Shu, no matter what the result is, I will try my best."

Yang Bai took a deep look at Zhou Shu, as if to prove something. It seemed that the city lord was dissatisfied with Jin Xian's tolerance.

Then disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Shu hurriedly shouted, "Hey, Yang Bai, where is this? I should go over there, you have to tell me, otherwise, what should I do if I fall in again?"

There was no answer for a long time, and he really left.

"Same as last time, come and go without a trace. Anyway, leave an inscription pearl."

Zhou Shu sneered, and quickly took out Mingzhu and sent a few messages, asking about the situation of Ke Buxie and Jian Lao, and then slowly explored and walked forward, and stopped short of walking. There was a flame in front, but it was familiar. The ground fire magma.

It turned out that Yang Bai had been sent to the exit of the passage.

Walking out of the tunnel, Zhou Shu got into the ground fire, and immediately exited within two steps, grinning, "It's so hot, so hot."

I was also confused. I didn't have the blood cicada on my body anymore, and my strength hadn't recovered much. I just wanted to go through the ground fire layer, which was a bit whimsical.

He quickly returned to the passage, swallowed three Pills of strength, and swallowed a large pile of spirit grass. After resting for about two hours, he went out in a hurry, and he had to be in a hurry. You must know what's going on outside. I have sent out several messages before, and there is no response. Old Jian and Ke Buxie are not there. The latest news is one day ago. He Taiping has already entered the city gate area, and Mr. Jian called him. be careful.

The power of the Five Elements Law is used very skillfully, but without the fairy protector, and without the opening of the wind blade, the speed is not as fast as when it comes in.

It took a long time to break away from the ground fire, and it took a while to return to the ground.

Carefully peeking out of Divine Sense and looking around, his heart suddenly tightened, and there were at least four powerful existences within tens of thousands of miles around.

Although not as usual, it is definitely a golden fairy.

When can Changtian mobilize so many golden immortals?

Zhou Shu quickly shook his head. It was impossible. If Chang Tian could, it was not Guan Jian who came out to kill him, but Jin Xian.

But why are so many golden immortals gathered nearby?

It seems impossible, unless, unless this is not the east side.

Looking left and right, the aura here is far more than the Eastern District, and the aura is mixed with obvious fairy aura, and there is fairy aura in the wild, which is almost impossible in the East District, Zhou Shu suddenly realized. No wonder Yang Bai said Chang Tian couldn't find it. It turned out that this place was not the Eastern District at all.

With so many golden immortals, it should be the northern district with the most golden immortals.

The abyss in the center of the earth originally connected the five regions of Wufang City, covering a distance of tens of millions of miles. If it passed through the abyss, it would take only one day, but it would take Zhou Shu to go back to the Eastern District.

This time there is no rush, and I worry that Zhibaoxuan will not be able to go back.

Zhou Shu could only shake his head, and then settled down after a while.

It was the first time that Zhou Shu came to a place outside the Eastern District. Zhou Shu was a little lucky. It was not a place outside the law in the Western District. He was also a little curious and nervous. Worried that he violated the taboo of a certain golden immortal, and brought another terrible for himself. Enemy.

Standing still thinking for a while, Zhou Shu took out the Mingzhu and sent a message to Bi Fan.

"Are you here in the North District?"

The news came back quickly this time.

Zhou Shu quickly said, "Yes, I want to visit seniors, ask for advice, and get to know the North District."

"Go northeast and see a mountain shaped like a hammer. Just come up. Don't go to the other mountain by mistake, otherwise I can't save you."

"I see, senior."

Zhou Shu went all the way to the north and passed many strange-shaped peaks. Although he was curious, he didn't look much.

Obviously, these peaks belong to the Golden Immortal. If you step in at will, it is tantamount to trespassing into the Golden Immortal territory, and you will die.

After hundreds of thousands of miles, a tall mountain came into view.

The bottom is narrow and the top is wide, above the bottom circle, with two protruding ends. It is a huge hammer, and there is nothing wrong with it.

All the way up the mountain, I didn’t encounter any formations. Perhaps it was deliberately let go, or maybe it was not arranged at all. The latter is more likely. Few golden immortals will fight each other, even on Yingtiantai, the golden immortals are not. Will be divided into birth and death, naturally no one will break into the house, but if it really breaks in, the formation is not very useful.

An Ran walked to the top of the mountain and saw Bi Fan at a glance. Zhou Shu was stunned and surprised.

Four raging flames of different colors, piles of chaotic material mountains, Bifan sat in the middle very leisurely. At this time, he was very different from the past, with a messy beard and a few black ash on his face. , The clothes on his body are also torn a few holes.

The Bi Fan he saw in the past was definitely a modest gentleman in appearance, but now, there is no word of grace.

But this Bifan seems to be closer to him.

Bifan chuckled, seeming to see his thoughts, "If you change places, you don't have to talk about the rules, just sit down."

Zhou Shuxingli sat down ~www.ltnovel.com~ and smiled, "Such the best, now Xuanzhu is very similar to those masters of Qidao I have seen in the past. He concentrates on the Qidao, frees up the waves, and does not stick to the trivial."

Bi Fan expressed a bit of emotion, "It's really hard to do things in the Eastern District."

He stared at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "You came right in time. Recently I was thinking about a question on the instrument. After thinking about it for almost three months, I haven't got an answer. I'm overwhelmed... It's better to study it."

"How about that."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "With the talents of juniors, how can you study with seniors? Isn't this asking the blind? Even if it's asking for advice, juniors are worried about not understanding."

Bi Fan smiled slightly and said mysteriously, "It is also good to ask the blind. It is because you know less, so I study with you. If you know as much as I do, then I won't look for you."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, as if he understood something, he also laughed unconsciously, "Okay, the junior is not welcome, if you say something wrong, please don't take it off."

Bi Fan shook his head slightly, "Don't be afraid to say something wrong, I'm most afraid not to say it."

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