Fairy Winner

Chapter 2229: No comments

Outside the door, a green shirt fairy walked in.

He walked in front of Chang Tian, ​​his expression condensed, "Chang Tian, ​​you can't go now, I have something to ask you."

"Inspector Yang, what brought you here."

Looking at him often, there was a hint of panic in his mind, but the coldness on his face was no less, "Chang has important things to do, so I won't be with him."

He said he was going around, but he didn't take a step before being stopped by Yang Bai's hand.

Chang Tian's face became cold, and a few fierce lights flashed in his eyes, "Inspector, what do you mean, don't you want to take me?"

"How dare you."

Yang Bai shook his head, turned out a black token in his hand, and slowly said, "I have been ordered by the city lord to monitor the killing of Zhou Shu and others by Guan Jianjie, and I will also urge Master Shouzheng to deal with it as soon as possible to achieve fairness and justice."

"How did you know?"

Chang Tian's expression dimmed, and the fierce light in his eyes was fleeting, he walked to the side slowly, without saying a word.

Yu Yita was also a little surprised. He took a few steps and said with a respectful expression, "Since the city lord has orders, I should do my best."

He was not speaking to Yang Bai, but to the black token, so it looked a little strange.

After speaking, he turned to Yang Bai with a slight smile, "Inspector, what else does the city lord have to say?"

Yang Bai stagnated, and sighed secretly, "I just said that we should be fair and just, but we can't break the previous rules. I want to behave in a strict manner and should have my own decision."


Yu Yita nodded and walked back.

Chang Tian at the side loosened his heart, and a smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

The words of the city lord made him let go of a lot of heart. Seeing Yang Bai’s attitude before, he thought that the city lord was going to take the Jinxian operation this time. .

Not to be sentenced to the golden immortal is the rules of Wufangcheng.

In Xiancheng, Jinxian has always had great privileges.

In fact, it is not just Wufang City. Almost all Xiancheng City Lords are very tolerant to Jinxian.

This is not for the golden immortals, but for themselves, because the quantity and quality of the golden immortals is an important criterion for measuring whether a fairy city is strong, and the strength of the fairy city determines the future achievements of the city lord.

The city masters will not build Xiancheng for no reason, all for themselves to be able to go one step further on Xian Road and transcend the Holy Land.

Yu Yitian said solemnly, "Zheng He, how long will it take to find Zhou Shu?"

Zheng He arched his hands and said, "Being righteous, it may be fast or slow, depending on whether Ke Buxie and Sword Spirit are compatible."

Yu Yita frowned, "How do you say?"

Zheng Hening said, "Their Mingzhu is with me. There is news coming, it may be from Zhou Shu, but I can’t open the Mingzhu to check, and I can’t reply to Zhou Shu, but if they are willing to cooperate, things will be simple. Up."

Yu Yita thought for a moment, "You should do this. You can persuade him. Don't use punishment. Tell them clearly and ask them to persuade him to return to the city as soon as possible. I guarantee his safety. I just asked Zhou Shu to ask some things. The meaning of catching Zhou Shu."

Zheng He nodded, a sad look flashed across his face, "I will try my best, but it may be difficult. I have tried many times."

Yu Yita said slowly, "I have to try, I believe they can understand."

Yang Bai thought for a while and walked on the two trails, "Being upright, no trouble, Zhou Shu is in the North District now."

"Northern District?"

Yu Yita was startled, "Why did he go there?"

Staring at Yang Bai all the time, as if thinking of something, his heart suddenly tightened.

Yang Bai said slowly, "I happened to meet him one day ago. He said he was being chased by Chang Tian, ​​so I sent him to the North District."

He lowered his head every day, his face turned red and blue, and there was a lot of resentment in his heart, but it was difficult to speak.

Of course he knew that Zhou Shu was not dead, because he had been testing with Mingzhu, but he also knew that Zhou Shu was no different from death now.

Entering the forbidden area of ​​the earth, even Jinxian has to live a life worse than death, and then pay a large fee to leave. Zhou Shu must not be able to pay, and most of the time, he can only spend it in the forbidden area. If you are in a bad mood, it is not impossible for Zhou Shu to be in a coma forever.

This kind of ending is considered a complete success for him.

He waited outside for two days. Seeing that Zhou Shu hadn't come out, he thought that Zhou Shu could not escape the disaster, so he came back with confidence.

Where can I think of it, there is such a thing.

"Broken into the forbidden area but met Yang Bai, and just lost his life like this. No wonder Yang Bai will come here. Zhou Shu must have sued him. This kid had such good luck! No, how did he know Yang Bai? Yang Bai is not a casual rescuer..."

He raised his head and glanced at Yang Bai. Chang Tian was eight points certain, Zhou Shu and Yang Bai had a very unusual relationship.

"Could it be that this kid's backing is Yang Bai? He went to the forbidden area deliberately, and that is his way of retreat? Yang Bai blocked the previous wind blades?"

The more he thought about it, the more far-reaching he got, and his heart twitched again. If that was the case, then he had made all the wrong moves in the previous few moves, which was very wrong.

Knowing that Zhou Shu and Yang Bai were so close, he would never use his brains on Zhou Shu.

Who is Yang Bai, the first true immortal of Wufang City, one of the spokespersons of the city lord, absolutely boundless future, even Yu Shouzheng dare not be disrespectful, and he always...this is bad, don’t end up The end of the game all lose.

In fact, Zhou Shu and Yang Bai have nothing to do with Yang Bai. Out of his fascination with people from the Xuanhuang world, he also has the mind to enforce the law impartially. Of course, he also has selfish intentions. Only then will Zhou Shu come forward.

But Chang Tian didn't know, he regarded Yang Bai as Zhou Shu's patron.

Yu Yitian pondered slightly, "If Zhou Shu doesn't come back, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to deal with."

Yang Bai said slowly, "Don't worry about being upright, and deal with other aspects first. I send a message to let Zhou Shu come back as soon as possible, and it will take four or five days at most."

"Alright~www.ltnovel.com~ Then wait a few days."

Yu Yitian nodded and said solemnly, "Zheng He, start with Guan Jian and Zhibaoxuan, and investigate the matter carefully. Ask what you need to ask, don’t be soft about what you need to grasp, and figure out the truth as soon as possible. , Give the City Lord an explanation to the Eastern District."

Zheng He immediately saluted, "I see, the subordinates will do it now."

In fact, we all know about it, but there is a supervisory agent, and we have to work harder.

Yu Yita looked at Chang Tian, ​​"City Supervisor, you have cooperated with the investigation these few days and put aside other things. After this matter is handled, I will let Zhu Xueyi take over the work on the market side for the time being, okay?"

Chang Tian nodded, quite sincerely, "I see, Master Shouzheng, I have no opinion."

If in the past, stripped of his power in this way, he would definitely resist, even in the face of Shouzheng, but now there is not only Shouzheng, but there is also Yang Bai. Yang Bai himself may not be afraid, but there is no order in his hand. No one in Wufang City can compete.

See no party black order, such as see the city lord.

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