Fairy Winner

Chapter 2231: In a good mood

Leaving Hammer Mountain, Zhou Shu went back to the Eastern District.

Although Bifan didn't say anything, he actually said a lot.

The West District is the most resource-rich area in Wufang City, and the resources are concentrated in six or seven areas. Bifan said that the few places are the best. Now they are all occupied by the forefront of the immortal list. Others don’t even want to get in. Go, dare not go, after all, fate is more important.

I have to mention that the top ten of Wufang City Immortal List is far from others.

To put it simply, the distance between the top 100 and the tenth is almost equivalent to the gap between Zhou Shu and Chang Tian. Yu Yitian is ranked eleventh, but the three Yu Yitian combined can not beat the front of the immortal list. Any one of ten.

After knowing this, Zhou Shu also temporarily stopped thinking.

Although the place is good, it is impossible to get it now, just think about it.

However, the place of Cihang Lingshan always left a place in his heart, and if he found an opportunity, he would definitely check it out.

All the way to the east, carefully bypassing the mountain peaks where the golden immortals lived, but nothing happened.

Speaking of the North District is safer than the East District, because there are too many golden immortals here, one to two hundred, and there are no powerful monsters that can wreak havoc in the wild. Monster beasts are often driven out by the golden immortals as soon as they appear. Sometimes you can't grab it.

However, Zhou Shu also heard that there are also many monster caves in the North District, which are home to monsters of the Golden Immortal level. Most of them maintain peace with the Golden Immortals. At this stage, they are not monsters to be slaughtered. Jinxian also has to weigh, not as a last resort, not going to war.

In addition, there are many monsters that the golden immortals look down upon. Zhou Shu encountered a lot of them, and they deliberately avoided it. Now is not the time. When things with Changtian are over, they can come to experience and better consolidate. realm.

There were some secrets on the road, most of which were public and included in the next plan.

After three days of trekking, Zhou Shu returned to the Eastern District.

Did not go to Zhibaoxuan or Shouzheng Hall, first went to Zuixianlou.

From Master Jian, it was Liu Qi who stopped Lin Dong and avoided a disaster.

This kindness is not small. Although it is impossible for Lin Dong to break into the inner hall of Zhibaoxuan, a big disturbance in the outer hall will also bring great losses to Zhibaoxuan. There will be problems in future cooperation with Su Boyan, just in case. Lin Dong's nonsense and spreading rumors had a greater impact on Zhou Shu.

Liu Qi is a young man, too young to make Zhou Shu feel jealous, but also quite emotional.

Yang Bai, Liu Qi, Ke Buxie, there are so many young geniuses in a Wufang City, what about the heavens? Definitely more.

In contrast, Zhou Shu is already the top genius in the Profound Yellow Realm, but it is nothing in Wufang City. It can be seen that the weakness of the Profound Yellow Realm is very few in the heavens. How could it be possible? There is a saint candidate like the Emperor.

Liu Qi was dressed in plain Tsing Yi, like a small servant, but from the sharp eyes, it can be seen that he should not be a willing person.

"Thank you, Friends Daoist Liu."

Zhou Shu saluted earnestly, with a sincere expression, "I owe you a favor. Please ask me if you have anything in the future."

Liu Qiyi looked indifferent, "You don't owe me, the old man asked me to do it. If you want to pay it back, just pay him back."

"I know."

Zhou Shu nodded, glanced at Zuixian upstairs, and turned around.

Liu Qi watched him away, but a smile appeared on his cold face, and he nodded thoughtfully, "Maybe the old man is right."

Back at Zhibaoxuan, Bai Kechen greeted him immediately with a smile on his face and whispered, "Hey, Lord Xuan, this time is going to be bad. The city lord sent a supervisor to investigate him. It is said that he will do what he did in the past. Everything is revealed, haha, maybe it will go to the sky."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Aren't you also a perpetual person, how can you still gloat for disaster."

Bai Kechen stagnated and said quickly, "Don't mention the past, Lord Xuan, I am now dedicated to Zhibao Xuan, and I will never do unnecessary things."

"I hope you can do it."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and went inside.

In a few days, Bai Kechen's face will change, he can be sure.

Will always go up to the sky?

how is this possible.

From Bifan, from Yang Bai, he learned a lot of things, not to be sentenced to Jinxian, even if all this time is Changtian’s fault, Changtian will be fine, and even the position of the prison city may not be move.

Bai Kechen must be very surprised when he comes to Zhibaoxuan every day.

But not being responsible does not mean Chang Tian will not lose anything. On the contrary, he has lost a lot.

For example, trust. Although the immortal chooses to be a gatekeeper, they will not be too afraid of death, but no fairy is willing to serve a golden fairy who cannot protect the gatekeeper, let alone a master who cannot see his opponent. Afterwards, it would be a hundred times harder than in the past to take in door customers every day.

The whole body is affected, and Chang Tian will be struggling in the future. As long as the other Jinxians are interested in the position of the prison, I believe Chang Tian will not last long.

As for Zhibaoxuan, Chang Tian should not be able to intervene anymore, it is best not to insert a single hair.

This is Zhou Shu's bottom line.

"You're back."

Old Jian's voice was steady, but he could still feel the excitement in it.

This time, Zhou Shu almost couldn't come back.

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "Master Jian, you have worked hard, did they embarrass you?"

"Zheng He is very fair, and so is his integrity. Although I have been imprisoned for two days, but nothing happened. I came out clearly, but you..." Old Jian looked at Zhou Shu and couldn't help shaking his head, full of emotion. "It's incredible that he escaped his life in Chang Tian's hands without being injured."


Before Zhou Shu spoke, he heard an exclamation not far away.

Hanruo's eyes widened, "You fought Jinxian and escaped smoothly?"

She didn't know what Zhou Shu and Mr. Jian did, so she was so surprised. She walked over a few steps and fixedly looked at Zhou Shu, "Zhou Shu, you must tell me how to do it."

Seeing Hanruo coming, Senior Jian felt his beard, but when he saw Zhou Shu he was excited, but he forgot to hide it.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Actually, it's mainly luck. I will tell you when I have time, but now I can't. I will go out soon."

He knew why Han asked about this ~www.ltnovel.com~ just because he wanted to learn some experience, when he met Jin Xian so that he could escape, it was related to her going to find Luo Xiping, so he was so attentive, even somewhat Gaffe.

"Oh, good."

Han Ruo nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "What have you done these days?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "You want to know, let Old Master Jian tell you that it's fine if you are all right, I will leave first."

He is in a good mood right now, after all, the problems that have been plagued for many years will soon be resolved.

Han Ruo turned to Jian Lao, "Jian Lao, tell me, I promise not to speak out."

Old Jian was stunned and had to talk about it. Of course, he knew exactly what to say and what not to say.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

(PSS: By the way, I am grateful for the first recommendation since it was launched, two years or three years, um, I am in a good mood~)

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