Fairy Winner

Chapter 2266: Started looking

Chapter 2266 is starting to find (page 1/1)

I don't know how long it took, the flying boat stopped.

Zhou Shu called everyone together and said in a deep voice, "According to the previous mission situation and the information left by the missing, the distance we are from Wufang City now is the closest distance between the hidden world and Wufang City. , You may encounter the hidden world at any time."

Caiying frowned, "I don't quite understand."

The little trick seems to be thoughtful, "Wufang City is the starting point, the flying boat is the end point, the distance between the two is the radius, and the Wufang City is the center of the sphere, and then draw a sphere. The hidden boundary is on this sphere or outside the sphere. ?"

Zhou Shu gave a thumbs up and praised, "The little trick is right, that is, we can start searching."

Senior Jian was quite solemn, "This range is not small. If you want to search the entire sphere, at the speed of a flying boat, you can't find it for thousands of years."

Xiao Zhao immediately shook his head, "Master Jian, you are wrong, not only for thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years are impossible, otherwise they would not give such a high reward."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, it is impossible to search the entire sphere, let alone possible outside the sphere. At this time..." He looked at Hanruo and slowly said, "Girl Hanruo, what do you think?"


Han Ruo kept his head down, and did not raise his head at this time, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, but if you stay closer, I can perceive the location of the hidden world."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Is your talent a special perception, how close?"

Han Ruo raised his head, but still avoiding Zhou Shu's eyes, said with a guilty conscience, "I don't know, I will tell you if I feel it."

Old Jian's expression changed slightly, "You...you can't talk nonsense, right?"

"Who said that, I have, I can definitely find it."

Han Ruo quickly argued, her mouth was very hard, but anyone could feel it, the more she spoke, the more guilty she was.

Old Jian shook his head unconsciously, and said dissatisfied, "You, it's really harmful."

"Old Jian."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Anyway, I can't count on you now, right?"

Looking at Hanruo's demeanor, Zhou Shu was already 70% sure. Hanruo probably didn't have any special talents. It was just an excuse she came up with. In order to be able to leave Zhibaoxuan, she came out to find Luo Xiping.

Without a helper, things will be a little more troublesome, but Zhou Shu considered that if the letter was not reliable, he did not have too much trouble.

Han Ruo stagnated, making a gnat-like sound, "It's not..."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Just do it my way."

Old Jian sighed slightly, "Zhou Shu, where do you plan to find it from?"

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Starting from the direction I'm going, first make a circle around the Gangfeng Belt."

"Gong wind belt?"

Old Jian was stunned and looked into the void, "I didn't even notice if you didn't tell me, there is a wind band around here, hey, how do you feel a little familiar?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "We passed by, and that is the wind belt to the brown grain boundary. I took this direction specially, because I have a feeling that the twenty-four thieves may be related to the hidden world."

Old Jian was surprised, "What can they be related to?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "According to Shouzheng, the twenty-four thieves have been active around the immortal realm for a long time, and rarely go to remote realms. Even Crescent City has not heard from them. Why are they suddenly near Wufang City? And it was not once. Three hundred years ago, Frost and Jingzhe came to Wufang City. At that time, Frost was caught and Jingzhe fled. They did not disclose the purpose of coming here, but it should not be for robbery."

The little trick couldn't help saying, "If you want to grab it, you won't grab such a biased place. Immortal jade is surprisingly rare, and there are so many rich small worlds around the fairy world."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, I think they are inquiring about the news. The target is Wufang City, and the same is true for the Spring Equinox. It is a convenient move to rob the brown crystal boundary around Wufang City. In fact, this is not the case. The world around Wufang City was robbed for the first time. A similar situation occurred in the Mazhi world 70 years ago."

Old Jian showed a bit of contemplation, "Are they looking at Wufang City? Why?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Most of them are disputes between Xiancheng. It is said that the Twenty-Four Thieves will do everything and will act as a mercenary in Xiancheng, as long as they are paid, and the specific reason is not known to us, and there is no need to think about it. "

Old Jian nodded, "But even if the target of Twenty-Four Pirates is Wufang City, what does it have to do with the hidden world?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This is what I'm still considering, and there is no specific answer, but I think that from this aspect, we may find some clues."

Old Jian seems to have realized, "Do they know the hidden world, or their stronghold is in the hidden world?"

"Master Jian, do you think so too? I'm just guessing," Zhou Shu nodded slightly, showing a hint of relief. "I have investigated a lot of information, but there is no specific evidence. The only thing that can prove is that there is no Fangchengdi. I found out that there might be a hidden world around, and it has been exactly 300 years now, that is, when Jingzhe and Frostfall appeared in Wufang City. This may not be a coincidence."

Caiying couldn't help but said, "Could it be that they have been stinged for three hundred years, so insidious, what do they want to do?"

"Anything in the heavens can happen, and I'm just guessing."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "It is better to start from this aspect than to search aimlessly."

Old Jian nodded, "That's true, since the scope is so large, it doesn't matter where you start from, it makes no difference."

The little trick thought for a while and said, "Then how do we find it?"

Zhou Shu frowned, his expression serious, "I've said it twice."

"Little trick is a fool."

Caiying said with a smile, "This palace understands that even if it is a hidden world, the gravitational and repulsive force between it and other worlds will always exist, and the wind will be born because of this. As long as it is a world, there will be no wind around it. , We just look for the traces of the wind."

Han Ruo whispered, "Whether it is the man-made destruction of the gang wind belt, or the hidden world is so special that no gang wind belt is formed, there will still be some traces. This is the only way to find the hidden world without luck."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, several magic weapons for exploring Gangfeng have been sent to you long ago~www.ltnovel.com~ Wait for one person to stay in the flying boat, and everyone else will go out to find and keep with the flying boat. At the same speed, don't get too far away from the flying boat. No matter what you find then, you will quickly return to the flying boat."

"Understood, I will go now, I will look at the left side of the flying boat."

Hanruo nodded immediately and flew out.

Caiying watched her leave and whispered, "It's really unreliable, Zhou, you are so kind to her, why don't you scold her?"

"What's the use of scolding," Zhou Shu said slowly, "If things change, then immediately adapt to the changes, instead of entangled in why the changes are made, and who is responsible for them, and the root cause lies with me. I shouldn't have brought her out in the first place. , I promise, this kind of thing will not happen again next time."

Caiying shook her head quickly, "Why, Zhou, you are right."

"Don't worry, do your own thing."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Caiying, you and Jian Lao go to the right, and I am watching from behind."

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