Fairy Winner

Chapter 2270: Slightly hangable

Caiying murmured, "Yes, why no one can go back, this is the most terrifying."

"How can it be done?"

Old Jian looked solemn, "I really can't think of such a large area, who knows where we are? Unless a sage can see it, how can a sage be interested in Wufang City."

Caiying thought for a while and said, "It may be that Wufang City has an internal response. He has made hands and feet on us or Feizhou. We were discovered by others as soon as we went out."

Old Jian just shook his head, "It's not just the Eastern District that can take over the task. How can there be internal responses in every place? There are so many internal responses, and Wufang City has long collapsed."

Caiying thought for a while, "Or they are watching around Wufang City, and Wufang City is not too big, many golden immortals can be seen completely."

Old Jian said slowly, "It's possible, but unlikely. If there are so many golden immortals around, Wufang City can't be unaware of it."

Caiying lowered her head and thought for a while, and said loudly, "My palace knows! Someone must have set up a maze outside Wufang City, let us lose it, and then unknowingly walked to the wrong place. "

Old Jian snorted, "Is it possible to arrange such a big maze to cover up the void, and it takes such an effort? One finger can destroy Wufang City."

Caiying became irritated, "Neither is this, nor is it, what the **** is it?"

The two were arguing here, Zhou Shu was silent, and he was also thinking about this issue. Without careful consideration, he would not be able to return.

He stared at the boundless void, there was always a feeling in his heart that he seemed to have been thinking about missing something.

Han Ruo by his side looked for the Gang Wind Belt with great care, and occasionally glanced at Wushuang City, which was already extremely vague, and said boringly, "Zhou Shu, in which direction are we going, I feel that Wufang City has not changed much. "

"The distance is too far to see any changes."

Zhou Shu replied subconsciously. As soon as he spoke, he was shocked. Could it be that the problem lies in Wufang City?

He took out the pointer of Wufang City's realm and looked at the direction. The Wufang City in the distance was in the direction facing the pointer, no problem.

After thinking about it, he turned on the eighth sense again, and took a closer look at the map he had marked. This didn't matter, the whole person froze.

Han Ruo doubted, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Zhou Shu calmed down, and a smile gradually emerged, "It turns out that it is, I understand."

Hanruo was still at a loss, "understand what?"

Zhou Shu pointed to Wufang City in the distance, "The hidden world we are looking for, or the place we are looking for, is there."

Han Ruo took a closer look, then looked at Zhou Shu to make sure he heard it right, and couldn't help but said, "Zhou Shu, are you kidding? Isn't that Wufangcheng?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I'll explain to you later."

Divine Sense entered the world of refining demon, seeing that the two were still arguing not to cultivate, Zhou Shu said calmly, "Stop fighting, I know why."


The two turned their heads together, with doubts and expectations in their eyes.

It is the old man who is puzzled, and what he is looking forward to is to always believe in his own profit.

"A lot of people who came out to look for it all went back."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "However, they are not going back to Wufang City, but another place, which is the place we are looking for."

Caiying blinked, "Why don't my palace understand?"

Old Jian flew out and came back soon, "You mean, the Wufang City we are seeing now is not the Wufang City we came out of, but another place that looks like Wufang City, which was forged by others. Illusion."

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "I don't know who it is. A bright light similar to a city without squares was created in the void, and then it interfered with the pointer of the realm on us, causing us to misunderstand the direction."

"That's it."

Old Jian understood quickly and patted the stone on the lower side vigorously. "Everyone who came out went back after looking for a period of time. They all thought they would be able to go back by walking towards Wufang City, but didn't know that they actually I got into the trap. This strategy is really wonderful! Please enter the urn and use the indistinct direction of the void to make everyone throw themselves into the trap. No wonder no one has gone back for so long, completely lost, how can he go back?"

"It's very clever, but also very vicious."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, and said slowly, "If it weren't for Hanruo's question of direction, I wouldn't have thought of this. I only paid attention to the surrounding directions. I didn't notice the Wufang City in the center at all. The location of Wufang City has changed, and the Wufang City we saw is not its real location."

Caiying laughed, "Hey, the maze that the palace said is actually a bit reasonable."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's not bad, it's all a matter of direction."

Old Jian was puzzled, "Zhou Shu, how did you determine this? In fact, you still know the specific location of Wufang City, right?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Yes, otherwise how can I be sure."

This time, the eighth sense helped a lot again. If it hadn’t been for the eighth sense to lock the true location of Wufang City, it was not at the same position as what he saw, the pointer of the world was pointing to it. There is no hidden world in the void, so he must go back in the end, and once he goes back, he will fall into a trap.

Old Jian shook his head slightly and sighed unconsciously, "Thanks to you."

He didn't ask more about the reason, Zhou Shu didn't say that it was a big secret, and he wouldn't be okay.

He said slowly, "Then what shall we do now?"

"Once the location is determined, it's easy."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "We have completed this mission. No matter whether it is in the hidden world or anything else, it is not something we can go to now. Let's go back to the real Wufang City first and then tell the situation. Shouzheng and City Lord, let him solve it."

Old Jian breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, this is best."

Caiying thought for a while and said, "Can you stay for a while? My palace is still a bit short."

"You are almost at the realm of dispersing immortals~www.ltnovel.com~ Of course, we can wait until the immortal jade is almost used before going back. I also have something to do."

Zhou Shu nodded, his expression was very relaxed. Before, there was an unknown crisis lurking, and he was only cautious when he was worried that it would appear at any time. Now that he sees the truth and knows how to solve the matter, there is no need to worry, and he can take care of it. Finish what you have done.

Speaking of it, his Dahui Sutra has now reached a point where it can be said.

That is to say, I can barely mention it, but after a while, I should be able to use the Dahui Jing and Kunlun Mirror to study the law of reincarnation.

These things are best done in the void, it is not suitable to do in Wufang City.

"Zhou Shu, you've been in a daze for a long time, and you still laugh in a daze. What are you thinking about?"

If the letter outside is a bit anxious, even angry, and then left it halfway, how can it be annoying?

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelids with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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