Fairy Winner

Chapter 2281: 1 into the mud plow

In the void, two men in black were flying fast.

"Brother Xu, this Shadowless Wing is too easy to use!"

"Of course, the things the island owner did are still poor. They are almost as good as Mingsha Flying Shuttle. They are still hidden and no one can find them hidden behind them."

"Just for this Shadowless Wing, it's worth joining Heishawu!"

"That's the ambition? I'm looking forward to kissing Fangze with her."

"This...who doesn't want it? I dare say that most of us people in Wufangcheng are because of her staying."

"Most of them are all right! Stop talking, there seems to be a situation over there!"

"It seems to be a flying boat, a flying boat without a square city! Is it coming to die again?"

"Be careful. We only disappeared from our two brothers not long ago. We must proceed with caution."

"Don't worry, after staying in Heishawu for more than 100 years, I am much better than before. As long as I'm not a golden fairy, I won't be able to catch it."

The two of them spotted the flying boat in the distance, and swept right and left.

Feizhou stopped abruptly, Zhou Shu walked out with a flustered expression, "Two... two fellow Taoists, what are you doing?"

The man in black said to Zhou Shu, "Friends of Taoism are in Wufang City. Want to return to Wufang City?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "Don't you two want to rob? This is not far from Wufang City!"

He pointed to Heishawu in the distance, sternly.

The men in black looked at each other, smiled and said, "Hehe, of course not, we should also go back to Wufang City, can we have a free ride?"


Zhou Shu hesitated, "You two are coming in? This is not so good, right."

The black-clothed man shook his head, "No, we'll just be outside. Fellow Daoist, please hurry up."

Zhou Shu glanced at the two of them, arched his hands, and returned to the flying boat. After a while, he said, "I have set up the formation, please don't let the two of you make mistakes."


At the same time, the black-clothed man used his force, holding the flying boat and flew towards Heishawu.

"Ah, ah!"

Zhou Shu made the voice of Emperor Zhang, but soon there was no movement.

Not much later.

The flying boat docked in front of a port.

Thousands of flying shuttle boats have been parked inside. More than half of them are from Wufang City. Many of the flying boats are broken and show signs of fighting. There are also two very huge shuttle boats, almost ten miles long. Long and horizontally placed in front of the port.

When he saw the shuttle boat, Zhou Shu's heart moved slightly, and he felt strange and familiar.

"This... doesn't it seem like Wufang City?"

Zhou Shu walked out of the flying boat and was immediately stunned, with shock on his face.

The man in black walked over from left to right, sandwiching him, "You made a mistake, this is Wufang City, and you will live here in the future."

"You... what do you want to do?"

Zhou Shu's expression was shocked, and the protective cover immediately stood up.

"What are you talking about with him?"

A tall golden immortal walked over, his face was severe, and the pressure came over like a mountain.

Zhou Shu's protective cover collapsed like mud and sand, and he was too scared to speak. The man in black next to him also got up and raised his hand. "Captain 3, he was discovered by our patrol, so he brought him back."

Jin Xian waved his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, take it to the mud plough hall first, and when Master Curse Master has time, he will come over. He will kill if he is not honest. We don't lack these true immortals now. "

"I see, Captain Three!"

The man in black hurriedly saluted, turned to Zhou Shu, and said without a smile, "Dao Fellow, would you not not go?"

As if he had just recovered from the coercion, Zhou Shu trembled and said busyly, "Go, go, I will go now, where is the mud plow hall?"

"It's long enough to be so honest, hum."

The man in black pushed hard, and Zhou Shu staggered all the way to the front of a large hall.

"As soon as you enter the mud plow, you will never die."

Looking at the big characters on the hall door, Zhou Shu cowered and did not dare to enter.

The black-clothed man sneered, "What are you afraid of! Seeing that you are also from Wufangcheng, telling you, there are phantoms inside, nothing terrible, as long as you stay obediently, you can naturally go out then, and you will be as popular as we are. Spicy, whatever you want!"


Zhou Shu stagnated, a greedy light flashed in his eyes.

"Of course it is true."

The man in black chuckled, pushed Zhou Shu in, snapped, and the door closed suddenly.

Woo, woo, Jie Jie, ah, ah.

The wind gusts, mixed with howls and screams, "It's really hell."

What I saw in front of me was a terrible scene in the world, imaginable, unimaginable, all kinds of torture and suffering.

The man in black is right. It is indeed an illusion, but the person who can recognize it as an illusion, and who can keep calm and mind in the illusion, is definitely not a true immortal. It does not use the formation method, but directly affects the mind and the mind. , Let people see things that don't exist, and their minds are unconsciously damaged.

Zhou Shu also fell into hallucinations, screaming twice from time to time, seeming unable to extricate himself.

Of course it was pretended to be guarded by a furnace, and almost nothing could affect his mind.

Pretending to be very lifelike, after a while, he fainted, sweating profusely, and lay silent on the ground.

Next to him, there are several practitioners like him.

"Wake up, wake up."

Zhou Shu opened his eyes blankly. There was a strange true fairy in front of him, his heart was slightly shaken, and he quickly stepped back.

"Don't be afraid, you... look familiar?"

It was an old man who was talking, and looked at Zhou Shu with his beard with some doubts on his face.

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Friend Daoist is Daoist Yuanmiao, who used to be in Xingshan Ghost Realm?"

"Yes," Yuan Miu's face changed slightly, and he said with surprise and joy, "I remember! You are Zhou Shu, right? The one who was very famous some time ago, I didn't expect to see you here, why you were also arrested. coming?"

"What's so happy about being caught?"

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly, "Friend Yuan Daoist, are you too?"

Yuan Miao sighed, "A few of them here are all. We went to do the task together. When we came back, Gangfeng brought some problems and went out of the void. How did you know that you came to this ghost place... What about Friends Zhou? "

The few people nearby also couldn't help nodding, very annoyed.

Zhou Shu just shook his head, "I want to cultivate in the void, be quiet, I will come back here when I go back."

Someone said bitterly, "It's exactly the same as Wufang City, and the pointer is pointing here. Who knows it's not Wufang City? It's really hateful to be locked up in the mud plow hall. I don't know when those people will release it. Let's go out."

The other person was very painful, "Don’t let it go, I don’t expect it~www.ltnovel.com~ Just don’t get those **** things anymore, it’s no different from hell. I’ll do it every three hours and keep going. I'm going crazy."

Someone on the side agreed, "Who isn't, what are they going to do, just like this to shut us down and keep us tortured."

"Don't make a noise, there is always a way."

Yuan Miao said solemnly, "The highest true immortals on the immortal list are here, and he must have a way."

Several people looked at Zhou Shu together, with a lot of longing in their eyes.

And Zhou Shu could only sigh, "I don't know what to do, there seems to be golden immortals everywhere, what can I do."

Everyone's expressions stagnated, only silence.

(Ps: Thank you for your daily support for the eyelids with autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)


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