Fairy Winner

Chapter 2284: Get out


Chapter 2284 Get Out (Page 1/1)

The woman asked several times, but Zhou Shu still answered that she didn't know.

The woman frowned slightly, "Xiao Hong."

"I'm here, my lord."

Sister Hong's voice came from outside.

The woman slowly said, "Tell the island owner over there that I will use this person."

"I know, let's talk about it."

Sister Hong went immediately, with some confusion on her face, and she wondered how could there be a true immortal left, not so many golden immortals.

However, Zhou Shu secretly said badly. It is never a good thing to stay here. If you stay with the witch for a long time, it will be easy to expose flaws. If there is danger, it is not easy to perform the task.

Just wanting to refuse is impossible. While he was thinking, a breeze came, and the power occupying the sea of ​​consciousness in his body dissipated, and his mind was slightly shaken.

Zhou Shu became sluggish. Did she release her mind control? What was she thinking about?

The woman stared at Zhou Shu, her mouth curled up, and she smiled beautifully, "It seems you really don't know."

Zhou Shu's face was slightly condensed, and he was very wary, "What, what did you do to me just now?"

The woman avoided answering, but smiled slightly, "Since you haven't lied, I won't embarrass you. I want you to do me a favor, okay?"

The tone is soft and waxy, as if whispering to the ear, with a little bit of warm fragrance, from top to bottom, from the inside to the inside, nowhere is uncomfortable, even Zhou Shu is also a little sane and boundless. Naturally, "You...what do you want me to do?"

Seeing it worked, the woman hid her mouth and smiled, "Just stay with me."

The voice became softer again, and the moist eyes were full of desire. With the rhythmic and slow jitter of the surrounding flowers, the graceful posture appeared from time to time, dazzling.

"It turned out to be a means of confusion, but I don't know what her purpose is."

Zhou Shu secretly thought, he was already on guard, the mind hidden in the furnace did not return at all, and naturally he was not tempted, but he only pretended to be a hit, hesitated and said, "I stay ... stay... what do you do?"

"What you want to do, just do what you want."

The woman retracted her gaze, lowered her head, looked at her toes timidly, and said quietly.

Zhou Shu's eyes lit up, as if about to emit a green light, staring straight at the woman, as if his eyes could penetrate through, "Anything...anything...really?" He swallowed and spoke. Move your steps slowly, it seems that you can jump at any time.

Let's see what medicine is sold in her gourd.

"Of course……"

The woman was still coquettish, speaking softly, and when Zhou Shu was no more than ten feet away from her and her eyes became more and more obsessed, she suddenly waved.


Zhou Shu fell out immediately, hit the wall and fell again, unable to get up for a long time.

The woman's face suddenly changed, her extremely cold eyes filled with deep contempt, "I thought you were looking at someone, but it's a wasteful stuff! Youtan, what do you think of that person?"

After a while, Zhou Shu stood up and touched his head, with a dazed expression, as if he didn't know what was going on.

The woman stared at him, her face was cold, and she rebuked in a condescending tone, "Listen, you will be my servant from now on. Do whatever I want you to do, understand?"

Zhou Shu settled down, "No way."

The woman said coldly, "It's ridiculous, just now she looked like a pug, and she was disobedient in a blink of an eye?"

Zhou Shu's face turned dark, and he thought about it, "I don't know what happened just now, but it was definitely not my intention."

A cold light flashed in the woman's eyes, "Do you want me to turn you into an idiot?"

She was also anxious in her heart. She left Zhou Shu to be useful. It is rare to find someone related to the saint Youtan. Of course it is impossible to kill it, and it is impossible to completely control it and become an idiot. It will not help to find the saint. Originally, the best solution was to plant incense silk for Zhou Shu and let him be loyal to him from the heart, but the hateful thing is that Zhou Shu already has the incense silk of the virgin saint in her body, and she can’t grow it anyway. .

Then Zhou Shu can only agree to help and join himself, but this guy, although it is not useful, it is easy to be confused, but he can quickly recover, and he is still very stubborn when he is not confused, which is difficult to handle. .

Zhou Shu's face was stagnant, and he thought for a while and said, "I understand."

The woman frowned, "What do you understand?"

Zhou Shu said earnestly, "I listen to you, don't turn me into an idiot, but I also want to be able to cultivate and have a certain degree of freedom. As a practitioner, I will never become someone's servant."


The woman burst into laughter, and slowly she laughed at her, "I thought you were so hard-spirited, and you were afraid of death or becoming an idiot? Don't do it if you don't be a servant. It's just a title, I don't care. ."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "No one is not afraid of death. Senior is much better than me. I think it's not a bad thing to be able to listen to seniors."

"You are really frank."

The woman shook her head, with more disdain in her eyes, "It's actually shameless, I really don't understand how she would like a person like you, and how could she give you her fragrance? She is obviously so..." Look After Zhou Shu's glance, she felt a lot of depression inexplicably, and she didn't say any more.

Zhou Shu lowered his head slightly, "I really don't know who she is or where she is."

The woman waved her hand and said very annoyingly, "Okay, I don't want to hear you say these things now, and I don't want to see you again. Go out and come here every morning. If you don't come, you will be dead. ."

Zhou Shu nodded and whispered, "Next Zhou Shu, may I ask seniors for their surnames, so you can call them when you come."

"Who cares what your name is?"

The woman glared at Zhou Shu, "Don't you get out?"

"Yes Yes."

Without knowing where the woman's anger came from, it suddenly exploded, and Zhou Shu slowly retreated.

The door closed behind him, Zhou Shu calmed down, and thought secretly, entering this door once can be regarded as walking on thin ice, but luckily, the cause and effect formed in the Xuanhuang Realm helped.

From his point of view~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the woman is not a golden fairy, and she does not see any laws she has mastered, her strength is definitely not weaker than any golden fairy Zhou Shu has seen. This may be of a blood race Power, maybe the power of Tao, Yinkui tribe, very mysterious.

There are many races like this in the heavens. Their practice rules are different from those of the immortals. They form a system of their own. For example, the Dijiang clan does not specialize in the rules, but undergoes the true calamity and the false calamity to reopen their bodies, but they practice The strength after completion will not be worse than the immortal of the same level, perhaps even stronger.

"Don't get out yet, what are you waiting at the door!"

Behind him there was another scolding, which really exploded.

Zhou Shu paused, "I'm thinking about where to go. I really don't know where to go when I just came here. Please ask seniors for advice."


There was no room for Zhou Shu to speak anymore, a strong force came from behind, and Zhou Shu was overturned directly, flying out for several miles without stopping.

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