Fairy Winner

Chapter 2287: Investigate carefully


Chapter 2287 Careful Investigation (Page 1/1)

"What, the essence of flesh and blood?"

Zhou Shu's expression changed slightly, "Are you crazy?"

"No, as long as fellow Taoists hand in some flesh and blood essence and feed me a piece of land, I will tell you everything I know."

Na Zhenxian looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes were full of greed, as if he was looking at delicious food, "For us immortals, this is not a big deal. It will be nourished in a few days and it will not be a problem at all."

Zhou Shu showed a little seriousness, "I am a Master Curse Master, can't I say anything about this?"

Zhenxian said without hesitation, "No."

Zhou Shu was sluggish, and had to sigh slightly, "Forget it, I don't want to know now, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

The true fairy gritted his teeth, "You... don't regret it."

Zhou Shu said coldly, "I don't actually ask you, I almost understand, goodbye."

The true immortal became more and more angry, and raised his hand, "What did you say? Damn it, I killed you!"

Zhou Shu turned around early and left on his own.

He expected that the true immortal would not dare to do it, and he was not afraid of doing it. The true immortal was no longer in the range that Zhou Shu should watch out for.

"You...you are good fortune!"

Zhenxian watched Zhou Shu leave, with jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

Zhou Shu ignored it, and seemed thoughtful.

It turned out that these towns were all composed of golden immortals planted with Brahma silk and some real immortals. They must plant or feed something here, and that thing must be grown by the flesh and blood essence of immortals, which is equivalent to Treat the immortals as a resource, but the demand is not much, and the immortals can still bear it, and can make up for it by practicing or robbing others.

There are many towns here, at least ten. If you don’t have enough on your own, you can go to other towns to **** them.

It was the island owner who asked them to do this, and because of this, they have been arresting people in Wufang City to ensure the growth of that thing.

The reason why those true celestial celestial beings accept this fate is that they are bewitched by the witch on the one hand, and persecuted on the other hand, but on the other hand, they can also get benefits, and it is a great benefit, because the fairy is not It will be so easy to admit their fate, unless they have the opportunity to take a fight, it is possible to endure such humiliation, and they must have their own goals in doing these things.

Now what needs to be understood is what that thing is. If Zhou Shu is not wrong, that thing will definitely be of great use to occupying Wufang City, otherwise the island owner will not use so much energy to cultivate.

The thing will not be on the ground. The ground is black sandstone, nothing special, but there are many open-air caves behind every town. The thing should be in the cave, that is, underground.

Zhou Shu now has the identity of the witch herself, and it shouldn't be difficult to investigate it, but now is not the time, he has some doubts and has not figured it out.

He continued to follow the road, from Town No. 7 to Town No. 1.

Every town wanted him to join, but after learning his identity, he flinched. He tried to ask a few more people, all asking him for the essence of flesh and blood, and from those words, Zhou Shu further verified him Thoughts.

There are a total of fourteen towns here.

After feeding that thing, the fairy will become weaker, the more you feed, the higher the output, the weaker the fairy will be.

The more the output, the more rewards from the island owner, but it is difficult for the weak fairy to resist the attacks of other towns. The fairy in the towns with insufficient output is definitely stronger, and it is inevitable that some will be snatched away for that thing. , There will always be some battles between each town, but people must not be killed, because as long as people are not dead, the island owner will not pursue them, and if people die, the punishment of the island owner is absolutely terrible.

How to master balance is something that every town must consider.

Knowing this, Zhou Shu unconsciously admired the island owner. The island owner only set a few rules and aroused the private thoughts of the immortals, causing the immortals who were arrested to become obsessed with internal fighting and forget. Where is the root cause? He didn't even have any thoughts to resist, and the island owner himself, just reaped the benefits.

After the town, there is a barren open land in front of him, and further away is the central area of ​​Heishawu.

There was the location of the Void Pirates, the island owner and others. It was the most lively area in Heishawu. Zhou Shu planned to check it out, but not now, the time is almost up. If I don’t go back, I don’t know what the Peace Witch will say. And he has some doubts and must ask the witch.

Galloping all the way.

Zhou Shu used the law of space and kept speeding up. He didn't scrupulously too much. He was already exposed to the island owner, and there was a protective umbrella behind him, so he didn't need to use it for nothing.

"You came fast enough."

When I walked to the building, there was a voice.

Zhou Shu looked respectful, "Senior has a request, how dare you not come."

Cold voice, "Get out of here, I don't want to ask you now."

Zhou Shu paused, "Senior, but the younger generation has something to say, it's about Brahma silk."

"Huh? Come in."

The door opened and closed quickly, Zhou Shu stepped in and bowed.

The witch did not look at him, her eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and she said indifferently, "Do you remember about the saint?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This is not true. The younger generation is still thinking about it. After all, I have practiced for thousands of years and I have seen countless women. I really don't know which one is the saint that the older generation said, and which planted the fragrance for the younger generation. This is urgent. Not coming."

The witch glanced at him and said in disgust, "Then you just think about it slowly, get out."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The younger generation doesn't know much about Xiangsi, so please tell me more so that the younger generation can think more clearly."

The witch said calmly, "What don't you understand?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Those golden immortals outside should have been planted by the seniors. The juniors would like to ask, what was their condition at that time, and would they always listen to you in the future, as long as they don’t remove the fragrance. Silk, no matter what happens, it will not change."

"Even Jinxian can't perceive a change, you don't have to think about it."

The witch looked at Zhou Shu, "And your last question seems to have nothing to do with finding a saint, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "The junior just wanted to ask, because I was a little confused."

"What do you want to do with my name, right?"

The witch faintly said, "However, you find that they only listen to the island owner, not mine, so you will be puzzled~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu nodded vigorously, without any embarrassment, "Senior is really smart. Torch, that's it. "

"You are really shameless."

The witch snorted, "You really think of yourself as my person, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Shu said earnestly, "The younger generation is not familiar with the place of life here. You must first get to know some people and obtain some resources, so that you can calm down to practice and help the seniors. Besides, the seniors have spoken in front of the island owner. The younger generation can't help but admit it."

The witch said coldly, "You really make people angry."

Zhou Shu looked respectful, "Senior, please calm down."

The witch looked at Zhou Shu for a while, and said helplessly, "I really don't know how she likes you."

Zhou Shu quickly said, "Senior don't worry, this junior should be able to help Senior find the saint."

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