Fairy Winner

Chapter 2296: Undefended


The dark cloud shook a few times, and seemed to realize, "You mean to make him a pirate of the void?"

The witch said lightly, "Yes."

Wuyun paused, "I was very surprised by the words of Fellow Daoist Ping An. Don’t Daoists always ask about Heishawu?"

"At this time, at that time."

The witch said blankly, "It's about the overall situation, always care more, and it's enough to have Xiaohong beside me. Instead of letting him get in the way, it's annoying to watch, it's better to let him go out for a long view, and in the future. Can help me."

Wu Yun burst into laughter, "Hehe, it's annoying to watch it too well, this kid did cause a lot of things, but it also helped you a lot."

The magic goddess's expression was slightly condensed, "As the Owner meant, I ordered him to do those things?"

"Where and where."

Wu Yun was still smiling, but his tone was already much deeper, "Since it is the request of Ping An Daoist, there is no reason for me to refuse, but the rules cannot be changed. Let him join the Void Pirate and have the right to freely enter and exit Heishawu. , Then he has to take on certain obligations, how do fellow Daoists feel?"

The witch said indifferently, "Oshima Owner, how many obligations do I have, I wonder if I can help?"

"Ha ha."

Wu Yungan laughed, "Since Ping An Taoist fellow speaks, those obligations are exempted, but for the safety of Heishawu, one thing must not be changed..."

Before the words were over, a wisp of black smoke floated out of the dark clouds, straight to Zhou Shu.

The castration was slow, but Zhou Shu didn't move. Avoiding at this time was tantamount to making trouble for himself and the witch, and there was no need to be nervous about things that were already determined.

The black smoke circled around Zhou Shu's hand, and then returned to the dark clouds. Zhou Shu's figure was slightly shaken, and he still hung his head facing the witch, looking respectful.

"Farewell Daoist Ping An, goodbye."

The dark clouds slowly floated upwards, and quickly dissipated without a trace.

The witch took a look at Zhou Shu, her expression a little complicated, and she took Zhou Shu into the building with a touch.

As soon as she entered the door, the witch returned to Huaxin, hiding her stamens, her clothes and everything.

Zhou Shu smiled and saluted, "Thank you senior for your help."

The witch frowned, with a trace of anger on her face, "What can I do, the result is not the same?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "The obligation is somewhat waived. I think being a pirate must hand over most of the stolen things. This is also considered a profit, but the owner of the big island is indeed a strong person. Seniors cooperate with him. It's hard to avoid being wronged."

The witch waved her hand, "Okay, you can get out of here if you are okay. Every time you encounter you, you have troubles, and you don't want to see you again."

"I didn't meet me, although I'm not in trouble for the time being, can you guarantee what will happen in the future? The younger generation won't say much, goodbye."

Zhou Shu stepped back and shook his head, looking quite worried.

"and many more."

The witch hesitated for a while, and threw a bottle over. It was so colorful and beautiful.

Zhou Shu looked at it carefully for a while, only to realize that it was not a mortal thing, and his mind moved slightly, "The pattern is somewhat similar to the Utambula flower. Is this a thing of the Yinkui world? Senior, what's inside?"

The witch faintly said, "Yin Chan Dan, take it before the imprint erupts, it can protect the heart, the rest is up to you, just go away."

Before Zhou Shu thanked him, he was blown out of the room by the ensuing breeze. After looking back, Zhou Shu smiled slightly and turned around.

While walking, he pondered the marks on his arms.

It's just a transparent line with no special pattern. It is hidden under the skin, even if you look closely, you can't see it. Only when Zhou Shu guides Xianli to flow back and forth on his arm hundreds of times, can he notice the slightest difference.

What the witch said was right, this mark was the power of a law.

Zhou Shu could not perceive the specific law of this power, but what is certain is that it is somewhat related to the immortal power. The stronger his immortal power, the greater the power of the law he perceives from the imprint, even if Zhou Shu takes When the fairy power runs to its limit, the power of the law can still be completely suppressed.

Zhou Shu's immortal power limit, of course, was driven by immortal stones, and his own immortal power was negligible.

"Does it have anything to do with the law of power? Or can you only sense the power of immortality?"

He seemed to realize something, and used his own fire law to test it.

The result was almost the same. How much Zhou Shu's strength increased, and the mark also increased. Although Zhou Shu did not push the power of the law to the limit, he had a clear feeling that even if he reached the limit, it was impossible to block the mark. the power of.

"Sure enough, he is a strong man who has surpassed Jinxian."

Zhou Shu didn't try again, it didn't make much sense, but he was basically certain that the power of the law would not exceed the energy law no matter how strong it was.

Because that power is something he can actually perceive, and the power of laws such as the law of energy is not what Zhou Shu can perceive now.

That's not difficult. He and the demon refining pot can cooperate and collect the imprint into the demon refining world, which may have a little impact on the demon refining world, but the problem is not big.

"You are here, Zhou Shu."

Han Ruo observed left and right for a while, and walked over cautiously, "Do you really want to leave?"

"I'm leaving today, come with me, I have something to say."

Zhou Shu led Hanruo to a more deserted place, bowing his head and forming a formation.

It was called Jue Yin Array, and the array was given by Yang Bai, but it was made by the city lord himself.

The formation made by high-level immortals is of course extraordinary. After being arranged, it can isolate all perception and visits. Even if the major of Heishawu Dadao is far superior to Zhou Shu, don't even think of seeing Zhou Shu through the formation. , Even if Zhou Shu is imprinted on the body.

"It's not a long time, I'll say it as soon as possible."

Zhou Shu looked solemn. Although the Absolute Sound Array was effective, it lasted only a few hundred breaths, and after this isolation, the island owner would definitely be suspicious of him, and would watch him more closely afterwards.

Seeing Zhou Shu's face, Han Ruo nodded quickly, "I know."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "First take off the cleared gauze."


Even if Han Ruo made up his mind to listen to Zhou Shu, he couldn't help being stunned when he heard this sentence.

Zhou Shu's face was solemn, "You are leaving, you must keep a little breath here, otherwise you will be noticed soon."

"Okay... OK."

Han Ruo Heng lowered her heart~www.ltnovel.com~ Her body shook slightly, and there was nothing left on her body within a few breaths. The gauze was worn next to her body. Looking at Zhou Shu, she was flushed in her clothes and whispered. Said, "Then, what am I going to do, where do I get on the flying boat?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Relax completely, don't think about anything, don't do it, and return to your original self."


Han Ruo was stunned again, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

This is too unbelievable, as long as it is a fairy, you know what it means to be undefended.

That means that even the self-defense of the sea of ​​knowledge has to be discarded, and it has completely lost its resistance. It is no different from a mortal. No, it is not as good as a mortal. Even if a mortal has defenses, it is not easy to break and control it. After removing the defense, the consciousness of others can enter at will, destroying one's own mind at will, and even taking away the house.

It is tantamount to giving up on yourself.

(PS: Thank you Chen Shihong for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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