Fairy Winner

Chapter 2309: Dodged 1 time

Zhou Shu smiled and saluted, "Junior Zhou Shu, I have seen the great guardian."

Staring at it, more than a hundred flying boats have flown in front of the port, gathered around them, and are gaining momentum.

"Okay, Zhou Shu."

Da Han nodded slightly, his gaze fell behind Zhou Shu, smiling but not smiling, "Why, do you plan to go with the old man?"

"I just took a look."

The Demon Goddess looked indifferent and said to Zhou Shu, "Zhou Shu, go and come back safely."

"There is an old man, so he is naturally safe."

Da Han sneered and said in a deep voice, "Zhou Shu, you can get on the boat as soon as possible."

Zhou Shu walked away, found a flying boat and slowly sailed away from the port. When he left, his heart was shocked, and he felt like a thorn on his back.

Although it is the first time I perceive it, it is not unfamiliar. If it is correct, Lichun chased him last time.

The first time I was ignorant, unable to accurately capture the trace, but the second time, Zhou Shu would not miss it again.

If you guessed it correctly, it is a very thin, light but profound force of the law that fell on the flying boat, combined with the Yin and Yang Talisman he got, it should be the law of Yin and Yang. This time the flying boat was marked again. , Either the Three Island Lord or the Great Protector, they have already begun to do it.

Zhou Shu guided the flying boat and got into the group of flying boats.

Dahan glanced indifferently and turned to the witch's path, "Pan Daoist fellow, there will be a period later."

The witch calmly said, "I hope the great guardian will complete the task and return smoothly."

"Ha ha……"

With a long laugh, Da Han disappeared.

The group of flying boats flew into the void, and under the command of the great guardian, they quickly formed a group of queues, which looked mighty, like stars, but in fact they were separated by thousands of miles.

Like an intentional arrangement, the marked flying boat that Zhou Shu was in was caught in the middle, and there were no less than ten flying boats on the front, back, left, or right.

Zhou Shu in the flying boat didn't care, holding the jade slip with a calm expression on his face to study the law.

Driven for more than a day.


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the flying boat group.

A void storm was rolled up out of thin air, shock waves were everywhere, and the formation suddenly became a little messy.

"what happened?"

"Which flying boat has the problem?"

"Didn't you see? The one in the middle suddenly exploded, strange, did the people inside blew it?"

"It's incredible, it looks like it was hit by something, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"In there, it seems to be Zhou Shu. Why did he blew himself up? Even if he blew himself up, there wouldn't be such a big movement, right?"

"Zhou Shu is just a true immortal, and such a big void storm, the golden immortal's self-destruction may not be able to form, let alone the flying boat has no traces, there must be something abnormal, I am very curious."

The surrounding flying boats approached and talked a lot.

"Don't be wordy, keep in line, keep going!"

An angry shout came from the team, shocking everyone's knowledge.

That was the voice of the Great Protector, and he was the only one. The power of Faruto made such a loud sound as if it could penetrate everything. Few people in the entire Heishawu could do it. They had to command hundreds of thousands of miles of flying boats at any time. Keep the communication command, you can't have the ability.

After a moment of silence, the flying boat group continued to move forward, all tacitly avoiding the void storm, and no one came to visit.

Da Han in the flying boat put down his palm, and the black light in his palm gradually disappeared.

"Fourth brother, I avenged you, and didn't leave his whole body."

As if to vent, he slammed his fist hard, with a lot of pleasure in his eyes, but soon he lowered his head again, and the wrinkles on his face were a few more, as if he was many years old, "Unfortunately you can never live again. ...Damn it, it's cheaper for him!"

Dahan stared into the distance, seeming thoughtful, "Twenty hours have passed. If the main island owner’s report is correct, at most two or three hours later, he will encounter the army of Wufang City and want to leave. It's difficult, it's time to go."

Just like Zhou Shu thought, his purpose was to escape, only to kill Zhou Shu, he stayed in the team, the goal has been completed now, there is no reason to stay.

The speed of the flying boat slowed down, and the big cold turned into a black spot, quietly disappearing into the void.

But after a while, the black spot turned back, got into the flying boat, and continued to move forward, but the speed was faster.

"Damn! Damn bastard!"

The big cold in the flying boat could not stop, cursing, glaring at the front, and almost fire appeared in his eyes. If anyone saw this scene, he would definitely be surprised. If he usually looks at the modest guardian, once he gets angry, it turns out to be this. Looks like.

After leaving the flying boat, Dahan scanned the surrounding circle and completely let go of his spiritual consciousness.

It was originally a habitual action, as a vigilant performance of a thief, but this sweep shocked his heart, and he found Zhou Shu's breath in the flying boat group, and he was at the forefront of the team. There are also four flying boats flying together.

"Obviously, there are yin and yang marks on that flying boat, as well as Zhou Shu's breath, and some people are there. How could it be wrong?"

He looked back at the void storm and observed carefully.

There is no doubt that the power of the law of destruction he has accumulated for a long time has completely destroyed the flying boat. No wreckage is left. There are definitely people who have died in the void storm. There is no sound. Even the soul has been destroyed. The destruction was so fragmented that it was impossible to leave a trace of will.

"It's not Zhou Shu, but who would it be? Who changed the flying boat with him? When did they change? How could it be possible that Jinxian listened to him and was not afraid of death?"

My heart is full of suspicion, but my perception can't go wrong. The active aura definitely shows that Zhou Shu is still in the team and is alive and well.

Settling down, Dahan thought secretly, "He must be killed, he can't go now, let's find another chance."

He led the flying boat back into the team and slowly approached the front.

Zhou Shu in the flying boat in the distance, perceiving the big cold and returning, shook his head unconsciously, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Why are you back again? It's a big cold, as expected."

Of course he will not sit still~www.ltnovel.com~ Regardless of whether he feels the mark, he will change the flying boat and change the position.

As soon as he entered the flying boat, he passed a message to a golden fairy, and then deliberately staggered when entering the flying boat group. The two exchanged positions. Of course, he also left his breath on the golden fairy, a very strong breath. , Enough to conceal the body breath that he has deliberately converged.

However, after Feizhou exploded, his convergent aura, without the concealment of that aura, was difficult to hide, and was noticed by the experienced Dahan.

With the help of the witch, the Jinxian naturally obeyed Zhou Shu's command and became a substitute for the dead.

There were originally five golden immortals, but now there are only four.

"It's a bit of a loss."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly. He didn't expect to escape Dahan's pursuit by a single speculation, but a golden immortal died for him like this, and he had one less bargaining chip. It was unavoidable to regret that these golden immortals lived and died. , May also involve future cause and effect, it is best to live without death.

After looking back, he said thoughtfully, "But if you don't leave now, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

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