Fairy Winner

Chapter 2326: Become a slave


A dull roar, like a thunder in the early spring, blasted on the black sand dock.

What followed was a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun, almost covering the entire Heishawu.

Heishawu, who had fought for several days, gradually recovered his calm under the dark clouds.

"Hei, I was fooled this time, it was my fault."

"Bai, it has nothing to do with you, it's all Zhou Shu's kid! I must kill him...Huh, what's the matter?"

"what happened?"

"What about the imprint, the imprint on his body, why didn't he respond, and disappeared? How did he do it, or is he dead?"

"We all underestimated him. He had done these things, and he must have been prepared for it. Our imprint can't restrain him."

"Damn, I will kill him now! It should be too late!"

"Forget it, Heishawu is still unstable now, there are many things to do, you can't leave anymore."

"Oh, then take Wufang City and kill him again! Bai, why do you look tired? Who hurt you? Is it safe?"

"No, I'm fine, just rest for a while."

"I always feel something is wrong, do you have something on your mind?"

"No, black, don't think too much, call everyone in, everyone is waiting for you."

In the boundless void.

Zhou Shu joined Yang Bai, Yu Yita and others.

Yang Bai showed a lot of enthusiasm and said excitedly, "Brother Zhou, we went around Heishawu before and found that it was very lively there!"

"Yes, there was a rebellion on the island."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "All the Dark Poison Moss have been destroyed, Wufang City has lost its biggest threat, and Heishawu can't find anyone to feed Dark Poison Moss anymore. All this is this one. Senior’s credit..."

He pointed to the Witch of Peace, "Brother Yang, this Saint of Peace, will join Wufang City in the future."

Yang Bai glanced at Ping An, then lowered his head unconsciously, his heart beating, "Late...junior Yang...bai, I've seen seniors."

The witch smiled slightly, "Well, I need you to bother me this way back to Wufang City, thank you."

"This is the honor of the younger generation."

Yang Bai nodded respectfully, and stepped out hurriedly, "Senior, even if they rest, it's fine for juniors to wait outside."

Zhou Shu smiled and followed out, "Brother Yang, your attitude towards seniors is very strange."

Yang Bai shook his head unconsciously, with some flushing on his face, "Brother Zhou, I don't know how you stayed stable, haven't you seen it?"

"what did you see?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and asked knowingly.

Obviously, the witch performed some kind of fascination secret technique on Yang Bai, allowing Yang Bai to see some indescribable pictures, but the true fairy Yang Bai could not resist at all, unconsciously lost in mind, and fortunately was able to maintain his basic concentration. force.

Of course, this was just a joke of the witch, and there was no malice, otherwise Yang Bai would not be able to maintain his sanity, he would not even be able to retreat, and he did not know what embarrassment he would show.

"I didn't see... then forget it."

Yang Bai waved his hand in embarrassment, "Brother Zhou, the cultivation base of this saint, excluding the city lord, I am afraid that he can rank in the top three in Wufang City."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If you know her background, I'm afraid you wouldn't say that."

Excluding the city lord of Wufang City, the witch is clearly the number one without a doubt, not to mention that she can control hundreds of golden immortals. The unfeeling holy flame alone can cause almost most golden immortals to collapse. Elevating the law to another realm, and the power of the law replacing the divine consciousness, it is hard to be her opponent.

Yang Bai stagnated and asked curiously, "What is the origin of senior?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Brother Yang, go and ask her yourself, you will definitely have to get along for a long time in the future, and there will be opportunities."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Yang Bai hurriedly waved his hand, suddenly startled, as if he had understood something, "Brother Zhou, the deputy city lord you said was not for her, right?"

"Isn't she, who else can be, am I?"

Zhou Shu suddenly became serious, "Brother Yang, after arriving in Wufang City, we must arrange for us to meet with the city lord immediately. Some things must be said in person."

Yang Bai immediately replied, "I understand, in fact, the city lord is ready, as long as we go back, we can see him. Brother Zhou and the saint have given such credit to Wufang City, and the city lord will never treat them badly. , It must be responsive."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Then I will go to rest first, and I will trouble Brother Yang all the way."

"Don't worry."

Yang Bai smiled and nodded, leading Feizhou to fly away.

Soon, a group of flying boats gathered around, surrounded Mingsha Flying Shuttle, leading the flying shuttle all the way forward.

Zhou Shu in the flying shuttle didn't even have to spend any effort. Those flying boats seemed to form a strange formation, making the flying shuttle just like in a gang wind belt, going downwind and comfortable.

"That's what you said about Wufangcheng's inspector, it's pretty good."

The witch retracted her gaze and said thoughtfully, "I'm also a true fairy, but I need to use 40% of my strength to make him lose consciousness. There are really many geniuses in Wufang City, much better than Heishawu."

Zhou Shu nodded, "He is one of the best geniuses in Wufang City."

"That's your opponent," she looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, her eyes a little frivolous, "Zhou Shu, do you want me to help you deal with him? For example, be stupid or let him worship under my door and do An obedient slave."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Don't cause trouble, he may be the true immortal most valued by the city lord."

The witch smiled faintly, "I don't care, I don't think you will care, because he has a good relationship with you, right?"

"I used to be a good friend, but now I am not."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly and said slowly, "Senior, don't ask so much. In fact, neither of you nor my goal is in Wufangcheng. Regardless of what they do, you can practice safely and develop your strength. If you have a chance, go to Yinkui. World."

"That's true, but I haven't been in Xiancheng, and I don't know what the situation is."

The witch nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a little smile, "You can't control others casually, right?"

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "Of course not, do you still want to turn Wufang City into that way?"

The witch smiled and said, "Then you can teach me more, or if something happens, I will push it all on you."

Zhou Shu showed a bit of helplessness. He didn't know if she was true or false, but she explained it in a real way. There were no city rules of Fangcheng, etc., in detail, none of them were left. He was really afraid of the witch causing trouble. If such a person causes trouble, it will not end well.

I don't know how long it took before Zhou Shu stopped.

The witch sighed, with a tired face, "It's really long-winded, and it's really troublesome, but forget it, since you promised to help me, I'll just do it reluctantly. By the way, I'll live. Where is it, let’s make it clear first, it can’t be worse than Heishawu.”

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I have already prepared for this."

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