Fairy Winner

Chapter 2339: Sign up to see

Zhou Shu and You Chong went down the mountain, but He Taiping still stayed in the cave to practice.

I haven't gotten down the mountain for many days, and the streets are really full of people. There are people everywhere, of which true immortals account for the vast majority.

"Here, here!"

You Chongzhi pulled Zhou Shu and walked to a tall gray tower, "All participants in the Golden Core Conference must sign up here."

A stone stele stood in front of the huge tower, and several golden immortals with awe-inspiring expressions stood beside the stele.

As soon as they walked to the stone monument, the golden immortals walked up to greet them, and their faces were kind. Obviously they knew You Chongzhi. One of You Chong made a salute, showing a lot of respect, without a trace of dullness.

He pointed to Zhou Shu, "Several seniors, this is Daoist Zhou Shu, planning to participate in the Golden Core Conference."

A golden fairy looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, "It's natural that you can't be wrong when you introduced it. Most of them are on the list. Which project is Zhou Daoyou going to report?"

Zhou Shu saluted, "Junior wants to take a look first."

Jin Xian smiled and shook his head, "Don't look at it, let me introduce it to you, it won't take much time."

Zhou Shu nodded, Jin Xian’s courtesy to the unfamiliar true immortal was of course the reason for You Chongzhi, but he did not feel flattered and accepted it calmly. Although his realm is true immortal, his own strength is already in Jin Xian’s. There is nothing to care about.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Jin Xian was slightly stagnant, and slowly began to speak.

There are Golden Core Conferences in Daxian City, and the competition items are different according to the hobbies of the city owner or the conditions of the city residents.

The martial arts competition is naturally necessary and the most important thing. After all, the strength of the immortal is the first. In addition, New Moon City has also added the Dao of Alchemy, Dao of Talisman, Dao of Soul, Dao of Formation, Dao of Tool, Dao of Sword, Zen Dao, and Wen Dao. Wait for the eight types of competitions for immortals of different cultivation directions to participate.

The search for talents must also be selected in many ways.

It is said that the largest immortal city is called Wanxian City. The Golden Core Conference held in Taikoo City has more than three hundred competitions, and most of the Taoism prevailing in the heavens are among them. However, the golden core there does not mean The Purple House Golden Pill.

In addition, the degree of emphasis is different. The competition is the overall strength, taking the top 50, while other competitions only take the top ten.

After introducing these items, Jin Xianyou said, "This Golden Core Conference is a little different from the previous ones. In addition to these nine types of competitions, the city lord has added two additional special competitions, which is considered to be for all true immortals. Way."

You Chongzhi widened his eyes, "Ah, there are new ones, why didn't I sign up the day before yesterday?"

Jin Xian smiled and said, "It was just added the day before yesterday. If you want to, you can sign up now."

You Chongzhi curiously asked, "What is that?"

Jin Xian nodded, "The first is the way of puppets. I heard that there are not many practitioners in this area in New Moon City. The chance of getting the top ten may be greater. The second is chess. It seems that some people learn this. But few are famous."

You Chongzhi shook his head unconsciously, "Not interested, why did the city lord think of adding these?"

Jin Xian smiled and said, "Who knows, but it's not a bad thing, it can attract more true immortals."

You Chongzhi looked at Zhou Shu, "Brother Dao, decide quickly. It's rare to have time to come out. I'll take you to a place later."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Excuse me, senior, how many kinds of competitions can one person participate in?"

Jin Xian smiled and said, "There is no limit to this. The competition is usually held on the next day. There is no conflict in time. In fact, all participants are fine."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, then I will participate in Fudao, Kendo, Puppet Dao and Chess Dao."

Jin Xian was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Four items, okay, I will record it for you right away, and then give you a jade medal for the competition. Speaking of which, fellow Taoists are really ambitious. Real immortals like you are already very ambitious. not enough."

Zhou Shu smiled calmly, "The juniors just try it out, the most important thing is to participate."

In fact, among the four items, only Puppet Tao and Fu Tao are the ones that he personally wants to participate in. They are interested and don’t spend too much time on them. Kendo is for profit, and chess is just a casual look. He is a little curious and in nowhere. I haven't seen a chess road in the city, and I thought it hadn't been passed on, so I wanted to see it.

"You still refuse to compete."

You Chongzhi was a little disappointed, "If you were there, I would definitely have fewer opponents."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You just want me to participate. By the way, help you solve your opponent, right?"

"Yes," You Chongzhi nodded calmly, staring at Zhou Shu, "but I hope I can really fight with you once, using my full strength with each other, without any reservations or scruples."

Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully and smiled without answering.

It seems that You Chongzhi also understands that Zhou Shu has never used his full strength in the competition and has always retained his strength.

You Chongzhi quickly laughed again, "Forget it, you don't need to participate, but you can always find opportunities, hehe."

Zhou Shu still smiled, noncommittal.

To fully show Zhou Shu's strength, unless you encounter a stronger opponent, but You Chongzhi cannot reach this level, I am afraid it will be difficult to wait until this day.

With words, Jin Xian came over, handed Zhou Shu four jade tiles, and said, "The four cards are here, and the specific information is in the jade tiles. When to participate, where, and what rules are in the competition? Inside, you can see clearly, the jade medal will remind you when the time comes, and then you can go to the competition."

Zhou Shu thanked him, "Thank you, senior."

Sure enough, it was very intelligent, which was consistent with Zhou Shu's impression of Crescent City, a fairy city with very advanced civilization.

"Several seniors, let's go first."

Pulling Zhou Shu, You Chongzhi left the tower and went up the street.

Zhou Shu paused, "Where are you going?"

You Chongzhi smiled, "You'll know when you get there, it's not a bad thing anyway."

Before long, the two stopped in front of a magnificent building.

The building is square, from top to bottom, the white jade gate exuding luster, looking up, the whole building seems to be thousands of feet high, towering straight into the clouds.

There are so many celestial beings, or chanting poems, or dancing, or drinking and singing. At a glance, they seem to be in a fairy palace, but when you look closely, you can find that these are actually illusions, not just fairies. Even the architecture is too realistic, it is difficult to distinguish.

Watching the words on the door, Zhou Shu slowly said, "Bai Yujing?"

"It's here~www.ltnovel.com~ leave."

You Chongzhi nodded and smiled, and walked in first.

Zhou Shu glanced at the opposite side, thought about it, and followed in.

This place is so special, he also has the impression that he stopped by when he came last time, but he didn't know what it was.

"Four Young Masters!"

As soon as he walked in, a few immortals greeted him, and the leader was a golden immortal, all of them bowed their heads and looked respectful.

You Chongzhi said warmly, "Steward Wu, you don't need to salute anymore. Just treat me as a normal guest. Also, is your second brother here?"

"The second young master is on the eleventh floor."

Guan Shi quickly agreed, but he still didn't look up, "The second young master's rules must be followed."

You Chongzhi frowned helplessly and looked at Zhou Shu, "Let's go up."

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