Fairy Winner

Chapter 2389: Feels tricky

Zhou Shu packed up, looked at the other side indifferently, and said in a condensed voice, "Nie Jing, Bu Feng!"

The two hurriedly flew out of the treasure ship and landed in front of Zhou Shu. You Chongzhi followed behind them, with a trace of panic on his face, appearing uneasy.

"I killed the people. It has nothing to do with you. Don't worry."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Prepare to do it, just like before, quickly overwhelm them and kill the Dragon Clan, let us leave it to us."

Nie Jing hesitated, and Bu Feng paused, "Shanzhu, are you really planning to kill the dragon?"

"You are only responsible for driving away the dragon clan, you don't have to worry about other things, but..."

Zhou Shu stared at them for a while, his eyes were extremely sharp and powerful. Even the two people who had been fighting for a long time also trembled. This is not surprising. After all, Zhou Shu possesses the power of many laws, and the power of soul is especially good at influencing. Mind, the Jinxian who can keep calm under Zhou Shu's deterrence, I'm afraid not much, Zhou Shu paused, and said in a deep voice, "Frankly speaking, I have no plans to kill the dragon. The two captains can rest assured now. Did you order it?"


The two nodded together and apologized, "It's about the foundation of this building's life. Please don't take offense to the mountain lord. We will charge immediately."

The two immediately arranged to go. You Chongzhi paused and didn't say anything. He planned to leave with Bu Feng, but was stopped by Zhou Shu, "Chongzhi, don't plan to help?"

You Chongzhi shook his head quickly, "No, no."

"That's good, the three of us cannot do without you."

Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "You don't need to think too much. As a child of the family, it is not normal for the family to worry about it. Get ready to go."


You Chongzhi nodded vigorously, and the restlessness disappeared, his face was a little red because of his excitement.

On the one hand, hope is dead and morale is gone, on the other hand, it is replenishing energy and fighting spirit.

The Linglong treasure ship and a group of golden immortals rushed into the opponent's battlefield like a ruin, separating the many near-dragon tribes. It may be the reason why Zhou Shu was shocked. Nie Jing and the golden immortals of Bufeng belt were both very aggressive After a little bit, many near-dragon tribes died or were seriously injured, and they didn't need Zhou Shu and others to exert force.

Another reason is that Lin Da, the leader of the Jinlong tribe, was immediately stopped by Zhou Shu.

Lin Da glared at Zhou Shu, and the horn on the tip of his forehead suddenly became extremely hot, like burning coals.

The coal suddenly cracked, and the turbulent heat flow, mixed with countless sparks, poured down like a waterfall, covering his whole body in the blink of an eye, and flowing red inflammation all over his body, like a Magma man.


The weird dragon language roared out with a cursed voice, as if the world was breaking.

Awe-inspiring but not absolutely pure dragon power, like a tide, rushing to Zhou Shu in a flash.

Zhou Shu stood still and shot out smoothly with his fist.

The punch is only half out, and a two-color shield has been formed.

Bipolar shield.

With the Linglong bracelet, the power of the law in the body can operate more freely. The bipolar shield is a combination of the power of the two laws. The power of the outer five elements resists and offsets the dragon's power, and the power of the inner swallow tries to absorb and merge.

Of course, Shu Zhili is everywhere for guidance.

On the combination of spirit and consciousness, Shu Zhili is still doing a better job, always sensing the strength of the opponent's strength, analyzing it, and then directing other forces to react with appropriate strength and accuracy.

Before long, the two sides collided fiercely, and the impact of full strength and strength was no trick.

Except for those who are known for their wisdom and lack of power, most of the dragons are very similar to the dragons in battle. They use little or no tactics, but in fact they don’t need them. The dragon’s almost perfect body and soul, plus the ability to compete with higher laws The power of the dragon is the best choice. If you are overwhelmed, you will lose. If you overwhelm your opponent, you will win.

It is worth mentioning that the fire of the dragon family is not the fire of the five elements, it is the dragon flame, and it is also a manifestation of the power of the dragon.

Even if Zhou Shu understands the Five Elements Principle, he cannot ignore it, and of course he cannot transform it.

Soon, Zhou Shu still had a relaxed face, but Lin Da gritted his teeth, his face twisted.


The single horn on the forehead completely exploded.

Lin Da's figure trembled slightly, and the flames all over his body became hot again, and the stream of fire solidified and accumulated, turning into pieces of dark flames, like wearing several layers of thick scale armor.

Ran away.

As Lin's power increased, the polar shield showed signs of shrinking.

Zhou Shu was not in a hurry, a small spear suddenly appeared in front of him, a sharp tooth spear.

This second-rank immortal implement infused with the Five Elements Principle grew up in an instant, passed through the shield silently, pierced through the heavy scale armor, and rushed directly to Lin Da's forehead.

It is the location of the unicorn.

The Dragon Clan is not a dragon, and the flesh is by no means invulnerable. Generally, there are weaknesses. Through careful and rapid observation, various perceptions of the power of the dragon, and repeated deductions in the sea of ​​knowledge, Zhou Shu knows where Lin Da’s weakness is. .

In an instant, Lin Da's eyes widened, but he couldn't stop it. He watched the sharp tooth gun pierce the forehead.

"You have Yucheng's blood, right?"

"It has nothing to do with you, get out!"

"Yucheng is still in the Supreme Valley?"

"I don't know, get out!"

"If I let you go, can you help me deal with Yucheng? I can do a lot for you..."


Zhou Shu gave up, shook his head, and the sharp tooth gun passed straight through. The countless five elements exploded inside Lin Da, destroying everywhere.

Zhou Shu retreated, and at the same time pushed Lin Da far away.

Sure enough, Lin Da exploded just as he moved away.

After a weird dragon word, the power of the dragon condensed in the body was suddenly completely vented. The wind and clouds were everywhere, and the sky became dark. A huge void storm gradually took shape, and the nearby dragons who could not escape were involved. Among them, became part of the storm.

Zhou Shu looked around, a little disappointed.

There is no trace of Lin Da’s soul, whether it is a remnant soul or a wandering soul. Obviously, even the soul of the soul exploded when the power of the dragon exploded~www.ltnovel.com~ Maybe the soul of the dragon family and the power of the dragon were Bound together.

"Are the gods and souls of the Dragon Clan so stubborn?"

Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, and he sighed, "Dragons are even more difficult to deal with, Yucheng..."

The sharp tooth gun has not only the power of the five elements, but also the power of the soul.

The power of the soul directly tortured Lin Da’s mind and wanted more information, but it didn’t get much effect, because Lin Da’s soul was as tough as steel... Just like the Qingque’s memory, the dragon’s soul was indeed strong and solid. , Unless the realm can be suppressed a lot, most of the ten thousand soul patriarchal tactics have no effect on the dragon clan, let alone other soul-dao tactics.

But I didn't expect that even the Dragon Clan is like this, maybe it is the reason why his blood is still pure.

I have to say that compared to other races, the Dragon Race is indeed a perfect race.

For Zhou Shu, this is a tricky thing, his soul law has not yet reached the level of being able to deal with dragons.

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