Fairy Winner

Chapter 2402: Chance

When he walked to the furnace, Zhou Shu stopped slightly.

There is a raging fire around, but there is no sense of heat, as if the flames are all imaginary.

Zhou Shu's heart moved slightly, trying to dig out a trace of divine consciousness to the furnace. Just as divine consciousness emerged, it was immediately burned by the sudden flames. It was obvious that all around him was the power of hot fire, and the strength was strong. , Even if the law of fire is already clear, it is difficult to resist.

And if he left it alone, it would not affect him at all, or even perceive it.

Zhou Shu arched his hands, quite calmly, "The younger generation can only admire the seniors' ability to control fire."

He only got the flames in the Tianshui realm, and the law of fire has improved, but compared with the swordsmith who has been immersed for tens of thousands of years, he is still a lot worse.

Ou Ting didn't answer, but stretched out his hand, "Bring it."

Zhou Shu paused, "What?"

Ou Ting stared, "Sword, what sword did your sword spirit come from?" Seeing Zhou Shu a little puzzled, he hated iron and steel, and said, "The sword spirit’s first sword was right when he was born. The sword spirit is the most important thing. It is like the mother of the sword spirit. It nurtures her growth. If the sword spirit is to achieve its full potential, the sword must follow the first one. It is best not to change the sword and then continue to recast it. ."

Zhou Shu paused, he was indeed a master, "Ashamed, the juniors don't understand this, but the first sword is gone."

"Broken, or ruined?"

Ou Ting frowned, "Don't worry if it is broken. I will bring it to the old man to fix it for you. If it is ruined, just a little bit of residue will do. The old man will find a way to recover."

"Senior is superb, but junior has nothing."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly and explained Caiying's origins in detail.

Ou Ting was stunned, and couldn't help holding his beard, "The new born sword spirit crossed the catastrophe, and then failed, causing the monk, and the monk's spirit merged with the sword spirit, and then fell asleep in your golden core...What are these?"

Zhou Shu was rather helpless, "It's weird to say, but that's the truth."

Ou Ting thought for a while, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, "The non-extreme flying sword gives birth to a sword spirit, it is strange, and a sword spirit is even more bizarre when she is born into a catastrophe. However, she failed to cross the catastrophe and has not yet died. This is simply an odd number. An odd number, boy, you sword spirit is definitely not easy!"

"The juniors think so too."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly. Ou Ting now wakes up with a single word. He feels that Caiying is indeed extraordinary. There are three situations where it is almost impossible to survive. Anyone will die, but she has passed through safely...but Even without these, Zhou Shu still feels that picking is not easy, and he is one of his most reliable partners.

"From this point of view, the old man should also cast a sword for her."

Ou Ting looked at Zhou Shu with a lot of expression on his old face, "Xuanhuang Realm is indeed a magical place."

Zhou Shu nodded, "But the first sword is gone, what should I do?"

"No, it's still there."

Ou Ting shook his head and met Zhou Shu's surprised gaze, "If you say, her real first sword is not that Luqi, but you."

Zhou Shu was even more surprised, "Me? Seniors are not kidding me?"

Ou Ting nodded seriously, "The old man is not joking. Her birth is an anomaly. The old man can conclude that Lu Qi can't give birth to a sword spirit. Even if she is immediately promoted to the top grade, it is impossible to have a sword spirit immediately. Her life comes from the source of sword intent and the monk, and her real growth process is in your golden core. Therefore, your golden core is her first sword, and that Luqi is not."

Zhou Shu froze.

Although it's unbelievable, it makes perfect thinking about it.

No one knows whether Luqi is the best, everything is unpredictable, but in terms of personality, Caiying is indeed very similar to the original Lan Caiying, and even her sword intent is Liuxia sword.

He thought for a while, "Even so, but the golden core is gone."

Ou Ting nodded and laughed, "Even if there is, it can't be used to practice swords, hahahaha," he laughed for a while and waved his hand, "Since she is not a pure sword spirit, the first sword is also It’s not that important anymore. She has her own spiritual consciousness very early, so she will rely on her to grow up in the future. It has nothing to do with the first sword. You don’t need to care about this, it will not affect her. ."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Au Ting stretched out his hand and said, "What sword she used before, show me the old man."


Zhou Shu took out Zihen and handed it over, a little nervous, "This is what she is used to, what do seniors think?"

Ou Ting stared at the purple mark, motionless for a while, and suddenly waved his hand, the solid water drop suddenly unfolded, the dazzling purple light burst into the sky, and in an instant, most of the time after crossing the boundary, he was enveloped by purple clouds.

Zhou Shu stared at the purple light and sighed, "The younger generation has seen the purple trace sword intent many times, and it has never been as spectacular as it is today."

"The old man doesn't understand kendo at all."

Ou Ting stroked the hilt of the sword lightly, and said calmly, "What the old man can do is to stimulate the vitality of the sword itself."

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, and slowly said, "The vitality of the sword comes from the sword intent, which can stimulate the vitality in the sword. The burning sword intent is naturally powerful and incomparable. Although the predecessors do not know the sword, they do not know any sword art, but only With this hand, Senior can easily defeat 90% of the sword repairs in the world."

"Hehe, that's because there are too many sword repairs and I don't know how to use swords at all."

Ou Ting smiled slightly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and the purple clouds all over the sky disappeared suddenly, returning to Zihen.

A crystal clear purple drop lying on the palm of the hand, gently rolling, as if there is life.

He stared at Zhou Shu, "Boy, your sword is good, it is not of high grade, but its vitality is tenacious. If the old man guessed right, it should be the handwriting of the swordsmith of the Xuanhuang World, a bit like the Mo family, but The old man is old, and he can't see clearly."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something and slowly said, "The younger generation is not sure, but this is because Zihen and Caiying are naturally compatible, perhaps because the two are homologous."

Ou Ting looked at Zihen and couldn't help but smile, "Then her chances are really not small."

"It's a great opportunity for her to meet seniors."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, and suddenly he got up and paid three salutes, very solemnly, "The seniors know more about swords than anyone the kid has ever seen, and the juniors admire them very much~www.ltnovel.com~ This ceremony is for the juniors to act on her behalf. Yes, when she wakes up, the younger generation will bring her to personally thank you again."

"Come again, are you worried that the old man will go back?"

Ou Ting frowned and did not evade, "Finally, after receiving your gift, the old man will naturally do his best."

Zhou Shu quickly said, "Senior is sincere."

"Who cares if you are sincere."

Ou Ting was quite disdainful, raised his hand and threw the purple mark into the furnace.

"This is the beginning?"

Watching Zihen rolling back and forth on the anvil, as if it would melt at any time, Zhou Shu was surprised.

Ou Ting stood up and said solemnly, "When are you going to wait? It's just a recast."

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelid with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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