Fairy Winner

Chapter 2407: Seriousness

(The title is wrong, I can’t change it, sorry.)

After thinking about it, You Chongzhi blinked, "Second brother, I don't understand."

You Pizhi frowned and said, "I just praised you, and it changed back to the original."

You Chongzhi smiled and whispered, "Second brother, you know the most about this. Just point me. I understand the locust tide and have some ideas, but I just don't know how to proceed. It's a bit messy."

"You can't help it."

You Pizhi waved his hand seemingly helplessly, and suddenly many pieces of jade slips fell from his sleeves, like snowflakes, "Fourth brother, take a closer look, here is the experience of New Moon City resisting the locust tide over the years, of course, the focus is on the Acropolis. Although this locust tide is different, there are many lessons to learn from. If you understand, the hope of defending the city this time is also great."

"Thank you brother!"

One of You Chong grabbed it, his eyes flashed, "Second brother, are you ready for me early?"

You Pizhi turned his head and said coldly, "Wrong, I am prepared to deal with your golden immortal and formation."

You Chongzhi's heart was shocked, and he said guiltily, "Second brother, I said the wrong thing, sorry."

You Pizhi waved his hand and turned around. There was a lot of petting in his eyes, "Forget it, there are actually formations and golden immortals, but you can stick to your heart, which is also very comforting. There are other things I need to remind you. Now, fourth brother."

"Second brother, you say."

You Chongzhi raised his head, his eyes flickered, he knew that these things the second brother said must be very important.

"Although the Houyue boundary is small, its geographical location is very unique. It is just in front of the three vertical realms, the Linstar realm, and the Huoyu realm. If the Houyue boundary can be defended, the three following realms will not be in danger because they are backed. Along the Crescent Ring Road, there are heavy soldiers in Crescent City over there, it must be fine, so..."

You Pizhi stopped suddenly and looked at You Chongzhi with a smile.

You Chongzhi understood, and said slowly, "If the three realms are not willing to completely abandon their realms and retreat to the ring road, then I can draw people from their realms to guard and cross the boundary together?"


You Pizhi smiled and nodded, "No one wants to give up the Acropolis that he has run for many years to the locust tide, but it is not easy to persuade them to help and cross the boundary. It depends on you. If you can do it, your task will be again. It will be a lot easier, but... it's almost a dead end."

You Chongzhi's expression was condensed, and he was a little confused, "Second brother, is there no hope for the manpower of the four realms?"

"You are wrong."

You Pizhi said indifferently, "First of all, there are only the Three Realms. After that, no one can use them. Secondly, there are not many people who can use them in the Three Realms. Because the locust tide comes, the city lord will summon an order. Forty-seven guards of New Moon City Almost all the golden immortals in the city will be transferred away by the city lord and obey the city lord’s assignment to guard the Crescent Moon Ring. In other words, you can use only true immortals, and there are very few golden immortals."

You Chongzhi stagnated, and he felt like he had fallen into the cliff, "It turns out to be like this...Is there no golden fairy available?"

You Pizhi's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he slowly said, "Are you disappointed?"


You Chongzhi settled down and said decisively, "I will do my best, even if I am alone."

"It's pretty much the same. If you admit defeat now, it's really a dead end," You Pizhi said calmly. "Fourth brother, as long as you use it well, the real immortal is a powerful force. Look at the ninth and eleventh. Zhang and the fifteenth jade slips, they are all examples of using real immortals to guard the city. The floating beasts in the locust tide are not powerful alone, and the true immortals are more than enough to cope with them. They are truly terrifying and endless. Quantity."

You Chongzhi quickly turned over it, seeming thoughtful, "Those true immortals seem to be very powerful. They often win more with less, and the casualties are small. I will learn, but there are too many floating beasts. Finally, The true fairies still have to retreat."

"That's because they don't have enough supplies, and the quantity is not enough."

You Pizhi said indifferently, "I can be sure that the situation you face will be even more difficult than they are, much more difficult, but in the same way, your supply must be much more for them. I can guarantee that, no matter what you recruit How many real immortals, I promise."

You Chong was excited and almost shouted, "Second Brother!"

In this kind of defense battle, supply can be said to be a lifeline. If the supply is guaranteed, there will be a lot of confidence in winning immediately.

You Pizhi smiled slightly, "Bai Yujing must obey the city lord's dispatch and cannot help out, but it's okay to get out the immortal stone."

"The big problem is solved."

You Chongzhi lowered his head and murmured, "Try to unite with other acropolises, try to gather true immortals as much as possible, the more the better, to practice battle formations... Then you can also use formations, talismans, magic weapons, etc., yes, brother , Can puppets also be used?"

You Pizhi was slightly startled, "The puppet's words may be useful in dealing with floating beasts, after all, they are not afraid of death."

He paused, "There are not many people who practice Puppet Taoism in the city. They are basically true immortals. I will give you a list. You can try to summon them. They are not taken seriously by New Moon City. If you can give They have enough use, maybe they can really achieve unexpected results, well thought of, fourth brother."

He nodded to You Chongzhi, approvingly.

You Chongzhi's complexion turned red. "Second brother, actually, Brother Zhou Dao said that the puppet road is actually very strong. You can attack the enemy when you enter, and you can protect yourself when you retreat. If you use the puppet well, one person can stand up Many people, I believe him."

You Pizhi seemed to think, "Zhou Shu, his puppet way is indeed very strong. The King Kong puppet refined at the Golden Core Conference is not an opponent at all. However, New Moon City does not emphasize puppets, nor does Ten Thousand Souls. Like it, he was finally disqualified."

"That fairy!"

You Chongzhi was very angry, "That female fairy just hates Brother Zhou, huh, I really don't know Big Brother..." Halfway through, he paused, and said in a deep voice, "Second brother, I think about it, I plan to Just get ready."

You Pizhi exhorted, "Do it when you're ready, there is no room for error in this matter."

"Second brother, rest assured, I am definitely not going to die."

You Chong looked solemnly ~www.ltnovel.com~ and saluted You Pizhi, "Thank you, brother."

You Pizhi smiled faintly, "If the family says anything kind, just do it, and come to me whenever you think of it."

You Chongzhi hurried away, his eyes flashing with confidence.

Standing in place, You Pizhi stared out the window.

"Fourth brother, I knew your choice a long time ago. It's not surprising, but isn't Zhou Shu worth it?"

"If you can successfully rescue and cross the boundary this time, we, Bai Yujing, should be able to crush Linglong Pavilion, and You Jia can go a step further and achieve the goal of our ancestors, but the only regret is that this time came too early. If it can be three hundred years later..."

"Now it is a blessing or a curse, and I can't predict it."

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for the autism with eyelids, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~) Xianjie winner

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