Fairy Winner

Chapter 2423: Get in the way

"Brother Dao, is the sword you use made by Master Outing?"


"That's still a success! How is it, what is the grade? I don't understand swords well and can't see it."

"Very well, the master himself is a bit regretful."

"Master will definitely never be satisfied, anyway, this time guarding finally makes sense, Brother Dao!"

"Yes, thank you very much, rush it."

"Thank you? Hee hee, I'm still worried about having a busy schedule, don't you say it earlier!"

"I never thought of hiding it from you, but don't make too much publicity."

"I know, don't worry, kill, kill!"

Two days later, without knowing how many floating beasts were killed, the two finally reached the edge of New Moon City.

Not far away, many Jinxians were fighting with the floating beasts. Someone noticed the two and flew over.

"Zhou Shanzhu! You Si Shao!"

Bu Feng rushed forward, with a trademark smile, "Landlord Jade has been looking for the mountain lord. I didn't expect to meet here. It's great that you have no facts!"

Zhou Shu arched his hands, "I have a captain, thank you Yu Louzhu for me, I will come to thank you when I have time."

Bu Feng just nodded, "Okay, behind it is the gang wind belt back to New Moon City. It is specially set by the city lord. There will be no interference from floating beasts. You can safely return to the city. Please come with me. Please also invite the Fourth Young Master."

The two entered the Gang Wind Belt.

Turning around and looking at Bu Feng, You Chongzhi's eyes were quite disdainful, "I don't feel ashamed of it! I didn't send anyone out for what I said to find you. There is also Master Ou Ting over there. I don't care if I know that there is a reverse roll. Brother Dao, Linglong Pavilion is too much this time."

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I will remember Bai Yujing's love."

You Chongzhi couldn't help waving his hand, "Huh? I didn't want you to remember this, brother Dao, I was just a little angry."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Don't think too much, I can tell."

Bai Yujing's move this time can be regarded as a charcoal in the snow, and Zhou Shu will remember it.

The problem is not Bai Yujing and Linglong Pavilion, but the City Lord of New Moon City. Linglong Pavilion refuses to take action because of his scruples about the City Lord. Bai Yujing’s curve saves others and lets You Chongzhi bear the consequences alone. Now Zhou Shu is back safely, but he doesn’t know. What is the attitude of the city lord.

During the meditation, his body shook and froze.

The gang wind belt is still flowing, but the body seems to be frozen and not moving.

"Brother Dao, what are you doing?"

You Chongzhi turned his head and looked surprised, but saw a phantom between the two of them. He stagnated, followed the wave, and stopped talking.

Because he knew the phantom, resistance was useless.

Zhou Shu kept calm and saluted, "Senior City Lord?"

Xu Ying is an old man with an ordinary face, standing there motionless, and said blankly, "Zhou Shu, your sword, show me your sword."

Zhou Shu looked calm, holding the evil spirits in his hands, "Senior can watch, but can't take it away."


A faint smile appeared on the city lord's face, and he glanced at the sword. The smile froze immediately, and he paused for several breaths, "What a good Outing, really a good sword, a good sword."

Zhou Shu moved his heart and quickly took the sword back.

The city lord frowned, "I buy your sword, you can make a price at will."

Zhou Shu shook his head simply, "Not for sale."

The city lord said slowly, "Don't you understand what I mean."

Zhou Shu looked serious, "The younger generation understands. The arbitrary price that the senior said is definitely irresistible. Of course, the younger generation can't resist even promotion to Da Luo. It is better not to listen. This sword is related to an important commitment to the master. Before it is finished, please don’t come to seduce juniors."

The city lord said slowly, "What name did Outing give Jian?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Suppress evil."


A flash of light flashed in the city lord's eyes, "It's this kind of thing again. After so many years, the Ou family has always learned to live in peace. It is a promise, then forget it."

Zhou Shu saluted, "Thank you for your understanding, if there is nothing wrong, the junior wants to return to the city first."

The city lord stood in front, motionless, "Zhou Shu, you want to return to Crescent City, I welcome it, but you need to do one thing."

Zhou Shu smiled, "If you can't do it, can you not go back? The juniors have to go."

The city lord's expression was slightly condensed, "If you didn't ask, you knew you couldn't do it?"

"Don't join Bai Yujing, right?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "The seniors are too high to look at the juniors. Bai Yujing and Linglong Pavilion have thousands of gold immortals. There are many strong people. Even if the juniors join Bai Yujing, they can't change the situation. IMHO, it's impossible without the juniors. There is nothing wrong with each other. Sooner or later, the two of them will clashed in New Moon City, but sooner or later, why should the senior be stuck with the younger generation alone."

"You go back."

The city lord glanced at him, and the phantom soon disappeared.

Dome top tower.

The old man looked out the window and muttered to himself, "Bai Yujing and Linglong Pavilion will conflict sooner or later, don't the old man know? Zhou Shu, you don't understand anything."

"You have just completed the old man's test, received Outing's favor, and won the evil. Can the old man ignore you in the future? You don't care about this yourself, but how can Bai Yujing and Linglong Pavilion let go of this opportunity? You are the person that the old man fancy, but it is also their bargaining chip. If you do not directly express your attitude, you are destined to be caught in the conflict between the two families and become the center of the vortex. It is not the old man who looks at you, but you too underestimate yourself. By myself."

"Well, you chose it yourself, let it be."

"That realm is all troublesome people."


A voice came from below.

The old man sat down and beckoned, a phantom appeared in front of him, bowed his head and said, "City Lord."

The old man said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Xu Ying whispered, "Linglong Pavilion has started to move."

The old man waved his hand, "Continue to observe, don't worry about the others."

Gang wind belt.

You Chongzhi cautiously leaned over, "Brother Dao, the city lord just called for you, is it okay?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "He told me not to join Bai Yujing~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn't agree, because I didn't plan to join Bai Yujing."

You Chongzhi thought for a while and said, "The city lord always likes to control these. Brother Dao doesn't care about him. He can't control what you want. Don't worry too much. You have the identity of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. What about you, there is also Bai Yujing's side, the second brother will definitely understand, I don't think he has this plan at first."

"It's so thoughtful, rush it."

Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "Go back and tell him that he can do something without joining."

He had no plans to join, but he would clearly state his attitude, and he would definitely have a connection with Bai Yujing in the future. It would be better to say it in advance.

You Chongzhi was stunned and nodded, "Oh, then I will go back and tell the second brother."

"Let's go, after playing for so long, go back and have a good rest."

Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder, smiled and quickened his pace, You Chongzhi followed closely, and laughed, although he didn't know why. Fairy winner

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