Fairy Winner

Chapter 2480: complete


The island is in a mess, and there are almost no complete buildings in sight. There are big holes several miles deep everywhere. Some golden immortals are still pursuing the remaining enemies, while Yang Bai directs other golden immortals to explore everywhere, seemingly looking for them. what.

"You are back."

Seeing Zhou Shu and the witch, Yang Bai flew over, his expression calm, but a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Brother Yang, the big island owner and the four island owners have escaped, but you can rest assured that they are all seriously injured. Even if they can recover, their realm will probably fall. Wufang City should not be threatened again."

Yang Bai's mood finally showed, and he said with joy, "That would be great, thank you brother Zhou, and seniors."

He also did not expect Zhou Shu and the witch to kill the owner of the big island. For Jin Xian, it was an impossible task. Even if the golden fairy of this ship killed the same in the past, he could make the owner of the big island fall. , It is already a perfect ending.

Of course, if he knew that Zhou Shu had the evil, he might change his mind.

Zhou Shu nodded, and the witch ignored him, just watching Zhou Shu not speaking, still thinking about something.

Yang Bai pointed to the distance, "I'm looking for something for you, but I haven't found it yet, Zhou Shu, what are the characteristics of that thing?"

"No, I got it from the owner of the four islands."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "If nothing else, we can almost go back home."

Yang Bai smiled, "I'm worried that I can't find it before I say it earlier."

Not long after, the flying dragon ship slowly flew up, and the Heishawu was in ruins and there was nothing left. It would drift slowly in the void until it encountered a storm or meteor shower, and then turned into dust.

The trouble that has been plagued for many years is finally gone, and the boat is a joy.

Zhou Shu didn't join in, searched for a quiet room alone, and escaped into the world of refining demon.

Hu Lao Duan sat in front of the hexagonal crystal with a solemn expression.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "How?"

Old Hu got up and saluted, and said respectfully, "It must be useful. I'm waiting for the master's instructions. As long as the master is sure, we can start.

Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, "Go and absorb it."

Old Hu nodded, sat down silently, stared at the hexagonal crystal, and slowly sent it into his mouth.

There was a flash of black light on the body, and the whole face turned into the color of the pot. After a while, the whole body was dark, but the black light was still spreading, spreading from under the feet, and all the surroundings changed color for a few miles until deep underground. .

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled as if it had been poisoned.

After ten hours, when Zhou Shu became more and more suspicious, the black was gradually replaced by the white mist, and Hu Lao gradually returned to normal.

When he opened his eyes, his face was full of gloss, and his eyes were even more exquisite, as if his cultivation base had improved a lot.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I have improved so much before absorbing the Poison Moss?"

Old Hu nodded, "The master doesn't know that the hexagonal crystal is actually the origin of an entire world, and I can only sense it after absorbing it. There is a complete energy circulation system inside."

Zhou Shu looked stagnant, "It's real or fake."

It can’t be said to be good or bad, but it’s definitely a big accident. I only thought it was part of the source, such as the core of the artifact, which could be absorbed by the old pot, so as to absorb the power in the poisonous moss. The focus is the poisonous moss. A whole source, then its value is much greater than those of Poisonous Moss.

How did the big island owner get it?

Old Hu said seriously, "Really, Master, there is a lot of vitality and a strong sense of self in it. It should be the origin of a realm. If it is cultivated on this basis, a new realm may be formed. Of course It will take a long time."

Zhou Shu was even more surprised, "Then you ate it?"

Refining a complete source is not comparable to devouring a world, but it is not much worse in nature. Although Zhou Shu knows that the law of energy is the basic law that constitutes the heavens and is also one of the highest laws, refining a world is not a problem, but refining a demon The pot can do this kind of thing now, it's too incredible.

Has the old man already mastered the law of energy?

"Just swallow the dates."

Old Hu shook his head, "Master, it is still in the Demon Refining Kettle. I am far from having the ability to swallow it. I can only refine it slowly and absorb its power a little bit, but it is difficult to say whether it can be done. Maybe it will never be possible. I really don't understand the core of the source, let alone refine it."

Zhou Shu said unconsciously, "Old Hu, you scared me."

"It's because I didn't make it clear, Master," Hu Lao apologized quickly and paused. "In fact, the master doesn't need to worry at all. Even if I can refine the origin of the world, I will definitely stay with the master. I am willing to The master dedicate everything."

"I know."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, saying yes, but it is not a question of being willing or unwilling. Even if the demon pot is willing, Zhou Shu can no longer bring it with him. You will pinch you to death at any time. Is there to be around? Not to mention assigning it to do things, which is unreasonable.

He said slowly, "Old Hu, it's okay to refine the Poisonous Moss now, right?"

Old Hu nodded affirmatively, "No problem."

"Then let's go."

After a while, the two came to the Great Poison Moss Mountain.

Perceiving Zhou Shu's breath, Ming Poison Moss moved together and stretched its tentacles towards Zhou Shu, trying to get something.

This group of gluttonous monsters.

Zhou Shu casually grabbed it, and all the poisonous moss within a radius of it was caught~www.ltnovel.com~ The dancing tentacles were still stained with blood stains, and the stench was unpleasant. I don’t know how many fairy flesh they swallowed, but now , Will become Zhou Shu and Hu Lao's help.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Absorb them all and give them all to me."

"Yes Master."

Hu Lao nodded without hesitation, and leaned out the white smoke to wrap the dark poisonous moss, but after ten breaths, the white smoke penetrated into Zhou Shu's body and disappeared.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and he experienced it carefully. The Poisonous Moss in that li had really improved his cultivation level, and various powers had been enhanced. If all the Poisonous Moss of tens of thousands of miles were transformed, he The power of will increase a lot, and there is no doubt that it is basically a rare opponent in Jinxian.

But what's the use?

As I said before, Zhou Shu’s problem is not strength or cultivation, but Tao.

The current power has surpassed the Tao and the law. Zhou Shu cannot display the power that he actually possesses. Even if the power is several times stronger, the effect will not be much better. If the Tao and the law are rivers and the power is water, then the current rushing The river was full of water a long time ago, and no matter how much water there is, it will overflow the river, or even flood, causing damage to Zhou Shu. Only by expanding the river can the water continue to accumulate and continue to rush.

It doesn't matter how strong one's power becomes, it's important to let Tao and law develop quickly.

Practicing the Way of Patching Heaven is one way. If the Way of Patching Heaven is cultivated well, it will be a very wide river, and more importantly, Shuzhidao. If Shuzhidao can be cultivated well, it may be a big river, or it may be boundless. The ocean can accommodate how much power.

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